Expand description

Provides encryption of secret shares to specific recipients using crypto_box

Internally uses dark-crystal-secret-sharing-rust, which uses sharks for Shamirs secret sharing and xsalsa20poly1305 for authenticated encryption.

This is part of a work-in-progress Rust implementation of the Dark Crystal Key Backup Protocol.


A set of encrypted shares, together with the public key used for encryption and the encrypted secret

Error type.

A crypto_box public key.

Error created when recovery fails

A crypto_box secret key.

Error created when the share function fails

Error created when share fn fails


Combine a set of shares and ciphertext produced by share_authenticated

Decrypt a given ciphertext using crypto_box

Decrypt a given ciphertext using crypto_box using a given nonce rather than attaching one to the ciphertext

Give a recommended threshold value for a given number of shares

Encrypt a given message using crypto_box

Encrypt a given message using crypto_box using a given nonce rather than generating one

Create a set of shares and encrypt them to a given set of public keys

Create a set of shares and encrypt them to a given set of public keys but make the shares shorted by using the nonce from the ciphertext when encrypting the shares

Encrypt a secret and create shares of its key. This gives authentication so we know whether recovery was successful It also reduces duplication with long (> 32 bytes) secrets, and improves security when using non-uniformly random secrets such as passwords.

Gives a threshold ‘sanity’ factor, given a threshold and number of shares 0 is ideal. Positive values represent the level of danger of loosing access to the secret. Negative values represent the level of danger of an attacker gaining it.

Type Definitions

Alias for SalsaBox.