cxx-build 0.4.5

C++ code generator for integrating `cxx` crate into a Cargo build.
//! The CXX code generator for constructing and compiling C++ code.
//! This is intended to be used from Cargo build scripts to execute CXX's
//! C++ code generator, set up any additional compiler flags depending on
//! the use case, and make the C++ compiler invocation.
//! <br>
//! # Example
//! Example of a canonical Cargo build script that builds a CXX bridge:
//! ```no_run
//! //
//! fn main() {
//!     cxx_build::bridge("src/")
//!         .file("src/")
//!         .flag_if_supported("-std=c++11")
//!         .compile("cxxbridge-demo");
//!     println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=src/");
//!     println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=src/");
//!     println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=include/demo.h");
//! }
//! ```
//! A runnable working setup with this build script is shown in the *demo*
//! directory of [].
//! []:
//! <br>
//! # Alternatives
//! For use in non-Cargo builds like Bazel or Buck, CXX provides an
//! alternate way of invoking the C++ code generator as a standalone command
//! line tool. The tool is packaged as the `cxxbridge-cmd` crate.
//! ```bash
//! $ cargo install cxxbridge-cmd  # or build it from the repo
//! $ cxxbridge src/ --header > path/to/mybridge.h
//! $ cxxbridge src/ > path/to/
//! ```


mod cargo;
mod error;
mod gen;
mod out;
mod paths;
mod syntax;

use crate::error::Result;
use crate::gen::error::report;
use crate::gen::{fs, Opt};
use crate::paths::{PathExt, TargetDir};
use cc::Build;
use std::io::{self, Write};
use std::iter;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process;

/// This returns a [`cc::Build`] on which you should continue to set up any
/// additional source files or compiler flags, and lastly call its [`compile`]
/// method to execute the C++ build.
/// [`compile`]:
pub fn bridge(rust_source_file: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Build {

/// `cxx_build::bridge` but for when more than one file contains a
/// #\[cxx::bridge\] module.
/// ```no_run
/// let source_files = vec!["src/", "src/path/to/"];
/// cxx_build::bridges(source_files)
///     .file("src/")
///     .flag_if_supported("-std=c++11")
///     .compile("cxxbridge-demo");
/// ```
pub fn bridges(rust_source_files: impl IntoIterator<Item = impl AsRef<Path>>) -> Build {
    let ref mut rust_source_files = rust_source_files.into_iter();
    build(rust_source_files).unwrap_or_else(|err| {
        let _ = writeln!(io::stderr(), "\n\ncxxbridge error: {}\n\n", report(err));

struct Project {
    out_dir: PathBuf,
    target_dir: TargetDir,

impl Project {
    fn init() -> Result<Self> {
        let out_dir = paths::out_dir()?;

        let target_dir = match cargo::target_dir(&out_dir) {
            target_dir @ TargetDir::Path(_) => target_dir,
            // Fallback if Cargo did not work.
            TargetDir::Unknown => paths::search_parents_for_target_dir(&out_dir),

        Ok(Project {

fn build(rust_source_files: &mut dyn Iterator<Item = impl AsRef<Path>>) -> Result<Build> {
    let ref prj = Project::init()?;
    let include_dir = paths::include_dir(prj);

    let mut build = Build::new();
    build.cpp_link_stdlib(None); // linked via link-cplusplus crate
    let crate_dir = symlink_crate(prj, &mut build);

    for path in rust_source_files {
        generate_bridge(prj, &mut build, path.as_ref())?;

    eprintln!("\nCXX include path:");
    eprintln!("  {}", include_dir.display());
    if let Some(crate_dir) = crate_dir {
        eprintln!("  {}", crate_dir.display());

fn write_header(prj: &Project) {
    let ref cxx_h = prj.out_dir.join("cxxbridge").join("rust").join("cxx.h");
    let _ = out::write(cxx_h, gen::include::HEADER.as_bytes());
    if let TargetDir::Path(target_dir) = &prj.target_dir {
        let ref header_dir = target_dir.join("cxxbridge").join("rust");
        let _ = fs::create_dir_all(header_dir);
        let ref cxx_h = header_dir.join("cxx.h");
        let _ = out::write(cxx_h, gen::include::HEADER.as_bytes());

fn symlink_crate(prj: &Project, build: &mut Build) -> Option<PathBuf> {
    let manifest_dir = match paths::manifest_dir() {
        Some(manifest_dir) => manifest_dir,
        None => return None,
    let package_name = match paths::package_name() {
        Some(package_name) => package_name,
        None => return None,

    let mut link = paths::include_dir(prj);
    let _ = out::symlink_dir(manifest_dir, link.join(package_name));

fn generate_bridge(prj: &Project, build: &mut Build, rust_source_file: &Path) -> Result<()> {
    let opt = Opt::default();
    let generated = gen::generate_from_path(rust_source_file, &opt);
    let ref rel_path = paths::local_relative_path(rust_source_file);

    let ref rel_path_h = rel_path.with_appended_extension(".h");
    let ref header_path = paths::namespaced(&prj.out_dir, rel_path_h);
    out::write(header_path, &generated.header)?;

    let ref link_path = paths::namespaced(&prj.out_dir, rel_path);
    let _ = out::symlink_file(header_path, link_path);
    if let TargetDir::Path(target_dir) = &prj.target_dir {
        let ref link_path = paths::namespaced(target_dir, rel_path);
        let _ = out::symlink_file(header_path, link_path);
        let _ = out::symlink_file(header_path, link_path.with_appended_extension(".h"));

    let ref rel_path_cc = rel_path.with_appended_extension(".cc");
    let ref implementation_path = paths::namespaced(&prj.out_dir, rel_path_cc);
    out::write(implementation_path, &generated.implementation)?;