d1-pac 0.0.31

Peripheral access API for Allwinner D1 SoC generated from unofficial SVD file


crates.io Continuous integration

Peripheral access API for Allwinner D1 SoC generated from unofficial SVD file

This project is currently developed and maintained by duskmoon (Campbell He).


D1 is an SoC developed and sold by Allwinner. There is another SoC named D1S (also called F133) which is a "D1" with a lack of some features.

This crate provides an unofficial version CMSIS-SVD file of D1 SoC and a Rust crate generated via svd2rust. Most features should be available on D1S.

Actually only tested on D1S so far

Most peripherals only provide the address of registers, a few peripherals add the contents of each field of registers. For more details, please refer to the official user manual and datasheet provided by Allwinner.

It might be hard to find the user manual.

D1 User Manual v0.1 provided by RVBoards and F133 User Manual v1.0 provided by Mangopi can be used as reference

d1-pac is now developed according to D1 User Manual v0.1

I have now added the descriptions of most of the peripherals to the SVD file. If you find the descriptions are wrong or poorly named in use, please feel free to submit an Issue or Pull Request to improve this crate.



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