darksky 0.8.1

An unofficial Rust wrapper for the darksky.net API.

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An unofficial Rust wrapper for the DarkSky API, supporting regular forecast requests, Time Machine requests, and the full set of reqest parameters and options.

Note: This package was previously named forecast_io. Due to a change in name, this package has been renamed to darksky, and can be found on crates.io by the same name.


Add the following dependency to your Cargo.toml:

darksky = "0.8"

And include it in your project:

extern crate darksky;


  • hyper: Enables an implementation of the requester on hyper's Client (enabled by default).
  • reqwest: Enables an implementation of the requester on reqwest's Client.


License info can be found in the LICENSE.md file. Long story short, ISC.