dapol 0.3.1

DAPOL+ Proof of Liabilities protocol

Proof of Liabilities protocol implemented in Rust

Crates.io License Build Status

Licensed under MIT.


Implementation of the DAPOL+ protocol introduced in the "Generalized Proof of Liabilities" by Yan Ji and Konstantinos Chalkias ACM CCS 2021 paper, available here

See the top-level doc for the project if you would like to know more about Proof of Liabilities.

Still to be done

This project is currently still a work in progress, but is ready for use as is. The code has not been audited yet (as of Nov 2023) and so it is not recommended to use it in production. Progress can be tracked here.

Important tasks still to be done:

How this code can be used

There is both a Rust API and a CLI. Details for both can be found in the sections below.

Rust API

The API has the following capabilities:

  • build a tree using the builder pattern or a configuration file
  • generate inclusion proofs from a list of entity IDs (tree required)
  • verify an inclusion proof using a root hash (no tree required)

See the examples directory or docs for details on how to use the API.


Install with cargo:

cargo install dapol

You can invoke the CLI like so:

dapol help

The CLI offers 3 main operations: tree building, proof generation & proof verification. All options can be explored with:

dapol build-tree help
dapol gen-proofs help
dapol verify-proof help

Tree building

Building a tree can be done:

  • from a config file (see dapol_config_example.toml)
  • from CLI arguments
  • by deserializing an already-built tree

Build a tree using config file (full log verbosity):

dapol -vvv build-tree config-file ./examples/dapol_config_example.toml

Add serialization:

dapol -vvv build-tree config-file ./examples/dapol_config_example.toml --serialize .

Deserialize a tree from a file:

dapol -vvv build-tree deserialize <file>

Generate proofs (proofs will live in the ./inclusion_proofs/ directory):

dapol -vvv build-tree config-file ./examples/dapol_config_example.toml --gen-proofs ./examples/entities_example.csv

Build a tree using cli args as apposed to a config file:

# this will generate 1000 random entities
dapol -vvv build-tree new --accumulator ndm-smt --height 16 --random-entities 1000 --secrets-file ./examples/dapol_secrets_example.toml

Proof generation

As seen above, the proof generation can be done via the tree build command, but it can also be done via its own command, which offers some more options around how the proofs are generated.

dapol -vvv gen-proofs --entity-ids ./examples/entities_example.csv --tree-file <serialized_tree_file>
echo "david.martin@example.com" | dapol -vvv gen-proofs --tree-file examples/my_serialized_tree_for_testing.dapoltree --entitiy-ids -

The proof generation command only offers 1 way to inject the tree (deserialization), as apposed to the tree build which offers different options.

Proof verification

dapol -vvv verify-proof --file-path <inclusion_proof_file> --root-hash <hash>

The root hash is logged out at info level when the tree is built or deserialized.

Unit test fuzzing

Follow the steps in the Rust Fuzz Book to get started. Essentially:

# The cargo-fuzz / libfuzzer duo is used
cargo install cargo-fuzz

# Need nightly for cargo-fuzz
rustup default nightly

# Run the max_nodes_to_store block, and don't do more than 300k runs.
cargo fuzz run max_nodes_to_store -- -runs=300000


To run the benchmarks first clone the repo and then run:

# Run the benchmarks written in the Criterion framework.
cargo bench --bench criterion_benches

# Run the benchmarks written without a framework.
cargo bench --bench manual_benches

# available env vars (with their default values):
LOG_VERBOSITY=none # supports error, warn, info, debug

The benches are split into 2 parts: Criterion (for small benches) and manual (for large benches). Some of the values of $n$ cause the benchmarks to take really long (up to an hour), and so using Criterion (which takes a minimum of 10 samples per bench) makes things too slow. It is advised to run Criterion benches for $n<1000000$ and manual benches otherwise.

A set of tuples is used as input to the benches:

You may experience an error building the benches if you are on a fresh Linux machine. If the jemalloc-sys package fails to build then maybe this will help.