darwinia-shadow 0.2.5

The shadow service for relayers and verify workers to retrieve header data and generate proof.
//! # Shadow
//! [![Shadow][workflow-badge]][github]
//! [![crate](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/darwinia-shadow.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/darwinia_shadow)
//! [![doc](https://img.shields.io/badge/current-docs-brightgreen.svg)](https://docs.rs/darwinia_shadow/)
//! [![LICENSE](https://img.shields.io/crates/l/darwinia-shadow.svg)](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/gpl-3.0/)
//! The shadow service for relayers and verify workers to retrieve header data and generate proof. Shadow will index the data it needs from blockchain nodes, such as Ethereum and Darwinia.
//! ## Usage
//! ```sh
//! shadow 0.2.5
//! USAGE:
//!     shadow <SUBCOMMAND>
//! FLAGS:
//!     -h, --help       Prints help information
//!     -V, --version    Prints version information
//!     count    Current block height in mmr store
//!     help     Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
//!     run      Start shadow service
//!     trim     Trim mmr from target leaf
//! ```
//! ## Download
//! ```sh
//! $ cargo install darwinia-shadow
//! ```
//! ### Note
//! + Please make sure you have `golang` installed in your machine
//! + Please make sure you have `sqlite3` installed in your machine
//! ## Environment
//! | ENV                | Desc                     | Example                            |
//! |--------------------|--------------------------|------------------------------------|
//! | `ETHEREUM_RPC`     | The rpc of ethereum node | ETHEREUM_RPC=http://localhost:8545 |
//! | `ETHEREUM_ROPSTEN` | Enable ropsten source    | ETHEREUM_ROPSTEN=true              |
//! | `MMR_LOG`          | The gap of mmr logs      | MMR_LOG=10000                      |
//! ## Trouble Shooting
//! Everytime you run `proof` in error, please delete `~/.ethashproof` and `~/.ethash`
//! and retry.
//! ## LICENSE
//! GPL-3.0
//! [github]: https://github.com/darwinia-network/shadow
//! [workflow-badge]: https://github.com/darwinia-network/shadow/workflows/shadow/badge.svg


extern crate log;
extern crate serde;

mod conf;
mod shared;

pub mod api;
pub mod chain;
pub mod cmd;
pub mod mmr;
pub mod result;

pub use shared::ShadowShared;