dahl-salso 0.6.6

The SALSO algorithm is an efficient greedy search procedure to obtain a clustering estimate based on a partition loss function. The algorithm is implemented for many loss functions, including the Binder loss and a generalization of the variation of information loss, both of which allow for unequal weights on the two types of clustering mistakes. Efficient implementations are also provided for Monte Carlo estimation of the posterior expected loss of a given clustering estimate. SALSO was first presented at the workshop 'Bayesian Nonparametric Inference: Dependence Structures and their Applications' in Oaxaca, Mexico on December 6, 2017.
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void dahl_salso__expected_loss(int32_t n_partitions,
                               int32_t n_items,
                               int32_t *partition_ptr,
                               int32_t n_draws,
                               int32_t *draws_ptr,
                               double *psm_ptr,
                               int32_t loss,
                               double a,
                               double *results_ptr);

void dahl_salso__minimize_by_salso(int32_t n_items,
                                   int32_t n_draws,
                                   int32_t *draws_ptr,
                                   double *psm_ptr,
                                   int32_t loss,
                                   double a,
                                   int32_t max_size,
                                   int32_t n_runs,
                                   double seconds,
                                   int32_t max_scans,
                                   int32_t max_zealous_updates,
                                   double prob_sequential_allocation,
                                   double prob_singletons_initialization,
                                   int32_t n_cores,
                                   int32_t *results_labels_ptr,
                                   double *results_expected_loss_ptr,
                                   int32_t *results_n_scans_ptr,
                                   int32_t *results_n_zealous_accepts_ptr,
                                   int32_t *results_n_zealous_attempts_ptr,
                                   int32_t *results_n_runs_ptr,
                                   int32_t *results_max_size_ptr,
                                   int32_t *results_initialization_method_ptr,
                                   double *results_seconds_ptr,
                                   const int32_t *seed_ptr);

void dahl_salso__minimize_by_enumeration(int32_t n_items,
                                         double *psm_ptr,
                                         int32_t loss,
                                         double a,
                                         int32_t *results_label_ptr);

void dahl_salso__psm(int32_t n_partitions,
                     int32_t n_items,
                     int32_t n_cores,
                     int32_t *partitions_ptr,
                     double *psm_ptr);