Crate cw0[][src]



Duration is a delta of time. You can add it to a BlockInfo or Expiration to move that further in the future. Note that an height-based Duration and a time-based Expiration cannot be combined

Expiration represents a point in time when some event happens. It can compare with a BlockInfo and will return is_expired() == true once the condition is hit (and for every block in the future)



This defines a set of attributes which should be added to Response.


Similar to must_pay, but it any payment is optional. Returns an error if a different denom was sent. Otherwise, returns the amount of denom sent, or 0 if nothing sent.

Requires exactly one denom sent, which matches the requested denom. Returns the amount if only one denom and non-zero amount. Errors otherwise.

returns an error if any coins were sent

If exactly one coin was sent, returns it regardless of denom. Returns error if 0 or 2+ coins were sent