darpi 0.1.2

A web framework with type safety and speed in mind
### darpi

A web api framework with speed and safety in mind.
One of the big goals is to catch all errors at `compile time`, if possible.
The framework uses [hyper](https://github.com/hyperium/hyper) and ideally, the performance should be as if you were using `hyper` yourself.
The framework also uses [shaku](https://github.com/Mcat12/shaku) for `compile time` verifiable dependency injection.

### The framework is in early development and will only be updated on github, until it's stable.
All feedback is appreciated.

A simple example

darpi = {git = "https://github.com/petar-dambovaliev/darpi.git", branch = "master"}
serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }
tokio = {version = "0.2.11", features = ["full"]}
shaku = {version = "0.5.0", features = ["thread_safe"]}
use darpi::{
    app, handler, middleware, middleware::Expect, path_type, query_type, request::ExtractBody,
    Body, Method, Path,
use darpi_middleware::body_size_limit;
use darpi_web::Json;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use shaku::module;
use std::convert::Infallible;

pub async fn hello_middleware(b: &Body, handler: Expect<&str>) -> Result<(), Infallible> {
    println!("hello middleware from `{}`", handler.into_inner());

#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug)]
pub struct Name {
    name: String,

// the handler macro has 2 optional arguments
// the shaku container type and a collection of middlewares
// here we pass in the string "John Doe" to the `hello_middleware`
// it is being passed on matching the `handler: Expect<&str>` argument
// then we use the builtin body_size_limit middleware and we limit the body size
// to 64 bytes
// Path<Name> is extracted from the url path
// Json<Name> is extracted from the request body
// failure to do so will result in an error response
#[handler([hello_middleware("John Doe"), body_size_limit(64)])]
async fn do_something(p: Path<Name>, payload: ExtractBody<Json<Name>>) -> String {
    format!("{} sends hello to {}", p.name, payload.name)

module! {
    Container {
        components = [],
        providers = [],

fn make_container() -> Container {
    let module = Container::builder().build();

async fn main() -> Result<(), darpi::Error> {
    let address = format!("{}", 3000);
        address: address,
        module: make_container => Container,
        bind: [
                route: "/hello_world/{name}",
                method: Method::POST,
                // the POST method allows this handler to have
                // Json<Name> as an argument
                handler: do_something
