cwtch-imp 0.3.0

small demon, a familiar of a witch. imp is a set of bot creating utilities built on top of libcwtch-rs


small demon, a familiar of a witch

imp is a set of bot creating utilities built on top of libcwtch-rs

It is in the very early prototype stage with one prototype use in the Cwtch update bot


Start with creating a Behaviour struct and populating it with your desired set of bot behaviours, then imp::spawn your bot with the behaviour.

To handle Cwtch events you can either

  • Define a struct fulfilling the imp::EventHandler::event_loop function which has the capacity to support all the events libCwtch can emit
  • Override specific on_x_event functions in imp::EventHandler such as on_new_message_from_contact
    • This is newer and more will be defined in later versions

Finally, run the imp my_imp.event_loop::<MyEventHandlerType>(update_bot.borrow_mut());
