datachannel 0.7.9

Rust wrappers for libdatachannel.
# datachannel-rs   [![latest]][] [![doc]][]


Rust wrappers for [libdatachannel][], a WebRTC Data Channels standalone implementation in C++.

## Usage

This crate provides two traits that end user must implement, `DataChannelHandler` and
`PeerConnectionHandler`, which defined all callbacks for `RtcPeerConnection` and
`RtcDataChannel` structs respectively.

Aforementioned traits are defined as follows:

pub trait DataChannelHandler {
    fn on_open(&mut self) {}
    fn on_closed(&mut self) {}
    fn on_error(&mut self, err: &str) {}
    fn on_message(&mut self, msg: &[u8]) {}
    fn on_buffered_amount_low(&mut self) {}
    fn on_available(&mut self) {}

pub trait PeerConnectionHandler {
    type DCH;

    fn data_channel_handler(&mut self) -> Self::DCH;

    fn on_description(&mut self, sess_desc: SessionDescription) {}
    fn on_candidate(&mut self, cand: IceCandidate) {}
    fn on_connection_state_change(&mut self, state: ConnectionState) {}
    fn on_gathering_state_change(&mut self, state: GatheringState) {}
    fn on_data_channel(&mut self, data_channel: Box<RtcDataChannel<Self::DCH>>) {}

Note that all `on_*` methods have a default no-operation implementation.

The main struct, `RtcPeerconnection`, takes a `RtcConfig` (which defines ICE servers)
and a instance of `PeerConnectionHandler`.

Here is the basic workflow:

use datachannel::{DataChannelHandler, PeerConnectionHandler, RtcConfig, RtcPeerConnection};

struct MyChannel;

impl DataChannelHandler for MyChannel {
    fn on_open(&mut self) {
        // TODO: notify that the data channel is ready (optional)

    fn on_message(&mut self, msg: &[u8]) {
        // TODO: process the received message

struct MyConnection;

impl PeerConnectionHandler for MyConnection {
    type DCH = MyChannel;

    /// Used to create the `RtcDataChannel` received through `on_data_channel`.
    fn data_channel_handler(&mut self) -> Self::DCH {

    fn on_data_channel(&mut self, mut dc: Box<RtcDataChannel<Self::DCH>>) {
        // TODO: store `dc` to keep receiving its messages (otherwise it will be dropped)

let ice_servers = vec![""];
let conf = RtcConfig::new(&ice_servers);

let mut pc = RtcPeerConnection::new(&conf, MyConnection)?;

let mut dc = pc.create_data_channel("test-dc", MyChannel)?;
// TODO: exchange `SessionDescription` and `IceCandidate` with remote peer
// TODO: wait for `dc` to be opened (should be signaled through `on_open`)
// ...
// Then send a message
dc.send("Hello Peer!".as_bytes())?;

Complete implementation example can be found in the [tests](tests).

See also [async-datachannel][] for an async-based implementation.

## Cargo features

- `log` _Default_ Enables logging provided by the `log` crate (mutually exclusive with
- `tracing` Enables logging provided by the `tracing` crate (mutally exclusive with `log`).
- `static` Build and link statically (with all dependencies, including `OpenSSL`).
- `media` Enables media support through `libdatachannel`.

## Building

Note that `CMake` is required to compile [libdatachannel][] through

Clone the repo recursively:

git clone --recursive

### Static build

By default [libdatachannel][] will be built and linked dynamically. However there is a
`static` Cargo feature that will build and link it statically (with all its
dependencies, including `OpenSSL`).

### Apple macOS

You probably need to set the following environment variables if your build fails with an
`OpenSSL` related error.

export OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/Cellar/openssl@1.1/1.1.1i/
export OPENSSL_LIBRARIES=/usr/local/Cellar/openssl@1.1/1.1.1i/lib

With the paths of your local `OpenSSL` installation.

### Ubuntu

Required dependencies:

# Needed to compile libdatachannel
sudo apt install build-essential cmake pkg-config libssl-dev clang
