darling 0.6.1

A proc-macro library for reading attributes into structs when implementing custom derives.
//! # Darling
//! Darling is a tool for declarative attribute parsing in proc macro implementations.
//! ## Design
//! Darling takes considerable design inspiration from [`serde`]. A data structure that can be
//! read from any attribute implements `FromMeta` (or has an implementation automatically
//! generated using `derive`). Any crate can provide `FromMeta` implementations, even one not
//! specifically geared towards proc-macro authors.
//! Proc-macro crates should provide their own structs which implement or derive `FromDeriveInput`,
//! `FromField`, `FromVariant`, `FromGenerics`, _et alia_ to gather settings relevant to their operation.
//! ## Attributes
//! There are a number of attributes that `darling` exposes to enable finer-grained control over the code
//! it generates.
//! * **Field renaming**: You can use `#[darling(rename="new_name")]` on a field to change the name Darling looks for.
//!   You can also use `#[darling(rename_all="...")]` at the struct or enum level to apply a casing rule to all fields or variants.
//! * **Map function**: You can use `#[darling(map="path::to::function")]` to run code on a field before its stored in the struct.
//! * **Default values**: You can use `#[darling(default)]` at the type or field level to use that type's default value to fill
//!   in values not specified by the caller.
//! * **Skipped fields**: You can skip a variant or field using `#[darling(skip)]`. Fields marked with this will fall back to
//!   `Default::default()` for their value, but you can override that with an explicit default or a value from the type-level default.
//! ## Forwarded Fields
//! All derivable traits except `FromMeta` support forwarding some fields from the input AST to the derived struct.
//! These fields are matched up by identifier **before** `rename` attribute values are considered,
//! allowing you to use their names for your own properties.
//! The deriving struct is responsible for making sure the types of fields it chooses to declare are compatible with this table.
//! A deriving struct is free to include or exclude any of the fields below.
//! ### `FromDeriveInput`
//! |Field name|Type|Meaning|
//! |---|---|---|
//! |`ident`|`syn::Ident`|The identifier of the passed-in type|
//! |`vis`|`syn::Visibility`|The visibility of the passed-in type|
//! |`generics`|`T: darling::FromGenerics`|The generics of the passed-in type. This can be `syn::Generics`, `darling::ast::Generics`, or any compatible type.|
//! |`body`|`darling::ast::Data`|The body of the passed-in type|
//! |`attrs`|`Vec<syn::Attribute>`|The forwarded attributes from the passed in type. These are controlled using the `forward_attrs` attribute.|
//! ### `FromField`
//! |Field name|Type|Meaning|
//! |---|---|---|
//! |`ident`|`syn::Ident`|The identifier of the passed-in field|
//! |`vis`|`syn::Visibility`|The visibility of the passed-in field|
//! |`ty`|`syn::Type`|The type of the passed-in field|
//! |`attrs`|`Vec<syn::Attribute>`|The forwarded attributes from the passed in field. These are controlled using the `forward_attrs` attribute.|
//! ### `FromTypeParam`
//! |Field name|Type|Meaning|
//! |---|---|---|
//! |`ident`|`syn::Ident`|The identifier of the passed-in type param|
//! |`bounds`|`Vec<syn::TypeParamBound>`|The bounds applied to the type param|
//! |`default`|`Option<syn::Type>`|The default type of the parameter, if one exists|
//! |`attrs`|`Vec<syn::Attribute>`|The forwarded attributes from the passed in type param. These are controlled using the `forward_attrs` attribute.|

extern crate core;
extern crate darling_core;

extern crate darling_macro;

pub use darling_macro::*;

pub use darling_core::{FromDeriveInput, FromField, FromGenericParam, FromGenerics, FromMeta,
                       FromTypeParam, FromVariant};

pub use darling_core::{Error, Result};

pub use darling_core::{ast, error, util};

/// Core/std trait re-exports. This should help produce generated code which doesn't
/// depend on `std` unnecessarily, and avoids problems caused by aliasing `std` or any
/// of the referenced types.
pub mod export {
    pub use core::convert::From;
    pub use core::default::Default;
    pub use core::option::Option::{self, None, Some};
    pub use core::result::Result::{self, Err, Ok};
    pub use std::vec::Vec;