Module datafusion::optimizer::utils[][src]

Collection of utility functions that are leveraged by the query optimizer rules



Returns all direct children Expressions of expr. E.g. if the expression is “(a + 1) + 1”, it returns [“a + 1”, “1”] (as Expr objects)


Recursively walk an expression tree, collecting the unique set of column names referenced in the expression


Recursively walk a list of expression trees, collecting the unique set of column names referenced in the expression


Returns a new logical plan based on the original one with inputs and expressions replaced


Convenience rule for writing optimizers: recursively invoke optimize on plan’s children and then return a node of the same type. Useful for optimizer rules which want to leave the type of plan unchanged but still apply to the children. This also handles the case when the plan is a LogicalPlan::Explain.


Create a LogicalPlan::Explain node by running optimizer on the input plan and capturing the resulting plan string


returns a new expression where the expressions in expr are replaced by the ones in expressions. This is used in conjunction with expr_expressions to re-write expressions.