darling 0.14.2

A proc-macro library for reading attributes into structs when implementing custom derives.
//! Tests for `FromGenerics`, and - indirectly - `FromGenericParam`.
//! These tests assume `FromTypeParam` is working and only look at whether the wrappers for magic
//! fields are working as expected.

use darling::{
    ast::{self, GenericParamExt},
    util::{Ignored, WithOriginal},
    FromDeriveInput, FromTypeParam, Result,

struct MyReceiver {
    pub generics: ast::Generics<ast::GenericParam<MyTypeParam>>,

struct MyTypeParam {
    pub ident: syn::Ident,
    pub foo: bool,
    pub bar: Option<String>,

fn fdi<T: FromDeriveInput>(src: &str) -> Result<T> {
    FromDeriveInput::from_derive_input(&syn::parse_str(src).expect("Source parses"))

/// Verify that `ast::Generics` is populated correctly when there is no generics declaration
fn no_generics() {
    let rec: MyReceiver = fdi("struct Baz;").expect("Input is well-formed");
    assert_eq!(rec.generics.params.len(), 0);

fn expand_some() {
    let rec: MyReceiver = fdi(r#"
        struct Baz<
            #[lorem(foo)] T,
            #[lorem(bar = "x")] U: Eq + ?Sized
        >(&'a T, U);
    .expect("Input is well-formed");

    // Make sure we've preserved the lifetime def, though we don't do anything with it.

    let mut ty_param_iter = rec.generics.type_params();

    let first = ty_param_iter
        .expect("type_params should not be empty");
    assert_eq!(first.ident, "T");

    let second = ty_param_iter
        .expect("type_params should have a second value");
            .expect("Second type param should set bar"),
    assert_eq!(second.foo, false);
    assert_eq!(second.ident, "U");

/// Verify ≤0.4.1 behavior - where `generics` had to be `syn::Generics` - keeps working.
fn passthrough() {
    struct PassthroughReceiver {
        pub generics: syn::Generics,

    let rec: PassthroughReceiver = fdi(r#"
        struct Baz<
            #[lorem(foo)] T,
            #[lorem(bar = "x")] U: Eq + ?Sized
        >(&'a T, U);
    .expect("Input is well-formed");

    let mut type_param_iter = rec.generics.type_params();

/// Verify that `where_clause` is passed through when it exists.
/// As of 0.4.1, there is no `FromWhereClause` trait, so other types aren't supported
/// for that field.
fn where_clause() {
    let rec: MyReceiver = fdi(r#"
        struct Baz<
            #[lorem(foo)] T,
            #[lorem(bar = "x")] U: Eq + ?Sized
        >(&'a T, U) where T: Into<String>;
    .expect("Input is well-formed");


/// Test that `WithOriginal` works for generics.
fn with_original() {
    struct WorigReceiver {
        generics: WithOriginal<ast::Generics<ast::GenericParam<MyTypeParam>>, syn::Generics>,

    let rec: WorigReceiver = fdi(r#"
        struct Baz<
            #[lorem(foo)] T,
            #[lorem(bar = "x")] U: Eq + ?Sized
        >(&'a T, U) where T: Into<String>;
    .expect("Input is well-formed");

    // Make sure we haven't lost anything in the conversion
    assert_eq!(rec.generics.parsed.params.len(), 3);
    assert_eq!(rec.generics.original.params.len(), 3);

    let parsed_t: &MyTypeParam = rec.generics.parsed.params[1]
        .expect("Second argument should be type param");

    // Make sure the first type param in each case is T
    assert_eq!(parsed_t.ident, "T");
            .expect("First type param should exist")

    // Make sure we actually parsed the first type param

/// Make sure generics can be ignored
fn ignored() {
    struct IgnoredReceiver {
        generics: Ignored,

    let rec: IgnoredReceiver = fdi(r#"
        struct Baz<
            #[lorem(foo)] T,
            #[lorem(bar = "x")] U: Eq + ?Sized
        >(&'a T, U) where T: Into<String>;
    .expect("Input is well-formed");

    assert_eq!(Ignored, rec.generics);