cw-voting 0.2.0

Simple CosmWasm contract for voting


This is a simple voting contract. It creates a contract to manage token weighted polls, where voters deposit native coins in order to vote. Voters can withdraw their stake, but not while a poll they've participated in is still in progress.

Anyone can create a poll, and as the poll creator, only they are allowed to end/tally the poll.

This contract is mainly considered as a simple tutorial example.

As of v0.2.0, this was rebuilt from cosmwasm-template, which is the recommended way to create any contracts.

Using this project

If you want to get acquainted more with this contract, you should check out Developing, which explains more on how to run tests and develop code. Publishing contains useful information on how to publish your contract to the world, once you are ready to deploy it on a running blockchain. And Importing contains information about pulling in other contracts or crates that have been published.

But more than anything, there is an online tutorial, which leads you step-by-step on how to modify this particular contract.