dactyl 0.4.7

A small library to quickly stringify integers with basic formatting.
# Dactyl: Saturated Unsigned Integer Conversion

The `SaturatingFrom` trait allows large primitives to be downcast into smaller
types with values capped at the smaller type's `::MAX` value, avoiding any
possible overflow or wrapping issues. It's a clamp, basically, except all uints
share the same bottom.

It is implemented for `u8`, `u16`, `u32`, and `u64` for all types larger than
said type, up to `u128`.

The `usize` type, being variable, works a little differently. It implements
`SaturatingFrom` on `u32`, `u64`, and `u128` regardless of the machine's bit
size, but its ceiling will vary based on the machine's bit size (it could be as
low as `u16::MAX` or as high as `u64::MAX`).

## Examples

use dactyl::traits::SaturatingFrom;

assert_eq!(u8::saturating_from(1026_u16), 255_u8);
assert_eq!(u8::saturating_from(99_u16), 99_u8);

/// # Helper: Title/Description.
/// This generates a formatted title and description for the documentation.
macro_rules! impl_meta {
	// Title/Desc.
	($to:ty, $from:ty) => (
			"# Saturating From `",
			"This method will safely recast any `",
			"` into a `",
			"`, capping the values at `0` or `",
			"::MAX` to prevent overflow or wrapping."

/// # Helper: Generate Trait Implementations.
/// This generates implementations for unsigned sources, with or without an
/// upper cap.
macro_rules! unsigned_to_unsigned {
	// Cap to max.
	($meta:expr, $from:ty, $to:ty, $MAX:literal) => (
		impl SaturatingFrom<$from> for $to {
			#[doc = $meta]
			fn saturating_from(src: $from) -> Self {
				if src >= $MAX { $MAX }
				else { src as Self }

	// Direct cast.
	($meta:expr, $from:ty, $to:ty) => (
		impl SaturatingFrom<$from> for $to {
			#[doc = $meta]
			fn saturating_from(src: $from) -> Self { src as Self }

	// Cap to max.
	($to:ty, $MAX:literal, ($($from:ty),+)) => (
		$( unsigned_to_unsigned!(impl_meta!($to, $from), $from, $to, $MAX); )+

	// Direct cast.
	($to:ty, ($($from:ty),+)) => (
		$( unsigned_to_unsigned!(impl_meta!($to, $from), $from, $to); )+

/// # Helper: Generate Trait Implementations (Signed).
/// This generates implementations for signed sources, with or without an
/// upper cap. All signed types have a lower cap of zero.
macro_rules! signed_to_unsigned {
	// Cap to min/max.
	($meta:expr, $from:ty, $to:ty, $MAX:literal) => (
		impl SaturatingFrom<$from> for $to {
			#[doc = $meta]
			fn saturating_from(src: $from) -> Self {
				if src >= $MAX { Self::MAX }
				else if src > 0 { src as Self }
				else { 0 }

	// Cap to min.
	($meta:expr, $from:ty, $to:ty) => (
		impl SaturatingFrom<$from> for $to {
			#[doc = $meta]
			fn saturating_from(src: $from) -> Self {
				if src > 0 { src as Self }
				else { 0 }

	// Cap to min/max.
	($to:ty, $MAX:literal, ($($from:ty),+)) => (
		$( signed_to_unsigned!(impl_meta!($to, $from), $from, $to, $MAX); )+

	// Cap to min.
	($to:ty, ($($from:ty),+)) => (
		$( signed_to_unsigned!(impl_meta!($to, $from), $from, $to); )+

/// # Helper: Generate Trait Implementations (Signed).
/// This generates implementations for float sources, with or without an
/// upper cap. Negative and NaN values are cast to zero; infinite is cast to
/// MAX.
macro_rules! float_to_unsigned {
	// Cap to min/max.
	($meta:expr, $from:ty, $to:ty, $MAX:literal) => (
		impl SaturatingFrom<$from> for $to {
			#[doc = $meta]
			fn saturating_from(src: $from) -> Self {
				if src <= 0.0 { 0 }
				else if src >= $MAX { Self::MAX }
				else { src as Self }

	// Cap to min.
	($meta:expr, $from:ty, $to:ty) => (
		impl SaturatingFrom<$from> for $to {
			#[doc = $meta]
			fn saturating_from(src: $from) -> Self {
				if src > 0.0 { src as Self }
				else { 0 }

	// Cap to min/max.
	($to:ty, $MAX:literal, ($($from:ty),+)) => (
		$( float_to_unsigned!(impl_meta!($to, $from), $from, $to, $MAX); )+

	// Cap to min.
	($to:ty, ($($from:ty),+)) => (
		$( float_to_unsigned!(impl_meta!($to, $from), $from, $to); )+

/// # Saturating From.
/// Convert an unsigned integer of a larger type into `Self`, capping the
/// maximum value to `Self::MAX` to prevent overflow or wrapping.
pub trait SaturatingFrom<T> {
	/// # Saturating From.
	fn saturating_from(src: T) -> Self;

// These three are always the same.
unsigned_to_unsigned!(u8, 255, (u16, u32, u64, u128, usize));
unsigned_to_unsigned!(u16, 65_535, (u32, u64, u128, usize));
unsigned_to_unsigned!(u32, 4_294_967_295, (u64, u128)); // Usize conditional, below.
unsigned_to_unsigned!(u64, 18_446_744_073_709_551_615, (u128)); // Usize conditional, below.
unsigned_to_unsigned!(u128, (usize));

// usize-to-u32 varies by pointer.
#[cfg(any(target_pointer_width = "16", target_pointer_width="32"))] // 16/32 fit.
unsigned_to_unsigned!(u32, (usize));
#[cfg(any(target_pointer_width = "64", target_pointer_width="128"))] // 64/128 don't.
unsigned_to_unsigned!(u32, 4_294_967_295, (usize));

// usize-to-u64 varies by pointer.
#[cfg(not(target_pointer_width = "128"))] // 16/32/64 fit.
unsigned_to_unsigned!(u64, (usize));
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "128")] // 128 doesn't.
unsigned_to_unsigned!(u64, 18_446_744_073_709_551_615, (usize));

// Usize varies by pointer.
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "16")] // 32/64/128 don't fit.
unsigned_to_unsigned!(usize, 65_535, (u32, u64, u128));

#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")] // 32 fits.
unsigned_to_unsigned!(usize, (u32));
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")] // 64, 128 don't.
unsigned_to_unsigned!(usize, 4_294_967_295, (u64, u128));

#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")] // 32/64 fits.
unsigned_to_unsigned!(usize, (u32, u64));
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")] // 128 doesn't.
unsigned_to_unsigned!(usize, 18_446_744_073_709_551_615, (u128));

#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "128")]
unsigned_to_unsigned!(usize, (u32, u64, u128));

// Converting from signed types. These are straight conversions.
signed_to_unsigned!(u8, (i8));
signed_to_unsigned!(u16, (i8, i16));
signed_to_unsigned!(u32, (i8, i16, i32));
signed_to_unsigned!(u64, (i8, i16, i32, i64));
signed_to_unsigned!(u128, (i8, i16, i32, i64, i128, isize));
signed_to_unsigned!(usize, (i8, i16, isize));

// These require max capping.
signed_to_unsigned!(u8, 255, (i16, i32, i64, i128, isize));
signed_to_unsigned!(u16, 65_535, (i32, i64, i128, isize));
signed_to_unsigned!(u32, 4_294_967_295, (i64, i128));
signed_to_unsigned!(u64, 18_446_744_073_709_551_615, (i128));

// U32/isize varies by pointer.
#[cfg(any(target_pointer_width = "16", target_pointer_width="32"))]
signed_to_unsigned!(u32, (isize));
#[cfg(any(target_pointer_width = "64", target_pointer_width="128"))]
signed_to_unsigned!(u32, 4_294_967_295, (isize));

// U64/isize varies by pointer.
#[cfg(not(target_pointer_width = "128"))]
signed_to_unsigned!(u64, (isize));
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "128")]
signed_to_unsigned!(u64, 18_446_744_073_709_551_615, (isize));

// All other usize conversions vary by pointer.
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "16")]
signed_to_unsigned!(usize, 65_535, (i32, i64, i128));

#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
signed_to_unsigned!(usize, (i32));
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
signed_to_unsigned!(usize, 4_294_967_295, (i64, i128));

#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
signed_to_unsigned!(usize, (i32, i64));
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
signed_to_unsigned!(usize, 18_446_744_073_709_551_615, (i128));

#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "128")]
signed_to_unsigned!(usize, (i32, i64, i128));

// Converting from floats.
float_to_unsigned!(u8, 255.0, (f32, f64));
float_to_unsigned!(u16, 65_535.0, (f32, f64));
float_to_unsigned!(u32, 4_294_967_295.0, (f32, f64));
float_to_unsigned!(u64, (f32));
float_to_unsigned!(u64, 18_446_744_073_709_551_615.0, (f64));
float_to_unsigned!(u128, (f32, f64));

// And again, usize is a pain.
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "16")]
float_to_unsigned!(usize, 65_535.0, (f32, f64));

#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
float_to_unsigned!(usize, 4_294_967_295.0, (f32, f64));

#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
float_to_unsigned!(usize, (f32));
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
float_to_unsigned!(usize, 18_446_744_073_709_551_615.0, (f64));

#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "128")]
float_to_unsigned!(usize, (f32, f64));

mod tests {
	use super::*;
	use num_traits::cast::AsPrimitive;

	const SAMPLE_SIZE: usize = 1_000_000;

	const SAMPLE_SIZE: usize = 1000; // Miri runs way too slow for a million tests.

	/// # Test Flooring.
	macro_rules! test_impl {
		($type:ty, ($($val:expr),+)) => (
			$( assert_eq!(<$type>::saturating_from($val), <$type>::MIN); )+

		($type:ty) => {
			// SaturatingFrom is implemented for all signed types.
			test_impl!($type, (-1_i8, -1_i16, -1_i32, -1_i64, -1_i128, -1_isize));
			test_impl!($type, (0_i8, 0_i16, 0_i32, 0_i64, 0_i128, 0_isize));

			// Negative infinity and NAN should zero out.
			test_impl!($type, (0_f32, f32::NEG_INFINITY, f32::NAN));
			test_impl!($type, (0_f64, f64::NEG_INFINITY, f64::NAN));

	/// # Test Ceiling.
	macro_rules! test_impl_max {
		($type:ty, ($($from:ty),+)) => (
			$( assert_eq!(<$type>::saturating_from(<$from>::MAX), <$type>::MAX); )+

		($type:ty) => (
			// Float infinity should max out.
			assert_eq!(<$type>::saturating_from(f32::INFINITY), <$type>::MAX);
			assert_eq!(<$type>::saturating_from(f64::INFINITY), <$type>::MAX);

	/// # Range Testing.
	macro_rules! test_impl_range {
		($type:ty, ($($from:ty),+)) => {
			for i in 0..=<$type>::MAX {
				$( assert_eq!(<$type>::saturating_from(i as $from), i); )+

	/// # Range Testing (subset).
	/// This computes casting for a subset of the total type range; this allows
	/// testing large types to finish in a reasonable amount of time.
	macro_rules! test_impl_subrange {
		($type:ty:$fn:ident, ($($from:ty),+)) => {
			let rng = fastrand::Rng::new();
			for i in std::iter::repeat_with(|| rng.$fn(..)).take(SAMPLE_SIZE) {
					let test: $from = i.as_();
					let test2: $type = test.as_();
					if test2 == i {
						assert_eq!(<$type>::saturating_from(test), i);

	/// # Test Implementations
	/// This makes sure we've actually implemented all the expected type-to-
	/// type conversions.
	/// The macro without any specific values tests all signed ints at 0 and -1
	/// and all floats at NAN, NEG_INFINITY, and zero.
	fn t_impls() {
		test_impl!(u8, (0_u16, 0_u32, 0_u64, 0_u128, 0_usize));

		test_impl!(u16, (0_u32, 0_u64, 0_u128, 0_usize));

		test_impl!(u32, (0_u64, 0_u128, 0_usize));

		test_impl!(u64, (0_u128, 0_usize));

		test_impl!(u128, (0_usize));

		test_impl!(usize, (0_u32, 0_u64, 0_u128));

	/// # Test u8
	/// Make sure larger ints correctly saturate to u8.
	fn t_u8_from() {
		test_impl_range!(u8, (u16, u32, u64, u128, usize, f32, f64));
		test_impl_max!(u8, (u16, u32, u64, u128, usize, f32, f64));
		test_impl_max!(u8); // This tests all float::INFINITY.

	fn t_u16_from() {
		test_impl_range!(u16, (u32, u64, u128, usize, f32, f64));
		test_impl_max!(u16, (u32, u64, u128, usize, f32, f64));
		test_impl_max!(u16); // This tests all float::INFINITY.

	fn t_u32_from() {
		test_impl_subrange!(u32:u32, (u64, u128, f32, f64));
		test_impl_max!(u32, (u64, u128));
		test_impl_max!(u32); // This tests all float::INFINITY.

	fn t_u64_from() {
		test_impl_subrange!(u64:u64, (u128));
		test_impl_max!(u64, (u128));
		test_impl_max!(u64); // This tests all float::INFINITY.

	// Float testing is comparatively slow at 64 bits.
	fn t_u64_from_float() {
		test_impl_subrange!(u64:u64, (f32, f64));

	#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "16")]
	fn t_usize_from() {
		assert_eq!(std::mem::size_of::<u16>(), std::mem::size_of::<usize>());
		test_impl_range!(usize, (u32, u64, u128, f32, f64));
		test_impl_max!(usize, (u32, u64, u128));
		test_impl_max!(usize); // This tests all float::INFINITY.

	#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
	fn t_usize_from() {
		assert_eq!(std::mem::size_of::<u32>(), std::mem::size_of::<usize>());
		test_impl_subrange!(usize:usize, (u32, u64, u128, f32, f64));
		test_impl_max!(usize, (u32, u64, u128));
		test_impl_max!(u32, (usize));
		test_impl_max!(usize); // This tests all float::INFINITY.

	#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
	fn t_usize_from() {
		assert_eq!(std::mem::size_of::<u64>(), std::mem::size_of::<usize>());
		test_impl_subrange!(usize:usize, (u64, u128));
		assert_eq!(u32::saturating_from(usize::MAX), u32::MAX);
		test_impl_max!(u64, (usize));
		test_impl_max!(usize); // This tests all float::INFINITY.

	#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "128")]
	fn t_usize_from() {
		assert_eq!(std::mem::size_of::<u128>(), std::mem::size_of::<usize>());
		test_impl_subrange!(usize:usize, (u128));
		assert_eq!(u32::saturating_from(usize::MAX), u32::MAX);
		assert_eq!(u64::saturating_from(usize::MAX), u64::MAX);
		test_impl_max!(u128, (usize));
		test_impl_max!(u128); // This tests all float::INFINITY.
		test_impl_max!(usize); // This tests all float::INFINITY.

	#[cfg(any(target_pointer_width = "64", target_pointer_width = "128"))]
	// Float testing is comparatively slow at 64+ bits.
	fn t_usize_from_float() {
		test_impl_subrange!(usize:usize, (f32, f64));