dapr 0.12.0

Rust SDK for dapr
# Dapr SDK for Rust

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[apache-url]: https://github.com/dapr/rust-sdk/blob/master/LICENSE
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⚠ Work in Progress ⚠

Dapr is a portable, event-driven, serverless runtime for building distributed applications across cloud and edge.

- [dapr.io]https://dapr.io
- [@DaprDev]https://twitter.com/DaprDev

## Prerequsites

* [Install Rust > 1.40]https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install

## Usage

dapr = "0.12.0"

A client can be created as follows:

use dapr;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Get the Dapr port and create a connection
    let port: u16 = std::env::var("DAPR_GRPC_PORT")?.parse()?;
    let addr = format!("{}", port);

    // Create the client
    let mut client = dapr::Client::<dapr::client::TonicClient>::connect(addr).await?;

## Try out examples


## Building

To build

cargo build

>Note: The proto buf client generation is built into `cargo build` process so updating the proto files under `dapr/` is enough to update the proto buf client.

## To refresh .proto files from upstream dapr

1. Just need to run update-protos.sh, which will basically fetch latest proto updates.
2. By default, it picks from master proto. To specify a particular release/version, please specify with a -v flag

./update-protos.sh -v v1.10.1