darpi 0.1.5

A web framework with type safety and speed in mind
use darpi::job::{CpuJob, FutureJob, IOBlockingJob};
use darpi::{
    app, handler, job_factory, logger::DefaultFormat, middleware, Body, Json, Method, Path, Query,
    Request, RequestParts, Response,
use darpi_middleware::{log_request, log_response};
use env_logger;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use shaku::module;
use std::convert::Infallible;

fn make_container() -> Container {
    let module = Container::builder().build();

module! {
    Container {
        components = [],
        providers = [],

#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, Query, Path)]
pub struct Name {
    name: String,

async fn first_async_job() -> FutureJob {
    async { println!("first job in the background.") }.into()

async fn first_sync_job(#[response] r: &Response<Body>) -> IOBlockingJob {
    let status_code = r.status();
    let job = move || {
            "first_sync_job in the background for a request with status {}",

async fn first_sync_job1() -> CpuJob {
    let job = || {
        for _ in 0..100 {
            let mut r = 0;
            for _ in 0..10000000 {
                r += 1;
            println!("first_sync_job1 finished in the background. {}", r);

async fn first_sync_io_job() -> IOBlockingJob {
    let job = || {
        for i in 0..5 {
            println!("sync io finished in the background {}", i);

// todo make sure Request is passed by value
// show a nice error
    jobs: {
        response: [first_sync_job, first_sync_job1]
async fn hello_world(#[request_parts] r: &RequestParts) -> &'static str {
    if r.headers.get("destroy-cpu-header").is_some() {
        let job = || {
            let mut r = 0;
            for _ in 0..10000000 {
                r += 1;
            println!("first_sync_job1 finished in the background. {}", r)
        darpi::spawn(CpuJob::from(job)).await.expect("ohh noes");

    "hello world"

async fn hello_world1() -> Result<String, String> {
    let get_secs = move || {
        let secs = 2;

    let secs = darpi::oneshot(IOBlockingJob::from(get_secs))
        .map_err(|e| format!("{}", e))?
        .map_err(|e| format!("{}", e))?;

    Ok(format!("waited {} seconds to say hello world", secs))

pub(crate) async fn roundtrip(
    #[request] _rp: &Request<Body>,
    #[handler] msg: impl AsRef<str> + Send + Sync + 'static,
) -> Result<String, Infallible> {
    let res = format!("{} from roundtrip middleware", msg.as_ref());

    container: Container,
    middleware: {
        request: [roundtrip("blah")]
async fn do_something123(
    // the request query is deserialized into Name
    // if deseriliazation fails, it will result in an error response
    // to make it optional wrap it in an Option<Name>
    #[query] query: Name,
    // the request path is deserialized into Name
    #[path] path: Name,
    // the request body is deserialized into the struct Name
    // it is important to mention that the wrapper around Name
    // should implement darpi::request::FromRequestBody
    // Common formats like Json, Xml and Yaml are supported out
    // of the box but users can implement their own
    #[body] payload: Json<Name>,
    // we can access the T from Ok(T) in the middleware result
    #[middleware::request(0)] m_str: String, // returning a String works because darpi has implemented
                                             // the Responder trait for common types
) -> String {
        "query: {:#?} path: {} body: {} middleware: {}",
        query, path.name, payload.name, m_str

//todo add configuration for the 3 different runtimes so the
// runtime serving requests doesn't get stomped

//RUST_LOG=darpi=info cargo test --test job -- --nocapture
async fn main() -> Result<(), darpi::Error> {

        address: "",
        container: {
            factory: make_container(),
            type: Container
        jobs: {
            request: [],
            response: [first_sync_io_job]
        middleware: {
            request: [log_request(DefaultFormat)],
            response: [log_response(DefaultFormat, request(0))]
        handlers: [{
            route: "/hello_world",
            method: Method::GET,
            handler: hello_world