pub unsafe extern "C" fn Dart_CreateIsolateInGroup(
    group_member: Dart_Isolate,
    name: *const c_char,
    shutdown_callback: Dart_IsolateShutdownCallback,
    cleanup_callback: Dart_IsolateCleanupCallback,
    child_isolate_data: *mut c_void,
    error: *mut *mut c_char
) -> Dart_Isolate
Expand description

Creates a new isolate inside the isolate group of [group_member].

Requires there to be no current isolate.

\param group_member An isolate from the same group into which the newly created isolate should be born into. Other threads may not have entered / enter this member isolate. \param name A short name for the isolate for debugging purposes. \param shutdown_callback A callback to be called when the isolate is being shutdown (may be NULL). \param cleanup_callback A callback to be called when the isolate is being cleaned up (may be NULL). \param child_isolate_data The embedder-specific data associated with this isolate. \param error Set to NULL if creation is successful, set to an error message otherwise. The caller is responsible for calling free() on the error message.

\return The newly created isolate on success, or NULL if isolate creation failed.

If successful, the newly created isolate will become the current isolate.