datafusion 0.6.0

DataFusion is a modern distributed compute platform that uses Apache Arrow as the memory model
name = "datafusion"
description = "DataFusion is a modern distributed compute platform that uses Apache Arrow as the memory model"
version = "0.6.0"
authors = ["Andy Grove <>"]
homepage = ""
documentation = ""
keywords = [ "distributed", "query", "data", "processing", "sql" ]
repository = ""
license = "Apache-2.0"
include = [
edition = "2018"

name = "datafusion"
path = "src/"

name = "console"
path = "src/bin/console/"

clap = "2.31.2"
fnv = "1.0.3"
arrow = "0.12.0"
parquet = "0.12.0"
datafusion-rustyline = "2.0.0-alpha-20180628"
serde = { version = "1.0.80", features = ["alloc", "rc"] }
serde_derive = "1.0.80"
serde_json = "1.0.33"
sqlparser = "0.2.1"

criterion = "0.2.0"