darknet 0.3.0

A Rust wrapper for Darknet, an open source neural network framework written in C and CUDA.

darknet-rust: A Rust bindings for AlexeyAB's Darknet

The crate is a Rust wrapper for AlexeyAB's Darknet.

It provides the following features:

  • Provide both training and inference capabilities.
  • Load config files and model weights from upstream without modifications.
  • Safe type wrappers for C API. It includes network, detection and layer types.

Minimal rustc version: 1.43.0

Version 0.3 changes:

  • Error handling with anyhow


The tiny_yolov3_inference example automatically downloads the YOLOv3 tiny weights, and produces inference results in output directory.

cargo run --release --example tiny_yolov3_inference

The run_inference example is an utility program that you can test a combination of model configs and weights on image files. For example, you can test the YOLOv4 mode.

cargo run --release --example run_inference -- \
    --label-file darknet/data/coco.names \
    --model-cfg darknet/cfg/yolov4.cfg \
    --weights yolov4.weights \

Read the example code in examples/ to understand the actual usage. More model configs and weights can be found here: (https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolo/).


Add our crate to your Cargo.toml. You may take a look at the API documentation.

darknet = "^0.3.0"

We suggest earlier users update to newer version from 0.1. There are several memory leakage and several bugs fixed.


The crate is licensed under MIT.


Huge thanks to jerry73204