cxx 0.5.10

Safe interop between Rust and C++
error[E0271]: type mismatch resolving `<StringPiece as ExternType>::Id == (f, o, l, l, y, (), B, y, t, e, R, a, n, g, e)`
   --> $DIR/
11  |         type ByteRange = crate::here::StringPiece;
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected a tuple with 15 elements, found one with 17 elements
   ::: $WORKSPACE/src/
    | pub fn verify_extern_type<T: ExternType<Id = Id>, Id>() {}
    |                                         ------- required by this bound in `verify_extern_type`
    = note: expected tuple `(f, o, l, l, y, (), B, y, t, e, R, a, n, g, e)`
               found tuple `(f, o, l, l, y, (), S, t, r, i, n, g, P, i, e, c, e)`