cw20-ics20 0.13.2

IBC Enabled contracts that receives CW20 tokens and sends them over ICS20 to a remote chain
features = ["stargate"]
version = "1.0.0-beta8"

version = "0.13.2"

version = "0.13.2"

version = "0.13.2"

version = "0.13.2"

version = "0.13.2"

version = "0.8.1"

version = "1"

default-features = false
features = ["derive"]
version = "1.0.103"

version = "1.0.23"
version = "1.0.0-beta8"

backtraces = ["cosmwasm-std/backtraces"]
library = []

crate-type = ["cdylib", "rlib"]

authors = ["Ethan Frey <>"]
description = "IBC Enabled contracts that receives CW20 tokens and sends them over ICS20 to a remote chain"
documentation = ""
edition = "2018"
homepage = ""
license = "Apache-2.0"
name = "cw20-ics20"
repository = ""
version = "0.13.2"