datadog-statsd 0.1.1

A dogstatsd client for rust.
use std::collections::VecDeque;
use std::error;
use std::fmt;
use std::io::Error;
use std::net::AddrParseError;
use std::net::{SocketAddr, ToSocketAddrs, UdpSocket};
use std::time;

extern crate rand;

pub enum StatsdError {

impl From<AddrParseError> for StatsdError {
    fn from(_: AddrParseError) -> StatsdError {
        StatsdError::AddrParseError("Address parsing error".to_string())

impl From<Error> for StatsdError {
    fn from(err: Error) -> StatsdError {

impl fmt::Display for StatsdError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        match *self {
            StatsdError::IoError(ref e) => write!(f, "{}", e),
            StatsdError::AddrParseError(ref e) => write!(f, "{}", e),

impl error::Error for StatsdError {}

/// Client socket for statsd servers.
/// After creating a metric you can use `Client`
/// to send metrics to the configured statsd server
/// # Example
/// Creating a client and sending metrics is easy.
/// ```ignore
/// use datadog_statsd::client::Client;
/// let client = Client::new("", "myapp", tags);
/// client.incr("some.metric.completed");
/// ```
pub struct Client {
    socket: UdpSocket,
    server_address: SocketAddr,
    prefix: String,
    constant_tags: Vec<String>,

impl Client {
    /// Construct a new statsd client given an host/port & prefix
    pub fn new<T: ToSocketAddrs>(
        host: T,
        prefix: &str,
        constant_tags: Option<Vec<&str>>,
    ) -> Result<Client, StatsdError> {
        let server_address = host
            .ok_or_else(|| StatsdError::AddrParseError("Address parsing error".to_string()))?;

        // Bind to a generic port as we'll only be writing on this
        // socket.
        let socket = if server_address.is_ipv4() {
        } else {
        Ok(Client {
            prefix: prefix.to_string(),
            constant_tags: match constant_tags {
                Some(tags) => tags.iter().map(|x| x.to_string()).collect(),
                None => vec![],

    /// Increment a metric by 1
    /// ```ignore
    /// # Increment a given metric by 1.
    /// client.incr("metric.completed", tags);
    /// ```
    /// This modifies a counter with an effective sampling
    /// rate of 1.0.
    pub fn incr(&self, metric: &str, tags: &Option<Vec<&str>>) {
        self.count(metric, 1.0, tags);

    /// Decrement a metric by -1
    /// ```ignore
    /// # Decrement a given metric by 1
    /// client.decr("metric.completed", tags);
    /// ```
    /// This modifies a counter with an effective sampling
    /// rate of 1.0.
    pub fn decr(&self, metric: &str, tags: &Option<Vec<&str>>) {
        self.count(metric, -1.0, tags);

    /// Modify a counter by `value`.
    /// Will increment or decrement a counter by `value` with
    /// a sampling rate of 1.0.
    /// ```ignore
    /// // Increment by 12
    /// client.count("metric.completed", 12.0, tags);
    /// ```
    pub fn count(&self, metric: &str, value: f64, tags: &Option<Vec<&str>>) {
        let data = self.prepare_with_tags(format!("{}:{}|c", metric, value), tags);

    /// Modify a counter by `value` only x% of the time.
    /// Will increment or decrement a counter by `value` with
    /// a custom sampling rate.
    /// ```ignore
    /// // Increment by 4 50% of the time.
    /// client.sampled_count("metric.completed", 4, 0.5, tags);
    /// ```
    pub fn sampled_count(&self, metric: &str, value: f64, rate: f64, tags: &Option<Vec<&str>>) {
        if rand::random::<f64>() >= rate {
        let data = self.prepare_with_tags(format!("{}:{}|c|@{}", metric, value, rate), tags);

    /// Set a gauge value.
    /// ```ignore
    /// // set a gauge to 9001
    /// client.gauge("power_level.observed", 9001.0, tags);
    /// ```
    pub fn gauge(&self, metric: &str, value: f64, tags: &Option<Vec<&str>>) {
        let data = self.prepare_with_tags(format!("{}:{}|g", metric, value), tags);

    /// Send a timer value.
    /// The value is expected to be in ms.
    /// ```ignore
    /// // pass a duration value
    /// client.timer("response.duration", 10.123, tags);
    /// ```
    pub fn timer(&self, metric: &str, value: f64, tags: &Option<Vec<&str>>) {
        let data = self.prepare_with_tags(format!("{}:{}|ms", metric, value), tags);

    /// Time a block of code.
    /// The passed closure will be timed and executed. The block's
    /// duration will be sent as a metric.
    /// ```ignore
    /// // pass a duration value
    /// client.time("response.duration", tags, || {
    ///   // Your code here.
    /// });
    /// ```
    pub fn time<F, R>(&self, metric: &str, tags: &Option<Vec<&str>>, callable: F) -> R
        F: FnOnce() -> R,
        let start = time::Instant::now();
        let return_val = callable();
        let used = start.elapsed();
        let data = self.prepare_with_tags(format!("{}:{}|ms", metric, used.as_millis()), tags);

    fn prepare<T: AsRef<str>>(&self, data: T) -> String {
        if self.prefix.is_empty() {
        } else {
            format!("{}.{}", self.prefix, data.as_ref())

    fn prepare_with_tags<T: AsRef<str>>(&self, data: T, tags: &Option<Vec<&str>>) -> String {
        self.append_tags(self.prepare(data), tags)

    fn append_tags<T: AsRef<str>>(&self, data: T, tags: &Option<Vec<&str>>) -> String {
        if self.constant_tags.is_empty() && tags.is_none() {
        } else {
            let mut all_tags = self.constant_tags.clone();
            match tags {
                Some(v) => {
                    for tag in v {
                None => {
                    // nothing to do
            format!("{}|#{}", data.as_ref(), all_tags.join(","))

    /// Send data along the UDP socket.
    fn send(&self, data: String) {
        let _ = self.socket.send_to(data.as_bytes(), self.server_address);

    /// Get a pipeline struct that allows optimizes the number of UDP
    /// packets used to send multiple metrics
    /// ```ignore
    /// let mut pipeline = client.pipeline();
    /// pipeline.incr("some.metric", 1);
    /// pipeline.incr("other.metric", 1);
    /// pipeline.send(&mut client);
    /// ```
    pub fn pipeline(&self) -> Pipeline {

    /// Send a histogram value.
    /// ```ignore
    /// // pass response size value
    /// client.histogram("response.size", 128.0, tags);
    /// ```
    pub fn histogram(&self, metric: &str, value: f64, tags: &Option<Vec<&str>>) {
        let data = self.prepare_with_tags(format!("{}:{}|h", metric, value), tags);

    /// Send a event.
    /// ```ignore
    /// // pass a app start event
    /// client.event("MyApp Start", "MyApp Details", AlertType::Info, &Some(vec!["tag1", "tag2:test"]));
    /// ```
    pub fn event(&self, title: &str, text: &str, alert_type: AlertType, tags: &Option<Vec<&str>>) {
        let mut d = vec![];
        d.push(format!("_e{{{},{}}}:{}", title.len(), text.len(), title));
        if alert_type != AlertType::Info {
            d.push(format!("t:{}", alert_type.to_string().to_lowercase()))
        let event_with_tags = self.append_tags(d.join("|"), tags);

    /// Send a service check.
    /// ```ignore
    /// // pass a app status
    /// client.service_check("MyApp", ServiceCheckStatus::Ok, &Some(vec!["tag1", "tag2:test"]));
    /// ```
    pub fn service_check(
        service_check_name: &str,
        status: ServiceCheckStatus,
        tags: &Option<Vec<&str>>,
    ) {
        let mut d = vec![];
        let status_code = (status as u32).to_string();
        let sc_with_tags = self.append_tags(d.join("|"), tags);

#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum AlertType {

impl fmt::Display for AlertType {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{:?}", self)

#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ServiceCheckStatus {
    Ok = 0,
    Warning = 1,
    Critical = 2,
    Unknown = 3,

pub struct Pipeline {
    stats: VecDeque<String>,
    max_udp_size: usize,

impl Pipeline {
    pub fn new() -> Pipeline {
        Pipeline {
            stats: VecDeque::new(),
            max_udp_size: 512,

    /// Set max UDP packet size
    /// ```
    /// use datadog_statsd::client::Pipeline;
    /// let mut pipe = Pipeline::new();
    /// pipe.set_max_udp_size(128);
    /// ```
    pub fn set_max_udp_size(&mut self, max_udp_size: usize) {
        self.max_udp_size = max_udp_size;

    /// Increment a metric by 1
    /// ```
    /// use datadog_statsd::client::Pipeline;
    /// let mut pipe = Pipeline::new();
    /// // Increment a given metric by 1.
    /// pipe.incr("metric.completed");
    /// ```
    /// This modifies a counter with an effective sampling
    /// rate of 1.0.
    pub fn incr(&mut self, metric: &str) {
        self.count(metric, 1.0);

    /// Decrement a metric by -1
    /// ```
    /// use datadog_statsd::client::Pipeline;
    /// let mut pipe = Pipeline::new();
    /// // Decrement a given metric by 1
    /// pipe.decr("metric.completed");
    /// ```
    /// This modifies a counter with an effective sampling
    /// rate of 1.0.
    pub fn decr(&mut self, metric: &str) {
        self.count(metric, -1.0);

    /// Modify a counter by `value`.
    /// Will increment or decrement a counter by `value` with
    /// a sampling rate of 1.0.
    /// ```
    /// use datadog_statsd::client::Pipeline;
    /// let mut pipe = Pipeline::new();
    /// // Increment by 12
    /// pipe.count("metric.completed", 12.0);
    /// ```
    pub fn count(&mut self, metric: &str, value: f64) {
        let data = format!("{}:{}|c", metric, value);

    /// Modify a counter by `value` only x% of the time.
    /// Will increment or decrement a counter by `value` with
    /// a custom sampling rate.
    /// ```
    /// use datadog_statsd::client::Pipeline;
    /// let mut pipe = Pipeline::new();
    /// // Increment by 4 50% of the time.
    /// pipe.sampled_count("metric.completed", 4.0, 0.5);
    /// ```
    pub fn sampled_count(&mut self, metric: &str, value: f64, rate: f64) {
        if rand::random::<f64>() >= rate {
        let data = format!("{}:{}|c|@{}", metric, value, rate);

    /// Set a gauge value.
    /// ```
    /// use datadog_statsd::client::Pipeline;
    /// let mut pipe = Pipeline::new();
    /// // set a gauge to 9001
    /// pipe.gauge("power_level.observed", 9001.0);
    /// ```
    pub fn gauge(&mut self, metric: &str, value: f64) {
        let data = format!("{}:{}|g", metric, value);

    /// Send a timer value.
    /// The value is expected to be in ms.
    /// ```
    /// use datadog_statsd::client::Pipeline;
    /// let mut pipe = Pipeline::new();
    /// // pass a duration value
    /// pipe.timer("response.duration", 10.123);
    /// ```
    pub fn timer(&mut self, metric: &str, value: f64) {
        let data = format!("{}:{}|ms", metric, value);

    /// Time a block of code.
    /// The passed closure will be timed and executed. The block's
    /// duration will be sent as a metric.
    /// ```
    /// use datadog_statsd::client::Pipeline;
    /// let mut pipe = Pipeline::new();
    /// // pass a duration value
    /// pipe.time("response.duration", || {
    ///   // Your code here.
    /// });
    /// ```
    pub fn time<F>(&mut self, metric: &str, callable: F)
        F: FnOnce(),
        let start = time::Instant::now();
        let used = start.elapsed();
        let data = format!("{}:{}|ms", metric, used.as_millis());

    /// Send a histogram value.
    /// ```
    /// use datadog_statsd::client::Pipeline;
    /// let mut pipe = Pipeline::new();
    /// // pass response size value
    /// pipe.histogram("response.size", 128.0);
    /// ```
    pub fn histogram(&mut self, metric: &str, value: f64) {
        let data = format!("{}:{}|h", metric, value);

    /// Send data along the UDP socket.
    pub fn send(&mut self, client: &Client) {
        let mut _data = String::new();
        if let Some(data) = self.stats.pop_front() {
            _data += client.prepare(&data).as_ref();
            while !self.stats.is_empty() {
                let stat = client.prepare(self.stats.pop_front().unwrap());
                if data.len() + stat.len() + 1 > self.max_udp_size {
                    _data += &stat;
                } else {
                    _data += "\n";
                    _data += &stat;
        if !_data.is_empty() {

mod test {
    extern crate rand;
    use self::rand::distributions::{IndependentSample, Range};
    use super::*;
    use std::net::UdpSocket;
    use std::str;
    use std::sync::mpsc::sync_channel;
    use std::thread;

    static PORT: u16 = 8125;

    // Generates random ports.
    // Having random ports helps tests not collide over
    // shared ports.
    fn next_test_ip4() -> String {
        let range = Range::new(0, 1000);
        let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
        let port = PORT + range.ind_sample(&mut rng);
        format!("{}", port)

    // Makes a udpsocket that acts as a statsd server.
    fn make_server(host: &str) -> UdpSocket {

    fn server_recv(server: UdpSocket) -> String {
        let (serv_tx, serv_rx) = sync_channel(1);
        let _t = thread::spawn(move || {
            let mut buf = [0; 128];
            let (len, _) = match server.recv_from(&mut buf) {
                Ok(r) => r,
                Err(_) => panic!("No response from test server."),
            let bytes = Vec::from(&buf[0..len]);

        let bytes = serv_rx.recv().ok().unwrap();

    fn test_sending_gauge() {
        let host = next_test_ip4();
        let server = make_server(&host);
        let client = Client::new(&host, "myapp", None).unwrap();

        client.gauge("metric", 9.1, &None);

        let response = server_recv(server);
        assert_eq!("myapp.metric:9.1|g", response);

    fn test_sending_gauge_without_prefix() {
        let host = next_test_ip4();
        let server = make_server(&host);
        let client = Client::new(&host, "", None).unwrap();

        client.gauge("metric", 9.1, &None);

        let response = server_recv(server);
        assert_eq!("metric:9.1|g", response);

    fn test_sending_incr() {
        let host = next_test_ip4();
        let server = make_server(&host);
        let client = Client::new(&host, "myapp", None).unwrap();

        client.incr("metric", &None);

        let response = server_recv(server);
        assert_eq!("myapp.metric:1|c", response);

    fn test_sending_decr() {
        let host = next_test_ip4();
        let server = make_server(&host);
        let client = Client::new(&host, "myapp", None).unwrap();

        client.decr("metric", &None);

        let response = server_recv(server);
        assert_eq!("myapp.metric:-1|c", response);

    fn test_sending_count() {
        let host = next_test_ip4();
        let server = make_server(&host);
        let client = Client::new(&host, "myapp", None).unwrap();

        client.count("metric", 12.2, &None);

        let response = server_recv(server);
        assert_eq!("myapp.metric:12.2|c", response);

    fn test_sending_timer() {
        let host = next_test_ip4();
        let server = make_server(&host);
        let client = Client::new(&host, "myapp", None).unwrap();

        client.timer("metric", 21.39, &None);

        let response = server_recv(server);
        assert_eq!("myapp.metric:21.39|ms", response);

    fn test_sending_timed_block() {
        let host = next_test_ip4();
        let server = make_server(&host);
        let client = Client::new(&host, "myapp", None).unwrap();
        struct TimeTest {
            num: u8,

        let mut t = TimeTest { num: 10 };
        let output = client.time("time_block", &None, || {
            t.num += 2;
            "a string"

        let response = server_recv(server);
        assert_eq!(output, "a string");
        assert_eq!(t.num, 12);

    fn test_sending_histogram() {
        let host = next_test_ip4();
        let server = make_server(&host);
        let client = Client::new(&host, "myapp", None).unwrap();

        // without tags
        client.histogram("metric", 9.1, &None);
        let mut response = server_recv(server.try_clone().unwrap());
        assert_eq!("myapp.metric:9.1|h", response);
        // with tags
        client.histogram("metric", 9.1, &Some(vec!["tag1", "tag2:test"]));
        response = server_recv(server.try_clone().unwrap());
        assert_eq!("myapp.metric:9.1|h|#tag1,tag2:test", response);

    fn test_sending_histogram_with_constant_tags() {
        let host = next_test_ip4();
        let server = make_server(&host);
        let client =
            Client::new(&host, "myapp", Some(vec!["tag1common", "tag2common:test"])).unwrap();

        // without tags
        client.histogram("metric", 9.1, &None);
        let mut response = server_recv(server.try_clone().unwrap());
        assert_eq!("myapp.metric:9.1|h|#tag1common,tag2common:test", response);
        // with tags
        let tags = &Some(vec!["tag1", "tag2:test"]);
        client.histogram("metric", 9.1, tags);
        response = server_recv(server.try_clone().unwrap());
        // repeat
        client.histogram("metric", 19.12, tags);
        response = server_recv(server.try_clone().unwrap());

    fn test_sending_event_with_tags() {
        let host = next_test_ip4();
        let server = make_server(&host);
        let client = Client::new(&host, "myapp", None).unwrap();

            "Title Test",
            "Text ABC",
            &Some(vec!["tag1", "tag2:test"]),

        let response = server_recv(server);
            "_e{10,8}:Title Test|Text ABC|t:error|#tag1,tag2:test",

    fn test_sending_service_check_with_tags() {
        let host = next_test_ip4();
        let server = make_server(&host);
        let client = Client::new(&host, "myapp", None).unwrap();

            &Some(vec!["tag1", "tag2:test"]),

        let response = server_recv(server);
        assert_eq!("_sc||2|#tag1,tag2:test", response);

    fn test_pipeline_sending_time_block() {
        let host = next_test_ip4();
        let server = make_server(&host);
        let client = Client::new(&host, "myapp", None).unwrap();
        let mut pipeline = client.pipeline();
        pipeline.gauge("metric", 9.1);
        struct TimeTest {
            num: u8,

        let mut t = TimeTest { num: 10 };
        pipeline.time("time_block", || {
            t.num += 2;

        let response = server_recv(server);
        assert_eq!(t.num, 12);
        assert_eq!("myapp.metric:9.1|g\nmyapp.time_block:0|ms", response);

    fn test_pipeline_sending_gauge() {
        let host = next_test_ip4();
        let server = make_server(&host);
        let client = Client::new(&host, "myapp", None).unwrap();
        let mut pipeline = client.pipeline();
        pipeline.gauge("metric", 9.1);

        let response = server_recv(server);
        assert_eq!("myapp.metric:9.1|g", response);

    fn test_pipeline_sending_histogram() {
        let host = next_test_ip4();
        let server = make_server(&host);
        let client = Client::new(&host, "myapp", None).unwrap();
        let mut pipeline = client.pipeline();
        pipeline.histogram("metric", 9.1);

        let response = server_recv(server);
        assert_eq!("myapp.metric:9.1|h", response);

    fn test_pipeline_sending_multiple_data() {
        let host = next_test_ip4();
        let server = make_server(&host);
        let client = Client::new(&host, "myapp", None).unwrap();
        let mut pipeline = client.pipeline();
        pipeline.gauge("metric", 9.1);
        pipeline.count("metric", 12.2);

        let response = server_recv(server);
        assert_eq!("myapp.metric:9.1|g\nmyapp.metric:12.2|c", response);

    fn test_pipeline_set_max_udp_size() {
        let host = next_test_ip4();
        let server = make_server(&host);
        let client = Client::new(&host, "myapp", None).unwrap();
        let mut pipeline = client.pipeline();
        pipeline.gauge("metric", 9.1);
        pipeline.count("metric", 12.2);

        let response = server_recv(server);
        assert_eq!("myapp.metric:9.1|g", response);

    fn test_pipeline_send_metric_after_pipeline() {
        let host = next_test_ip4();
        let server = make_server(&host);
        let client = Client::new(&host, "myapp", None).unwrap();
        let mut pipeline = client.pipeline();

        pipeline.gauge("load", 9.0);
        pipeline.count("customers", 7.0);

        // Should still be able to send metrics
        // with the client.
        client.count("customers", 6.0, &None);

        let response = server_recv(server);
        assert_eq!("myapp.load:9|g\nmyapp.customers:7|c", response);