Trait darling::FromMeta [] [src]

pub trait FromMeta {
    fn from_nested_meta(item: &NestedMeta) -> Result<Self, Error> { ... }
fn from_meta(item: &Meta) -> Result<Self, Error> { ... }
fn from_word() -> Result<Self, Error> { ... }
fn from_list(items: &[NestedMeta]) -> Result<Self, Error> { ... }
fn from_value(value: &Lit) -> Result<Self, Error> { ... }
fn from_char(value: char) -> Result<Self, Error> { ... }
fn from_string(value: &str) -> Result<Self, Error> { ... }
fn from_bool(value: bool) -> Result<Self, Error> { ... } }

Create an instance from an item in an attribute declaration.

Implementing FromMeta

  • Do not take a dependency on the ident of the passed-in meta item. The ident will be set by the field name of the containing struct.
  • Implement only the from_* methods that you intend to support. The default implementations will return useful errors.

Provided Implementations


  • Word with no value specified - becomes true.
  • As a boolean literal, e.g. foo = true.
  • As a string literal, e.g. foo = "true".


  • As a string literal, e.g. foo = "hello".
  • As a raw string literal, e.g. foo = r#"hello "world""#.


  • Word with no value specified, e.g. foo. This is best used with Option. See darling::util::Flag for a more strongly-typed alternative.


  • Any format produces Some.

Result<T, darling::Error>

  • Allows for fallible parsing; will populate the target field with the result of the parse attempt.

Provided Methods

Create an instance from a syn::Meta by dispatching to the format-appropriate trait function. This generally should not be overridden by implementers.

Create an instance from the presence of the word in the attribute with no additional options specified.

Create an instance from a list of nested meta items.

Create an instance from a literal value of either foo = "bar" or foo("bar"). This dispatches to the appropriate method based on the type of literal encountered, and generally should not be overridden by implementers.

Create an instance from a char literal in a value position.

Create an instance from a string literal in a value position.

Create an instance from a bool literal in a value position.

Implementations on Foreign Types

impl<T> FromMeta for Box<T> where
    T: FromMeta









impl FromMeta for Vec<WherePredicate>









impl<T> FromMeta for Option<T> where
    T: FromMeta









impl FromMeta for String









impl FromMeta for u32









impl<T> FromMeta for Result<T, Error> where
    T: FromMeta









impl FromMeta for ForwardAttrs









impl<T> FromMeta for Arc<T> where
    T: FromMeta









impl FromMeta for u16









impl FromMeta for RenameRule









impl FromMeta for ()









impl FromMeta for Shape









impl FromMeta for i64









impl FromMeta for bool









impl FromMeta for u8









impl<V> FromMeta for HashMap<String, V, RandomState> where
    V: FromMeta









impl<T> FromMeta for Result<T, Meta> where
    T: FromMeta

Parses the meta-item, and in case of error preserves a copy of the input for later analysis.









impl FromMeta for i8









impl FromMeta for Ident









impl<T> FromMeta for RefCell<T> where
    T: FromMeta









impl FromMeta for WhereClause









impl FromMeta for i16









impl FromMeta for DataShape









impl FromMeta for Path









impl FromMeta for isize









impl FromMeta for u64









impl FromMeta for usize









impl FromMeta for Meta









impl<T> FromMeta for Rc<T> where
    T: FromMeta









impl FromMeta for AtomicBool









impl FromMeta for i32








