daab 0.3.0

DAG aware artifact builder


DAG Aware Artifact Builder

Rust crate for managing the building of artifacts by builders which are connected in a directed acyclic graph (DAG) like manner.

This crate provides essentially a cache which keeps artifacts of builders in order to prevent the same builder to produce multiple equal artifacts. This could be useful if the builders use consumable resources to create their artifacts, the building is a heavyweight procedure, or a given DAG dependency structure among the builders shall be properly preserved among their artifacts.

The basic principal on which this crate is build, suggests two levels of abstraction, the builder level and the artifact level. Each builder type has one specific artifact type. The builders are represented by any struct, which implements the Builder trait, which in turn has an associate type that specifies the artifact type.

Builders are supposed to be wrapped in ArtifactPromises, which prevents to call its Builder::build() method directly. In other respects, the ArtifactPromise acts a lot like an Rc and thus allows to share one instance among several dependants. This Rc-like structure creates naturally a DAG.

For building a Builder, its Builder::build() method is provided with a ArtifactResolver that allows to resolve depending ArtifactPromises into their respective artifacts, which is, in order to form a DAG, wrapped behind a Rc.

As entry point serves the ArtifactCache, which allows to resolve any ArtifactPromise to its artifact outside of a Builder. The ArtifactCache is essentially a cache. It can be used to translate any number of ArtifactPromises, sharing their common dependencies. Consequently, resolving the same ArtifactPromise using the same ArtifactCache results in the same Rced artifact.

When artifacts shall be explicitly recreated, e.g. to form a second independent artifact DAG, ArtifactCache has a clear() method to reset the cache. Additionally, ArtifactCache has an invalidate() method to remove a single builder artifact including its dependants (i.e. those artifacts which had used the invalidated one).


use std::rc::Rc;
use daab::*;

// Simple artifact
struct Leaf {

// Simple builder
struct BuilderLeaf {
    // ...
impl BuilderLeaf {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            // ...
impl Builder for BuilderLeaf {
    type Artifact = Leaf;

    fn build(&self, _cache: &mut ArtifactResolver) -> Self::Artifact {
            // ...

// Composed artifact, linking to a Leaf
struct Node {
    leaf: Rc<Leaf>, // Dependency artifact
    // ...

// Composed builder, depending on BuilderLeaf
struct BuilderNode {
    builder_leaf: ArtifactPromise<BuilderLeaf>, // Dependency builder
    // ...
impl BuilderNode {
    pub fn new(builder_leaf: ArtifactPromise<BuilderLeaf>) -> Self {
        Self {
            // ...
impl Builder for BuilderNode {
    type Artifact = Node;

    fn build(&self, cache: &mut ArtifactResolver) -> Self::Artifact {
        // Resolve ArtifactPromise to its artifact
        let leaf = cache.resolve(&self.builder_leaf);

        Node {
            // ...

// The cache to storing already created artifacts
let mut cache = ArtifactCache::new();

// Constructing builders
let leaf_builder = ArtifactPromise::new(BuilderLeaf::new());

let node_builder_1 = ArtifactPromise::new(BuilderNode::new(leaf_builder.clone()));
let node_builder_2: ArtifactPromise<_> = BuilderNode::new(leaf_builder.clone()).into();

// Using the cache to access the artifacts from the builders

// The same builder results in same artifact
assert!(Rc::ptr_eq(&cache.get(&node_builder_1), &cache.get(&node_builder_1)));

// Different builders result in different artifacts
assert!( ! Rc::ptr_eq(&cache.get(&node_builder_1), &cache.get(&node_builder_2)));

// Different artifacts may link the same dependent artifact
assert!(Rc::ptr_eq(&cache.get(&node_builder_1).leaf, &cache.get(&node_builder_2).leaf));


daab comes with extensive debugging gear. However, in order to keep the production impact as low as possible, the debugging facilityies are capsuled behind the diagnostics feature.

Of course, the debugging feature is for the user of this crate to debug their graphs. Therefore, it is rather modeled as a diagnostics feature (hence the name). Consequently, the diagnosis is carried out by a Doctor, which is a trait receiving various internal events in order to record them, print them, or otherwise help treating the bug.

Care has been taken to keep the diagnostics feature broadly applicable as well as keeping the non-diagnostics API compatible with the diagnostics-API, meaning that a project using not using the diagnostics feature can be easily converted to using the diagnostics, usually by just replacing ArtifactCache::new() by ArtifactCache::new_with_doctor(). For this reason the ArtifactCache is generic to its doctor, which is important on its creation. The rest of the time the ArtifactCache uses dyn Doctor as its (fixed) generic argument. To ease conversion between them, all creatable ArtifactCaches (i.e. not ArtifactCache<dyn Doctor>) implement DerefMut to ArtifactCache<dyn Doctor> which has all the methods implemented.


This crate offers the following features:

  • diagnostics enables elaborate graph and cache interaction debugging. It adds the new_with_doctor() function to the ArtifactCache and adds the diagnostics module with the Doctor trait definition and some default Doctors.

  • tynm enable the optional dependency on the tynm crate which adds functionality to abbreviate type names, which are used by some default Doctors, hence it is only useful in connection with the diagnostics feature.


Licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0 (LICENSE or https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in this project by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.