daachorse 1.0.0

Daachorse: Double-Array Aho-Corasick
use core::num::NonZeroU32;

use alloc::vec::Vec;

use crate::charwise::{CharwiseDoubleArrayAhoCorasick, CodeMapper, MatchKind, State};
use crate::errors::{DaachorseError, Result};
use crate::nfa_builder::NfaBuilder;
use crate::utils::FromU32;
use crate::BuildHelper;

use crate::charwise::{DEAD_STATE_IDX, ROOT_STATE_IDX};
use crate::nfa_builder::{DEAD_STATE_ID, ROOT_STATE_ID};

// Specialized [`NfaBuilder`] handling labels of `char`.
type CharwiseNfaBuilder<V> = NfaBuilder<char, V>;

/// Builder for [`CharwiseDoubleArrayAhoCorasick`].
pub struct CharwiseDoubleArrayAhoCorasickBuilder {
    states: Vec<State>,
    mapper: CodeMapper,
    match_kind: MatchKind,
    block_len: u32,
    num_free_blocks: u32,

impl Default for CharwiseDoubleArrayAhoCorasickBuilder {
    fn default() -> Self {

impl CharwiseDoubleArrayAhoCorasickBuilder {
    /// Creates a new [`CharwiseDoubleArrayAhoCorasickBuilder`].
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use daachorse::CharwiseDoubleArrayAhoCorasickBuilder;
    /// let patterns = vec!["全世界", "世界", "に"];
    /// let builder = CharwiseDoubleArrayAhoCorasickBuilder::new();
    /// let pma = builder.build(patterns).unwrap();
    /// let mut it = pma.find_iter("全世界中に");
    /// let m = it.next().unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!((0, 9, 0), (m.start(), m.end(), m.value()));
    /// let m = it.next().unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!((12, 15, 2), (m.start(), m.end(), m.value()));
    /// assert_eq!(None, it.next());
    /// ```
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            states: vec![],
            mapper: CodeMapper::default(),
            match_kind: MatchKind::Standard,
            block_len: 0,
            num_free_blocks: 16,

    /// Specifies [`MatchKind`] to build.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `kind` - Match kind.
    pub const fn match_kind(mut self, kind: MatchKind) -> Self {
        self.match_kind = kind;

    /// Specifies the number of last blocks to search bases.
    /// The smaller the number is, the faster the construction time will be; however, the memory
    /// efficiency can be degraded.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `n` - The number of last blocks.
    /// # Panics
    /// `n` must be greater than or equal to 1.
    pub const fn num_free_blocks(mut self, n: u32) -> Self {
        assert!(n >= 1);
        self.num_free_blocks = n;

    /// Builds and returns a new [`CharwiseDoubleArrayAhoCorasick`] from input patterns. The value
    /// `i` is automatically associated with `patterns[i]`.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `patterns` - List of patterns.
    /// # Errors
    /// [`DaachorseError`] is returned when
    ///   - `patterns` is empty,
    ///   - `patterns` contains entries of length zero,
    ///   - `patterns` contains duplicate entries,
    ///   - the conversion from the index `i` to the specified type `V` fails,
    ///   - the scale of `patterns` exceeds the expected one, or
    ///   - the scale of the resulting automaton exceeds the expected one.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use daachorse::CharwiseDoubleArrayAhoCorasickBuilder;
    /// let patterns = vec!["全世界", "世界", "に"];
    /// let pma = CharwiseDoubleArrayAhoCorasickBuilder::new()
    ///     .build(patterns)
    ///     .unwrap();
    /// let mut it = pma.find_iter("全世界中に");
    /// let m = it.next().unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!((0, 9, 0), (m.start(), m.end(), m.value()));
    /// let m = it.next().unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!((12, 15, 2), (m.start(), m.end(), m.value()));
    /// assert_eq!(None, it.next());
    /// ```
    pub fn build<I, P, V>(self, patterns: I) -> Result<CharwiseDoubleArrayAhoCorasick<V>>
        I: IntoIterator<Item = P>,
        P: AsRef<str>,
        V: Copy + TryFrom<usize>,
        // The following code implicitly replaces large indices with 0,
        // but build_with_values() returns an error variant for such iterators.
        let patvals: Vec<_> = patterns
            .map(|(i, p)| V::try_from(i).map(|i| (p, i)))
            .collect::<Result<_, _>>()
            .map_err(|_| DaachorseError::invalid_conversion("index", "V"))?;

    /// Builds and returns a new [`CharwiseDoubleArrayAhoCorasick`] from input pattern-value pairs.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `patvals` - List of pattern-value pairs.
    /// # Errors
    /// [`DaachorseError`] is returned when
    ///   - `patvals` is empty,
    ///   - `patvals` contains patterns of length zero,
    ///   - `patvals` contains duplicate patterns,
    ///   - the scale of `patvals` exceeds the expected one, or
    ///   - the scale of the resulting automaton exceeds the expected one.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use daachorse::CharwiseDoubleArrayAhoCorasickBuilder;
    /// let patvals = vec![("全世界", 0), ("世界", 10), ("に", 100)];
    /// let pma = CharwiseDoubleArrayAhoCorasickBuilder::new()
    ///     .build_with_values(patvals)
    ///     .unwrap();
    /// let mut it = pma.find_iter("全世界中に");
    /// let m = it.next().unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!((0, 9, 0), (m.start(), m.end(), m.value()));
    /// let m = it.next().unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!((12, 15, 100), (m.start(), m.end(), m.value()));
    /// assert_eq!(None, it.next());
    /// ```
    pub fn build_with_values<I, P, V>(
        mut self,
        patvals: I,
    ) -> Result<CharwiseDoubleArrayAhoCorasick<V>>
        I: IntoIterator<Item = (P, V)>,
        P: AsRef<str>,
        V: Copy,
        let nfa = self.build_original_nfa_and_mapper(patvals)?;


        // -1 is for dead state
        let num_states = u32::try_from(nfa.states.len() - 1)
            .map_err(|_| DaachorseError::automaton_scale("num_states", u32::MAX))?;

        Ok(CharwiseDoubleArrayAhoCorasick {
            states: self.states,
            mapper: self.mapper,
            outputs: nfa.outputs,
            match_kind: self.match_kind,

    fn build_original_nfa_and_mapper<I, P, V>(
        &mut self,
        patvals: I,
    ) -> Result<CharwiseNfaBuilder<V>>
        I: IntoIterator<Item = (P, V)>,
        P: AsRef<str>,
        V: Copy,
        let mut nfa = CharwiseNfaBuilder::new(self.match_kind);
        let mut freqs = vec![];
            let mut chars = vec![];
            for (pattern, value) in patvals {
                pattern.as_ref().chars().for_each(|c| chars.push(c));
                nfa.add(&chars, value)?;

                for &c in &chars {
                    let c = usize::from_u32(u32::from(c));
                    if freqs.len() <= c {
                        freqs.resize(c + 1, 0);
                    freqs[c] += 1;
        self.mapper = CodeMapper::new(&freqs);

        if nfa.len == 0 {
            return Err(DaachorseError::invalid_argument("patvals.len()", ">=", 1));
        let q = match self.match_kind {
            MatchKind::Standard => nfa.build_fails(),
            MatchKind::LeftmostLongest | MatchKind::LeftmostFirst => nfa.build_fails_leftmost(),

    fn build_double_array<V>(&mut self, nfa: &CharwiseNfaBuilder<V>) -> Result<()> {
        let mut helper = self.init_array()?;

        let mut state_id_map = vec![DEAD_STATE_IDX; nfa.states.len()];
        state_id_map[usize::from_u32(ROOT_STATE_ID)] = ROOT_STATE_IDX;

        // Arranges base & check values
        let mut stack = vec![ROOT_STATE_ID];
        let mut mapped = vec![];

        while let Some(state_id) = stack.pop() {
            debug_assert_ne!(state_id, DEAD_STATE_ID);
            let state = &nfa.states[usize::from_u32(state_id)];

            let state_idx = state_id_map[usize::from_u32(state_id)];
            debug_assert_ne!(state_idx, DEAD_STATE_IDX);

            let s = &state.borrow();
            if s.edges.is_empty() {

            for (&label, &child_id) in &s.edges {
                mapped.push((self.mapper.get(label).unwrap(), child_id));
            mapped.sort_by(|(c1, _), (c2, _)| c1.cmp(c2));

            let base = self.find_base(&mapped, &helper);
            if self.states.len() <= usize::from_u32(base.get()) {
                self.extend_array(&mut helper)?;

            for &(c, child_id) in &mapped {
                let child_idx = base.get() ^ c;
                state_id_map[usize::from_u32(child_id)] = child_idx;

        // Sets fail & output_pos values
        for (i, state) in nfa.states.iter().enumerate() {
            if i == usize::from_u32(DEAD_STATE_ID) {

            let idx = usize::from_u32(state_id_map[i]);
            debug_assert_ne!(idx, usize::from_u32(DEAD_STATE_IDX));

            let s = &state.borrow();

            let fail_id = s.fail;
            if fail_id == DEAD_STATE_ID {
            } else {
                let fail_idx = state_id_map[usize::from_u32(fail_id)];
                debug_assert_ne!(fail_idx, DEAD_STATE_IDX);


    fn init_array(&mut self) -> Result<BuildHelper> {
        self.block_len = self.mapper.alphabet_size().next_power_of_two().max(2);
            .resize(usize::from_u32(self.block_len), State::default());
        let mut helper = BuildHelper::new(self.block_len, self.num_free_blocks)?;

    fn find_base(&self, edges: &[(u32, u32)], helper: &BuildHelper) -> NonZeroU32 {

        for idx in helper.vacant_iter() {
            let base = idx ^ edges[0].0;
            if let Some(base) = Self::verify_base(base, edges, helper) {
                return base;
        // len() is not 0 since states has at least block_len items.
        // The following value is always larger than or equal to len() since block_len is
        // alphabet_size().next_power_of_two().
        NonZeroU32::new(u32::try_from(self.states.len()).unwrap() ^ edges[0].0).unwrap()

    fn verify_base(base: u32, edges: &[(u32, u32)], helper: &BuildHelper) -> Option<NonZeroU32> {
        for &(c, _) in edges {
            let idx = base ^ c;
            if helper.is_used_index(idx) {
                return None;

    fn extend_array(&mut self, helper: &mut BuildHelper) -> Result<()> {
        if self.states.len() > usize::from_u32(u32::MAX - self.block_len) {
            return Err(DaachorseError::automaton_scale("states.len()", u32::MAX));

            self.states.len() + usize::from_u32(self.block_len),
