cw-utils 1.0.2

Common helpers for other cw specs
# Changelog

## [v1.0.0] (2022-11-23)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Add minimal/maximal versions builds, make minimal pass [\#1] ([uint]

# Old changelog

Until `v0.16.0`, this project lived in a different repo with other projects. The below
changelog will be noisy - not everything is relevant to `cw-utils` there.

## [v0.16.0] (2022-10-14)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Unable to run workspace-optimizer [\#828]
- Running the build command for the production-ready build for cw-20 and not only ends an error [\#821]
- Fill out missing high-level docs [\#806]
- Some multitest bindings for staking are missing such as `BondedDenom` [\#753]
- Allow burn to have a callback just like Send [\#717]
- Unable to upload cw20_base wasm file on terra-station [\#716]
- Cannot upload to localterra with cw-storage-plus 0.12.1 [\#666]
- Is `MAX_LIMIT` a bug? [\#625]
- Add support for admin migrations to cw-multitest [\#744]

**Merged pull requests:**

- Remove `cosmwasm-storage` dependency [\#827] ([uint]
- Generic query for cw3 unification [\#826] ([hashedone]
- Remove cw1-whitelist-ng [\#825] ([uint]
- Deque changes [\#822] ([chipshort]
- Add missing docs [\#818] ([chipshort]
- Remove storage-plus dependency from storage-macro [\#817] ([chipshort]
- \[multi-test\] Add update and clear admin support to WasmKeeper [\#812] ([chipshort]
- Update CHANGELOG [\#811] ([uint]
- \[multi-test\] Add staking and distribution module [\#782] ([ueco-jb]
- Handle duplicate members in cw4-group create [\#702] ([codehans]

## [v0.15.1] (2022-09-27)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Add stack and queue implementations to storage-plus [\#776]

**Merged pull requests:**

- Release 0.15.1 [\#809] ([uint]
- Add Deque [\#807] ([chipshort]
- Cw1155-base public queries and move tests [\#804] ([ismellike]
- Add clear and is_empty methods to Map [\#803] ([manu0466]
- SnapshotItem total, public query methods, and safe math [\#802] ([ismellike]

## [v0.15.0] (2022-09-14)

[Full Changelog](

**Breaking changes:**

- Change `MultiIndex` index function signature to include the pk [\#670]
- Improve `MultiIndex` pk deserialization [\#531]

**Implemented enhancements:**

- `Prefix::keys` method never fails [\#766]

**Closed issues:**

- Adapt build_and_upload_schemas CI job to new schema format [\#795]
- Remove `IntKeyOld` [\#775]
- Can I cover all tests with cw_multi_test? [\#771]
- Make cw1155 can add token's url at the first mint [\#764]
- Expose `Response` from contract in cw-multi-test execute [\#763]
- Restructure `Index` trait to allow for more extensive `Index` struct implementation. [\#757]
- Consider moving schema boilerplate from `examples` to a binary crate [\#755]
- Wrong/unclear explanation in IndexedMap docs [\#718]
- Redundant logic in `ThresholdResponse` multisigs [\#677]
- \[cw3-flex/fixed-multisig\] Reject proposals early [\#665]
- cw20 allowance expiration can be set to a block height or timestamp in the past [\#628]
- Add security policy [\#580]
- Update doc for multi test [\#490]

**Merged pull requests:**

- CI: unified .json schema artifacts for contracts [\#798] ([uint]
- cw4 contracts: clean up imports and reexports [\#797] ([uint]
- Fix `cargo wasm` [\#794] ([uint]
- Validate allowance expiration [\#793] ([chipshort]
- Update to CosmWasm 1.1.0 [\#791] ([uint]
- CosmWasm `1.1.0-rc.1` [\#789] ([uint]
- Updating broken link to cw3-flex-multisig [\#787] ([0xriku]
- Multisig status logic follow-up [\#784] ([maurolacy]
- Multisig status logic [\#783] ([maurolacy]
- Add primary key to `MultiIndex` index fn params [\#781] ([maurolacy]
- Fix typo [\#779] ([LeTurt333]
- Remove deprecated `IntKeyOld` [\#778] ([ueco-jb]
- Small fixes / updates to storage-plus docs [\#777] ([maurolacy]
- Fix: `Prefix::keys` return errors [\#774] ([maurolacy]
- Expose cw-multi-test `FailingModule` [\#773] ([dadamu]
- Style: move `InstantiateMsg` validation in impl [\#772] ([etienne-napoleone]
- Make ExecuteEnv fields public [\#770] ([ismellike]
- Change / fix packages publishing order [\#769] ([maurolacy]
- contracts: move schema gen boilerplate to a binary crate [\#760] ([uint]

## [v0.14.0] (2022-07-27)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- cw20-ics20 incorrectly encodes `ack_success`. [\#759]
- Allow querying all granted allowances to a spender [\#756]
- Store compiled wasms on repo [\#747]
- Add optional executor restriction to cw3-flex [\#739]
- Provide proc macro package for automatic `IndexList<T>` implementation on any index struct [\#736]
- MultiIndex `prefix` and `sub_prefix` working incorrectly when using a triple element tuple as IK [\#730]
- Errors when compiling all the contracts [\#724]
- Test-specific helpers in storage-plus [\#708]

**Merged pull requests:**

- Updated contract versions and links [\#762] ([daniel-farina]
- Allowances per spender [\#761] ([maurolacy]
- Fix broken links, minor typo [\#752] ([mikedotexe]
- Use into_iter\(\) instead of iter\(\).cloned\(\). [\#749] ([ezekiiel]
- Add ability to unset minter in UpdateMinter message. [\#748] ([ezekiiel]
- Fix specification about CW20 Enumerable Queries [\#746] ([lukepark327]
- Add migrate method to cw20 base. [\#745] ([ezekiiel]
- Add optional executor restriction to cw3-flex [\#741] ([ueco-jb]
- Add proc macro package for automatic `IndexList<T>` implementation [\#737] ([y-pakorn]
- Bump workspace-optimizer version in README to `0.12.6` [\#735] ([uint]
- Use standard CosmosMsg [\#734] ([ethanfrey]
- add execute msg to update minter [\#729] ([janitachalam]
- Removed documentation from Cargo.toml [\#711] ([hashedone]
- Move test helpers into a test section [\#709] ([shanev]
- add query_this_hook to [\#688] ([ishaanh]

## [v0.13.4] (2022-06-02)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Dump state multitest [\#732] ([ethanfrey]

## [v0.13.3] (2022-06-01)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Add code coverage tooling to the CI [\#172]

**Merged pull requests:**

- Repo reclippization [\#721] ([hashedone]
- Add code coverage to CI [\#715] ([maurolacy]
- Update typo [\#713] ([rtviii]
- Update link to new shared CosmWasm [\#701] ([webmaster128]
- Add existence checking to indexed map [\#700] ([shanev]

**Closed issues:**

- error: could not compile `ff` when running cargo test on cw20-base contract [\#714]

## [v0.13.2] (2022-04-11)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- `KeyDeserialize` trait is private making custom keys and generics over keys not possible. [\#691]
- unresolved import cosmwasm_std::testing [\#681]
- Add non-owned `range_de` [\#463]

**Merged pull requests:**

- Upgrade all contracts and packages to cosmwasm-std beta8 [\#699] ([the-frey]
- Remove dead links [\#698] ([Psyf]
- cw20-ics20: fix missing assert [\#697] ([giansalex]
- storage-plus: Implement u128 key [\#694] ([orkunkl]
- Make `KeyDeserialize` trait public [\#692] ([maurolacy]
- Typo in QueryMsg::DownloadLogo description [\#690] ([nnoln]
- Fix help / args [\#689] ([maurolacy]

## [v0.13.1] (2022-03-25)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- cw20-base: duplicate accounts get overwritten in Init [\#683]
- Implementation of \(not\) as `HashMap` [\#682]
- ICS20, invalid packet data [\#662]
- Duplicate accounts in cw20 initial balances causes unrecoverable inconsistent state [\#626]

**Merged pull requests:**

- Add default gas limit to cw20-ics20 [\#685] ([ethanfrey]
- Fix cw20 ics20 packets [\#684] ([ethanfrey]
- Clarify the stability of cw-storage-plus, no longer Experimental [\#676] ([ethanfrey]
- Update changelog add upcoming [\#675] ([maurolacy]
- Reject proposals early [\#668] ([Callum-A]
- cw20-base: validate addresses are unique in initial balances [\#659] ([harryscholes]
- New refering to wasmd [\#624] ([ethanfrey]

## [v0.13.0] (2022-03-09)

[Full Changelog](

**Breaking changes:**

- Fix `MultiIndex` last type param default / docs [\#669]

**Closed issues:**

- Release `cw-plus` v0.13.0 [\#673]
- Querying over composite key [\#664]
- the method `may_load` exists for struct `cw_storage_plus::Map<'static, (std::string::String, Uint256), Uint256>`, but its trait bounds were not satisfied the following trait bounds were not satisfied: `(std::string::String, Uint256): PrimaryKey` [\#663]
- Make `Bound` helpers return `Option<Self>` [\#644]

**Merged pull requests:**

- Update cosmwasm to 1.0.0-beta6 [\#672] ([webmaster128]
- Update storage plus docs / Remove `MultiIndex` PK default [\#671] ([maurolacy]
- fix: Remove old TODO comment in cw3-flex readme [\#661] ([apollo-sturdy]
- Properly handle generic queries in multi-test [\#660] ([ethanfrey]

## [v0.12.1] (2022-02-14)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Fix missing custom query [\#657] ([maurolacy]
- Forward original errors in multitest `instantiate`, `execute` and `query` [\#656] ([maurolacy]
- Fix missing prefix bound types [\#655] ([maurolacy]

## [v0.12.0] (2022-02-09)

[Full Changelog](

**Breaking changes:**

- Add `proposal_id` field to `VoteInfo` structure [\#647]


- Remove `IntKey` with surrounding implementation [\#570]

**Closed issues:**

- Move all cw20 examples to new repo [\#578]
- Add more debug output from multi-test [\#575]
- Make `Bound`s type safe [\#462]
- Incorrect Cw4ExecuteMsg used during remove_hook [\#637]
- \[cw3-flex/fixed-multisig\] Status changes after voting and proposal expiration [\#630]
- Make `Bound`s type safe [\#462]
- Move all cw20 examples to new repo [\#578]
- Add more debug output from multi-test [\#575]

**Merged pull requests:**

- Prepare release v0.12.0 [\#654] ([uint]
- Ics20 same ack handling as ibctransfer [\#653] ([ethanfrey]
- packages: support custom queries [\#652] ([uint]
- CW20 - Fix Docs URL [\#649] ([entrancedjames]
- CW3: Add proposal_id field to VoteInfo structure [\#648] ([ueco-jb]
- Use ContractInfoResponse from cosmwasm_std [\#646] ([webmaster128]
- Fix status/execution bugs in flex-multisig [\#643] ([uint]
- Set version: 0.12.0-alpha2 [\#642] ([ethanfrey]
- Allow modifying admin of Ics20 contract [\#641] ([ethanfrey]
- `` update / examples for type safe bounds [\#640] ([maurolacy]
- Fix benchmarks \(after 1.58.1 update\) [\#639] ([maurolacy]
- Fix `remove_hook` helper [\#638] ([maurolacy]
- Type safe bounds [\#627] ([maurolacy]
- Update Rust to v1.54.0 in CI [\#636] ([maurolacy]
- Refactor cw2 spec readme [\#635] ([orkunkl]
- Fix tag consolidation for matching CHANGELOG entries [\#634] ([maurolacy]
- Ics20 contract rollback [\#633] ([ethanfrey]
- Fix typo in [\#632] ([josefrichter]
- Update ics20 contract [\#631] ([ethanfrey]
- Publish snapshot map changelog [\#622] ([maurolacy]
- Remove `IntKey` and `TimestampKey` [\#620] ([ueco-jb]
- Signed int key benchmarks [\#619] ([maurolacy]
- fix readme update coralnet to sandynet-1 [\#617] ([yubrew]
- Publish `PrefixBound` [\#616] ([maurolacy]
- Move contracts to cw-tokens [\#613] ([ethanfrey]
- Add context to multitest execution errors [\#597] ([uint]

## [v0.11.1] (2021-12-28)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- multitest returns error on BankMsg with 0 tokens [\#610]
- Add signed int keys migration example [\#602]
- Issue running wasm compilation out-of-the-box [\#545]

**Merged pull requests:**

- Assert non-empty send/burn/mint in multitest bank module [\#611] ([ethanfrey]
- cw-storage-plus: Expose keys::Key [\#609] ([orkunkl]
- Implement Expired variant, Scheduled [\#606] ([orkunkl]
- Signed int keys migrate example [\#604] ([maurolacy]
- Adjust order of publishing to handle new deps [\#603] ([ethanfrey]
- Fix cw-utils README entry [\#601] ([maurolacy]
- Rename utils to cw-utils [\#598] ([ethanfrey]
- Mention latest workspace optimizer version in README [\#595] ([ueco-jb]

## [v0.11.0] (2021-12-22)

[Full Changelog](

**Breaking changes:**

- Remove the primary key from the `MultiIndex` key specification [\#533]
- `UniqueIndex` / `MultiIndex` key consistency [\#532]
- Incorrect I32Key Index Ordering [\#489]
- Deprecate `range` to `range_raw` [\#460]

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Add `` [\#583]
- Remove schemas, and publish them with artifacts on release tags [\#529]

**Closed issues:**

- Check \(and possibly fix\) threshold and voting power implementation in `cw3-fixed-multisig` [\#551]
- Update to cosmwasm 1.0.0-beta3 [\#579]
- Cannot import non "library" features in dev-dependencies [\#577]
- `base-helpers.ts` doesn't belong to `contracts` [\#566]
- handle function [\#563]
- Migrate from `IntKey` to new naked int key [\#549]
- Refactor `UniqueIndex` and `MultiIndex` into their own files [\#530]
- Iterate over historical data in SnapshotMap [\#487]
- Rename cw0 to utils [\#471]
- Various `range_de` / `prefix_de` improvements [\#464]
- Add `range_de` to `Map`-like structs [\#461]
- Add url as input when mint cw1155 [\#449]
- Allow cw20 token as reserve token for bonding curve [\#191]
- Benchmark bonding curve functionality [\#190]
- Support Partial Indexes [\#177]
- Improve cw20-staking contract [\#59]

**Merged pull requests:**

- Add `` [\#591] ([maurolacy]
- Move Threshold and coexisting implementations into packages/utils [\#590] ([ueco-jb]
- Build and upload schemas in CI [\#589] ([maurolacy]
- Fix min threshold and vote power bugs in cw3-fixed-multisig [\#588] ([ueco-jb]
- Update to cosmwasm 1.0.0-beta3 [\#587] ([ueco-jb]
- Make `` use the latest version tag by default [\#585] ([maurolacy]
- Signed int keys order [\#582] ([maurolacy]
- `range` to `range raw` [\#576] ([maurolacy]
- Remove helper.ts files for contracts [\#574] ([findolor]
- Fix expiration type properties on cw1-subkeys helpers.ts [\#571] ([findolor]
- `MultiIndex` primary key spec removal [\#569] ([maurolacy]
- Index keys consistency [\#568] ([maurolacy]
- Implement display for Balance and Coin [\#565] ([orkunkl]
- Migrate from `IntKey` to new naked int key [\#564] ([ueco-jb]
- Add ParseReplyError to cw0 lib [\#562] ([shanev]
- Update cw2 readme - contract_info key [\#561] ([korzewski]
- Change pebblenet to uni and update wasm binary to 0.10.2 [\#560] ([findolor]
- Update cw1-subkeys/helpers.ts wasm binary version to 0.10.2 from 0.9.1 [\#558] ([findolor]
- Update base-helpers.ts options [\#557] ([findolor]
- Update cw4-group/helpers.ts to work with base-helpers.ts [\#552] ([findolor]
- Update cw3-flex-multisig/helpers.ts to work with cosmjs/cli v0.26 and base-helpers.ts [\#550] ([findolor]
- Cw0 rename [\#508] ([maurolacy]
- UniqueIndex range_de [\#500] ([uint]

## [v0.10.3] (2021-11-16)

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Deprecate IntKey [\#547] ([ueco-jb]
- Implement WasmQuery::ContractInfo [\#554] ([ethanfrey]

**Fixed bugs:**

- Fix min threshold and vote power bugs in cw3-flex-multisig [\#527]

**Closed issues:**

- "env.sender" in README of cw20 [\#539]
- Migrate example [\#511]
- Semver parsing / comparison [\#510]
- Example of parsing SubMessage data field [\#509]
- Deprecate `IntKey` [\#472]

**Merged pull requests:**

- Update cw1-subkeys/helpers.ts file to work with cosmjs/cli v0.26 [\#546] ([findolor]
- Fix cw20 readme [\#544] ([loloicci]
- Revert "Update helper version and refactor based on new base helper" [\#538] ([findolor]
- Update cw1-subkeys/helpers.ts version and refactor based on base-helper.ts [\#537] ([findolor]
- Refactor cw20-base/helpers.ts based on base-helper.ts [\#536] ([findolor]
- Add base helper for contracts [\#535] ([findolor]
- Fix min threshold in cw3-flex-multisig [\#528] ([ueco-jb]
- cw1-subkeys: Migration example [\#525] ([hashedone]

## [v0.10.2] (2021-11-03)

**Closed issues:**

- Multitest has errors with reply data [\#516]

**Merged pull requests:**

- cw1-whitelist-ng: Slight messages parsing improvement [\#523] ([hashedone]
- ics20: Handle send errors with reply [\#520] ([ethanfrey]
- Proper execute responses [\#519] ([ethanfrey]
- Publish MsgInstantiate / Execute responses [\#518] ([maurolacy]
- Fix instaniate reply data [\#517] ([ethanfrey]
- Use protobuf de helpers [\#515] ([maurolacy]
- Add tests for the claims controller [\#514] ([sgoya]
- Implement cw3-flex-multisig helper [\#479] ([orkunkl]

## [v0.10.1] (2021-10-26)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Reimplement cw1-whitelist contract in terms of semantic structures [\#494]
- Helper transfer method failed to execute message [\#492]
- Add helpers for parsing the protobuf MsgInstantiate and MsgExecute responses [\#480]

**Merged pull requests:**

- Prepare 0.10.1 release [\#513] ([ethanfrey]
- Added cw1-whitelist-ng to CI [\#512] ([hashedone]
- cw1-subkeys-ng: Additional follow up improvements [\#506] ([hashedone]
- Parse reply helpers [\#502] ([maurolacy]
- cw1-whitelist-ng: Contract implementation in terms of semantical structures [\#499] ([hashedone]
- range_de for IndexMap [\#498] ([uint]
- Implement range_de for SnapshotMap [\#497] ([uint]
- Fix publish script [\#486] ([ethanfrey]
- Implement cw4-group typescript helper [\#476] ([orkunkl]

## [v0.10.0] (2021-10-11)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Question about `MultiIndex` [\#466]
- More multitest improvements [\#266]
- Update to cosmwasm v1.0.0-soon2 [\#473]
- Allow NFTs to include custom data [\#440]
- Refactor Admin cw-controller to better represent actual functionality [\#424]
- Implement `PrimaryKey` for `Timestamp` [\#419]
- storage-plus: Improve in-code documentation of map primitives, in particular `MultiIndex` [\#407]
- Remove use of dyn in multitest Router [\#404]
- Define generic multitest module [\#387]

**Merged pull requests:**

- Update CHANGELOG [\#485] ([ethanfrey]
- Release 0.10.0 [\#483] ([ethanfrey]
- Upgrade CosmWasm to 1.0.0-beta [\#482] ([webmaster128]
- Full deserialization for `range` [\#432] ([maurolacy]

## [v0.10.0-soon4] (2021-10-07)

[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Fix improper assert_matches usage [\#459] ([ueco-jb]

**Closed issues:**

- Update to cosmwasm v1.0.0-soon2 [\#473]
- Add ensure! macro [\#468]
- Better return values from range/prefix [\#198]

**Merged pull requests:**

- Release v0.10.0-soon4 [\#477] ([ethanfrey]
- Update to CosmWasm 1.0.0-soon2 [\#475] ([ethanfrey]
- Allow error type conversions in ensure! and ensure_eq! [\#474] ([webmaster128]
- Improve error handling / remove FIXMEs [\#470] ([maurolacy]
- Add ensure [\#469] ([ethanfrey]
- Key deserializer improvements [\#467] ([maurolacy]
- Upgrade to cosmwasm/workspace-optimizer:0.12.3 [\#465] ([webmaster128]
- Prefix consolidation [\#439] ([maurolacy]
- Full deserialization for `range` [\#432] ([maurolacy]

## [v0.10.0-soon3] (2021-09-29)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Prepare release v0.10.0-soon3 [\#457] ([ethanfrey]
- Expose essential multitest types [\#456] ([ethanfrey]

## [v0.10.0-soon2] (2021-09-28)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Release 0.10.0-soon2 [\#455] ([ethanfrey]
- Expose sudo powers on Router we give to Modules [\#453] ([ethanfrey]
- Forward port 440 demo metadata extension [\#452] ([ethanfrey]
- Forward port 440-customize-nft [\#451] ([ethanfrey]

## [v0.9.1] (2021-09-23)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Allow NFTs to include custom data [\#440]

## [v0.10.0-soon] (2021-09-22)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Contracts for Token Sale and Vesting period [\#444]
- small updates on storage-plus docs [\#435]
- Unintuitive behavior of range on multi-index [\#430]
- Upgrade to cosmwasm 1.0-soon [\#427]
- Refactor Admin cw-controller to better represent actual functionality [\#424]
- Add auto-changelog generator [\#421]
- Implement `PrimaryKey` for `Timestamp` [\#419]
- storage-plus: Improve in-code documentation of map primitives, in particular `MultiIndex` [\#407]
- Remove use of dyn in multitest Router [\#404]
- Define generic multitest module [\#387]
- Cw20 state key compatibity with previous versions [\#346]
- Refactor cw20-base to use controller pattern [\#205]

**Merged pull requests:**

- Release 0.10.0-soon [\#448] ([ethanfrey]
- Add proper prefix_range helper when you want to iterate over the prefix space [\#446] ([ethanfrey]
- Improve in-code documentation of map primitives [\#443] ([ueco-jb]
- Small storage-plus docs update [\#442] ([hashedone]
- Upgrade to cosmwasm 1.0.0-soon [\#441] ([ethanfrey]
- Test storage-plus with iterator disabled [\#438] ([ethanfrey]
- Multitest module query [\#437] ([ethanfrey]
- Range with no prefix support [\#433] ([maurolacy]
- Added implementation of timestamp key [\#431] ([hashedone]
- Update changelog 2 [\#428] ([maurolacy]
- Add automatically generated changelog [\#426] ([ueco-jb]
- Generic module types [\#425] ([ethanfrey]
- Simplify router args [\#422] ([ethanfrey]
- Snapshot item 2 [\#418] ([maurolacy]
- Removing dyn from Router [\#410] ([hashedone]

## [v0.9.0] (2021-09-14)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Move from using unsound `from_utf8_unchecked` to safe `from_utf8` forwarding error [\#393]
- Raw Query: make usage simpler and visible [\#325]
- Consider replacing `String` errors with `anyhow::Error` in interfaces [\#361]

**Closed issues:**

- Generalize controllers [\#408]
- Extend `Claim` to be able to index claims via expiration time [\#405]
- Update Cargo.toml files to reference new repo name [\#403]
- Test execute on cw1-whitelist contract [\#400]
- Accept &QuerierWrapper not &Querier in helpers [\#390]
- Use builder pattern for App init [\#388]
- Idea: item query helper storage helper [\#376]
- Why you use `Addr` as keys in Maps? [\#295]
- Add SnapshotItem to storage-plus [\#193]
- Fix lifetime of MultiIndex/UniqueIndex to be able to accept &str [\#232]
- Unify multisig structs Member and VoterResponse [\#151]

**Merged pull requests:**

- admin and hooks return Response\<C\> in execute\_\* [\#417] ([ethanfrey]
- Release 0.9.0 [\#416] ([ethanfrey]
- Add send and sendFrom to cw20-base helpers.ts [\#415] ([orkunkl]
- Add doc entry about key usage in maps [\#413] ([maurolacy]
- Add query helpers to Item and Map and use them in cw4 helpers [\#412] ([ethanfrey]
- Update Cargo.toml files to reference new repo name [\#411] ([ueco-jb]
- Snapshot item [\#409] ([maurolacy]
- cw20-base: upgrade helper.ts to cosmjs 0.26.0 [\#406] ([spacepotahto]
- CW1-whitelist execute multitest [\#402] ([ueco-jb]
- Implementing all messages handling in mutlitest App [\#398] ([hashedone]
- Make it easier to assert events on reply statements [\#395] ([ethanfrey]
- Add helpers to check events [\#392] ([ethanfrey]
- Switching from String to anyhow::Error for error type in multi-test [\#389] ([hashedone]

## [v0.8.1] (2021-08-26)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Consider replacing `String` errors with `anyhow::Error` in interfaces [\#361]

**Closed issues:**

- Fix lifetime of MultiIndex/UniqueIndex to be able to accept &str [\#232]
- Unify multisig structs Member and VoterResponse [\#151]
- Add exhaustive checks for errors in contracts [\#105]

## [v0.8.0] (2021-08-10)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Upgrade CosmWasm to 0.16.0 [\#377]
- Upgrade rust to 1.53 [\#372]
- Implement cw20 logo spec for cw20-base [\#371]
- multi-test: ensure event handling matches wasmd 0.18 implementation [\#348]

**Merged pull requests:**

- Added some missing traits on messages of cw20-base [\#386] ([hashedone]

## [v0.8.0-rc3] (2021-08-10)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- multi-test: ensure event handling matches wasmd 0.18 implementation [\#348]

**Merged pull requests:**

- Corrected submessage data response handling in multi-test [\#385] ([hashedone]
- Document submsg data failures and fix them [\#383] ([ethanfrey]
- Adaptors for all contracts and entry points from Empty -\> C [\#382] ([ethanfrey]
- Multitest events match wasmd [\#380] ([ethanfrey]

## [v0.8.0-rc2] (2021-08-05)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Upgrade CosmWasm to 0.16.0 [\#377]
- Upgrade rust to 1.53 [\#372]
- Implement cw20 logo spec for cw20-base [\#371]
- multi-test: Pass in API access to BankKeeper [\#353]
- multi-test: data handling with replies [\#352]
- multi-test: Add migrate support [\#351]
- multitest: Ensure Warm sent funds visible to querier [\#347]
- multitest: Enforce validity checks for returned items [\#341]

**Merged pull requests:**

- Update to Rust 1.53 [\#379] ([ethanfrey]
- Upgrade to cosmwasm 0.16 [\#378] ([ethanfrey]
- Marketing info for cw20-base contract [\#375] ([hashedone]
- cw20-merkle-airdrop: change hashing to sha256 [\#374] ([orkunkl]
- Responses validation in multi-test [\#373] ([hashedone]
- Cw20 logo spec [\#370] ([ethanfrey]
- Properly handling data in submessages in multi-test [\#369] ([hashedone]
- Abstracting API out of tests internals so it is clearly owned by `App` [\#368] ([hashedone]
- Storage plus doc correction [\#367] ([hashedone]
- Multitest migrate support [\#366] ([ethanfrey]
- Reorganizations of contracts in `multi-test::test_utils` [\#365] ([hashedone]
- Implement cw20-merkle-airdrop [\#364] ([orkunkl]
- Testing sent founds visibility in multi-test [\#363] ([hashedone]

## [v0.8.0-rc1] (2021-07-29)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Lack of `overflow-checks=true` in contracts [\#358]
- multi-test: Store more data in ContractData [\#350]
- multi-test: cleaner use of transactions [\#349]
- Deprecate `pks()` [\#344]
- Why cw20-base do not care about minting cap? [\#339]
- Upgrade to cosmwasm 0.16 [\#333]
- multi-test: Bank returns realistic events [\#329]
- storage-plus: Need better docs and examples for IndexedMap [\#327]
- Improve `PkOwned` usability through `From` / `Into` [\#234]
- Add ContractAddr generic helper [\#153]
- Brainstorm: cw-storage-plus support when key can be derived from stored object [\#120]

**Merged pull requests:**

- Extend `ContractData` in multi-test [\#360] ([hashedone]
- Add transactional helper [\#357] ([ethanfrey]
- Implemented expiration for cw1-subkeys contract [\#356] ([hashedone]
- Clarify how cw20 minting is supposed to work [\#355] ([ethanfrey]
- Permission bugs corrected in cw1-subkeys [\#354] ([hashedone]
- Deprecate pks [\#345] ([maurolacy]
- Refactor of cw1-whitelist unit tests [\#343] ([hashedone]
- Cw721 token indexes refactor [\#342] ([maurolacy]
- Indexed map docs [\#340] ([maurolacy]
- Cosmwasm 0.16 [\#338] ([uint]
- Multitest bank events [\#337] ([ethanfrey]
- Fix clippy +1.53.0 warnings [\#336] ([maurolacy]
- Simplify multitest storage [\#335] ([ethanfrey]
- Contract builders [\#334] ([ethanfrey]
- Update to cw schema 0.15.0 [\#332] ([maurolacy]

## [v0.7.0] (2021-07-14)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- multi-test: Proper protobuf-encoded data for init [\#330]
- Proper event/data handling on reply in multitest [\#326]
- Messages differ for cw20 & cw20_base [\#320]
- Upgrade cw20-staking to cw 15 [\#312]
- Uprade cw20-ics20 to cw 0.15 [\#311]
- Upgrade cw20-escrow to 0.15 [\#309]
- Upgrade cw20-bonding to 0.15 [\#307]
- cw1-subkeys [\#305]
- Upgrade cw20-base to 0.15 [\#302]
- Upgrade cosmwasm-plus contracts [\#300]
- Upgrade to CosmWasm 0.15 [\#298]
- Difference between native and cw20 tokens [\#297]
- Ensure all cw20 sends use `Binary` not `Option<Binary>` [\#296]
- Add existence helpers to cw-storage-plus [\#261]
- Support submessages in multitest [\#259]
- Build uniswap contract [\#7]

**Merged pull requests:**

- Use prost to create and parse proper InstantiateData [\#331] ([ethanfrey]
- Reorg submessage [\#328] ([ethanfrey]
- Cleanup multitest [\#324] ([ethanfrey]
- Support submessages in multitest [\#323] ([ethanfrey]
- Add has to Path and Map [\#322] ([ethanfrey]
- Make receiver msg non-optional in cw20 contracts [\#321] ([ethanfrey]
- Migrate contracts to 0.15.0 [\#318] ([orkunkl]
- Update remaining contracts to cosmwasm 0.15, fix problems [\#317] ([uint]
- fix address range functions [\#316] ([pronvis]
- Upgrade cw3 contracts and `cw4-group` [\#315] ([uint]
- cw1155-base: upgrade cosmwasm-std to 0.15 [\#314] ([uint]
- cw20-staking: Upgrade cw 0.15 [\#313] ([orkunkl]
- cw20-escrow: Upgrade to 0.15 [\#310] ([orkunkl]
- cw20-bonding: Upgrade to 0.15 [\#308] ([orkunkl]
- Update package schemas; fix linting errors [\#306] ([orkunkl]
- cw20-base: Upgrade to cw 0.15 [\#304] ([orkunkl]
- Upgrade cw1 contracts [\#303] ([uint]
- Upgrade packages to cosmwasm 0.15.0 [\#301] ([uint]
- cw20-base: upgrade helper.ts to cosmjs 0.25 [\#248] ([orkunkl]

## [v0.6.2] (2021-06-23)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Extend the allowed names and symbols for cw20-base [\#299] ([ethanfrey]
- Implement PrimaryKey and Prefixer for String [\#294] ([ethanfrey]

## [v0.6.1] (2021-05-19)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Expose contract errors [\#292]

**Merged pull requests:**

- Expose contract components [\#293] ([orkunkl]

## [v0.6.0] (2021-05-03)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Improve on indexed maps primary key / index keys helpers [\#277]
- CW20 example contract which 1-to-1 mapped to native token [\#276]
- Implement `PrimaryKey` for `HumanAddr` [\#256]
- Storage-plus: See if we can simplify PkOwned to Vec\<u8\> [\#199]

**Merged pull requests:**

- Clarify index_key\(\) range\(\) vs prefix\(\) behaviour [\#291] ([maurolacy]
- Pkowned to vec u8 [\#290] ([maurolacy]
- Update to CosmWasm v0.14.0 [\#289] ([ethanfrey]
- Primary key / index key helpers [\#288] ([maurolacy]

## [v0.6.0-beta3] (2021-04-28)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Make message required in Cw20ReceiveMsg [\#283]
- `Sudo` over no `new_with_sudo` contract wrapper error message [\#278]
- build_and_upload_contract CI job fails [\#273]
- Add cw20 support to token-weighted group [\#143]

**Merged pull requests:**

- Cosmwasm beta5 [\#287] ([ethanfrey]
- Cw20ReceiveMsg msg field [\#286] ([maurolacy]
- Fix ci contract build [\#285] ([ethanfrey]
- Use Cw20 token in cw4-stake [\#282] ([ethanfrey]
- Avoid the need for Any type by using Empty as message type and String as error type [\#281] ([webmaster128]
- Update to 0.14.0 beta4 [\#280] ([maurolacy]
- Better error message with missing sudo \(no parse error\) [\#279] ([ethanfrey]

## [v0.6.0-beta2] (2021-04-19)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Add secondary index support to SnapshotMap. [\#255]

**Merged pull requests:**

- Indexed snapshot. Expose primary methods [\#275] ([maurolacy]
- Indexed snapshot map [\#271] ([maurolacy]
- Run clippy on test code [\#270] ([webmaster128]

## [v0.6.0-beta1] (2021-04-13)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Update to cosmwasm v0.14.0-beta3 [\#268]
- My [\#263]

**Merged pull requests:**

- Bump dependency to cosmasm v0.14.0-beta3 [\#269] ([ethanfrey]
- Remove unused PrimaryKey::parse_key [\#267] ([webmaster128]
- Use workspace-optimizer:0.11.0 [\#262] ([webmaster128]
- Update cosmwasm-std [\#260] ([yihuang]
- implement demo cw1155 contract [\#251] ([yihuang]

## [v0.6.0-alpha3] (2021-04-01)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- More multitest improvements [\#258] ([ethanfrey]

## [v0.6.0-alpha2] (2021-04-01)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Re-enable field_reassign_with_default [\#252]
- No equivalent of ERC1155 standard [\#246]
- Rename HandleMsg to ExecuteMsg [\#236]
- Use \#\[entry_point\] macro in contracts [\#230]
- Support PartialEq on error [\#179]

**Merged pull requests:**

- Enhance multi test [\#257] ([ethanfrey]
- Update to Rust v1.51.0 [\#254] ([maurolacy]
- PartialEq for errors [\#253] ([maurolacy]
- Handle msg to execute msg [\#250] ([maurolacy]
- Migrate to entry_point macro [\#249] ([maurolacy]
- Add cw1155 specification [\#247] ([yihuang]

## [v0.6.0-alpha1] (2021-03-12)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Add contract sanity checking during build / release [\#228]

**Closed issues:**

- Update to CosmWasm v0.14.0-beta1 [\#242]
- Support life-timed references in `UniqueIndex` and `MultiIndex` keys [\#233]
- Write cw20-ics20 ibc enabled contract [\#231]
- Upgrade to CosmWasm v0.14.0 [\#229]
- Fix / remove cw20-bonding floating point instructions [\#227]
- Add cw20-ics20 contract [\#226]
- Upgrade to CosmWasm 0.14 [\#225]
- Use entry_point macro for contract entry-points [\#224]
- Upgrade Contracts to storage-plus [\#203]
- Support composite keys on secondary indexes \(multi-index\) [\#163]

**Merged pull requests:**

- Fix ics20 denom [\#244] ([ethanfrey]
- Update to 0.14.0 beta1 [\#243] ([maurolacy]
- Upgrade cw1 to storage plus [\#241] ([ethanfrey]
- Contract sanity checking [\#240] ([maurolacy]
- Converting cw20-\* contracts to use storage-plus [\#239] ([ethanfrey]
- Create Contract to send cw20 tokens over ics20 [\#238] ([ethanfrey]
- Cw20 bonding deterministic [\#237] ([maurolacy]
- Upgrade to 0.14.0 alpha2 [\#235] ([maurolacy]
- cw3-fixed-multisig: write cw20 multi-contract mint test [\#223] ([orkunkl]
- Document using tarpaulin [\#222] ([ethanfrey]
- Juggernaut/add cw20 support [\#221] ([juggernaut09]
- Multi index generic key [\#211] ([maurolacy]

## [v0.5.0] (2021-01-19)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Fix const_item_mutation warnings [\#217]
- Add Prefixer sub-prefixes support [\#214]
- Support composite keys on secondary indexes \(unique-index\) [\#209]
- Update README, helpers [\#208]
- Add \(T, U, V\) triple primary key [\#197]

**Merged pull requests:**

- Update contracts and packages to cw 0.13.2 [\#220] ([orkunkl]
- Payment helpers [\#219] ([ethanfrey]
- Make self constant in Item::update [\#218] ([webmaster128]
- Prefixer sub prefix [\#215] ([maurolacy]
- Triple primary key 2 [\#213] ([maurolacy]
- Update contract refs to v0.4.0 [\#212] ([maurolacy]
- Implement PrimaryKey for generic \(T, U, V\) triplet [\#210] ([maurolacy]
- Generalize UniqueIndex keys [\#207] ([maurolacy]

## [v0.4.0] (2020-12-22)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Check SnapshotMap with multiple updated [\#187]
- Update to CosmWasm 0.12.2 [\#183]
- Updates to cw3 spec [\#182]
- Pull out admin helper/controller into cw0 [\#181]
- Add flag for errors backtraces [\#178]
- Registered Hooks \(cw0\) should have a "kind" [\#176]
- Add sensible events/attributes to cw3/cw4 handle functions [\#174]
- Update namespaces / constructors to accept &str [\#170]
- Don't use hooks for snapshotting on cw3-cw4 interface [\#162]
- Refactor snapshotting into reusable module [\#161]
- Distinguish between weight 0 and not member in cw3 queries [\#154]
- Migrate strorage-plus to v0.12.0 [\#149]
- Asymmetries between query and execute in CW1 \(subkeys\) [\#145]
- Add token-weighted group [\#142]
- Multisig handles changes to group membership [\#141]
- Add listeners to cw4-group \(and cw4?\) [\#140]
- Update helper.ts files to 0.2.0 [\#66]
- Build bonding curve with cw20-base [\#5]
- Extend threshold types for multisig [\#139]
- Update all contracts to 0.12.0 [\#133]
- Define message callback as cw spec [\#98]
- Separate Groups from Multisigs [\#80]
- Test harness for testing composition [\#9]

**Merged pull requests:**

- Set events for cw4 [\#206] ([ethanfrey]
- Keep controllers' model private [\#204] ([ethanfrey]
- Fix cw1-subkeys helper.ts and point to heldernet [\#202] ([orkunkl]
- Fix cw20-base helpers.ts and point to heldernet [\#201] ([orkunkl]
- Claims controller [\#200] ([ethanfrey]
- Hooks controller [\#195] ([ethanfrey]
- Create Admin controller [\#194] ([ethanfrey]
- SnapshotMap properly tracks keys with multiple updates in one block [\#189] ([ethanfrey]
- Update cw3 spec [\#188] ([ethanfrey]
- Fix minor errors [\#186] ([ethanfrey]
- Cw20 bonding curve [\#185] ([ethanfrey]
- Update all dependencies to 0.12.2 [\#184] ([ethanfrey]
- Add threshold to cw3 flex [\#180] ([ethanfrey]
- Replace byte slices by string slices in names and constructors [\#173] ([maurolacy]
- Fix namespace macro test [\#169] ([maurolacy]
- Token weighted group [\#167] ([ethanfrey]
- Snapshot cw4 \(take 2\) [\#166] ([ethanfrey]
- Snapshot module [\#164] ([ethanfrey]
- cw3-flex-multisig uses voting power from a snapshot of the block the proposal opened [\#160] ([ethanfrey]
- Weight 0 vs not member [\#159] ([maurolacy]
- Weight 0 vs not member [\#158] ([maurolacy]
- Close proposal on membership change [\#157] ([ethanfrey]
- Add cw4 hooks [\#156] ([ethanfrey]
- Random Cleanup [\#155] ([ethanfrey]
- Update cosmwasm version to 0.12.0 [\#148] ([maurolacy]
- Rename CanSend to CanExecute for generality [\#146] ([maurolacy]
- Rename Router -\> App [\#144] ([ethanfrey]
- Multi test example [\#137] ([ethanfrey]
- Update to cosmwasm 0.12.0-alpha2 [\#136] ([ethanfrey]
- Router with rollbacks [\#134] ([ethanfrey]
- Initial version of helper.ts for CW721-base [\#131] ([volkrass]
- Document contract callback technique [\#152] ([ethanfrey]
- Separate multisig from group [\#150] ([ethanfrey]
- Sketch integration test framework [\#130] ([ethanfrey]

## [v0.3.2] (2020-10-28)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Fix SendNft in Cw721-base [\#132] ([ethanfrey]
- Define groups [\#129] ([ethanfrey]

## [v0.3.1] (2020-10-16)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Update to CosmWasm 0.11.1 [\#127]
- Fix compiler warning \(const_item_mutation\) [\#123]
- Implement TokensByOwner on base NFT contract [\#81]

**Merged pull requests:**

- Bump cosmwasm version [\#128] ([ethanfrey]
- OwnedBound -\> Option\<Bound\> [\#126] ([ethanfrey]
- Static index type [\#125] ([ethanfrey]
- Update Rust compiler [\#124] ([webmaster128]
- Add TokensByOwner for cw721-base [\#122] ([ethanfrey]
- Secondary indexes [\#108] ([ethanfrey]

## [v0.3.0] (2020-10-12)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Building contracts failed [\#117]
- Remove dependency between cw20_escrow and cw20_atomic_swap [\#115]
- Fix Claims handling in cw20-staking [\#110]
- Migrate contracts to v0.11 [\#96]

**Merged pull requests:**

- Fix workspace optimizer [\#121] ([ethanfrey]
- Migrate cw3-fixed-multisig [\#119] ([ethanfrey]
- Move shared Balance struct to cw20 [\#118] ([maurolacy]
- Use Include/Exclude Bounds to define range searches [\#116] ([ethanfrey]
- Merge 0.2.x into master [\#114] ([ethanfrey]
- Migrate to v0.11.0 [\#113] ([ethanfrey]
- Finish v0.11 migration [\#111] ([ethanfrey]
- Use Maps for storage [\#109] ([ethanfrey]
- Migrate to v0.11 2 [\#107] ([maurolacy]
- Migrate to v0.11 [\#104] ([maurolacy]

## [v0.2.3] (2020-10-10)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Migration to 0.11: errors of shared functions accross contracts [\#103]
- Look at serde\(flatten\) to simplify return value composition [\#57]

**Merged pull requests:**

- Better staking claims [\#112] ([ethanfrey]

## [v0.2.2] (2020-09-30)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- calc_range_start to cw0 [\#101]
- Avoid sending zero amount cw20 tokens [\#89]
- Unify handling of native and cw20 coins in contracts [\#88]
- Define cw3 spec for multisigs [\#79]
- Check for / reject zero amount tokens [\#76]
- Implement base NFT contract [\#44]
- Basic multisig contract [\#8]

**Merged pull requests:**

- Fix calc range [\#102] ([ethanfrey]
- Fix CLI call command [\#100] ([webmaster128]
- Implement cw721-base nft contract [\#97] ([ethanfrey]
- Unit tests for cw3-fixed-multisig [\#95] ([maurolacy]
- Add zero amount checks / tests [\#94] ([maurolacy]
- cw20-escrow refactoring: Unify handling of native and cw20 [\#92] ([maurolacy]
- Cw3 fixed multisig [\#91] ([ethanfrey]
- Cw3 spec [\#90] ([ethanfrey]
- Native balance refactoring [\#87] ([maurolacy]
- Cw20 zero amount checks [\#86] ([maurolacy]
- Update helpers source tags and builder info [\#85] ([orkunkl]

## [v0.2.1] (2020-09-10)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Implement Copy for Coin / Vec\<Coin\> [\#77]
- Why does not cw20 pass the received native token? [\#74]
- Cw20Coin duplication [\#73]
- Fix docker run script in all contract README [\#69]
- Add cw20 support to atomic swap contract [\#27]
- Implement atomic swap contract with native tokens [\#26]

**Merged pull requests:**

- Update workspace optimizer version to 0.10.3 [\#83] ([orkunkl]
- cw1-subkeys: Point helper to smart contract version v0.2.1 [\#82] ([orkunkl]
- Cw20coin refactoring [\#78] ([maurolacy]
- cw1-subkeys: Implement permission functionality [\#75] ([orkunkl]
- Cw20 atomic swaps [\#72] ([maurolacy]
- Update contracts README \(workspace-optimizer\) [\#71] ([maurolacy]
- Update with new wasm, new queries [\#70] ([ethanfrey]
- Subkeys details [\#68] ([maurolacy]
- Atomic swap [\#52] ([maurolacy]

## [v0.2.0] (2020-08-28)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Support contract migration [\#63]
- Add way to list allowances on an account to cw20 [\#55]
- Add "ListAccounts" to cw20-base [\#48]
- Add README in project root [\#47]

**Merged pull requests:**

- Cw20-base migration [\#67] ([ethanfrey]
- Add readme [\#65] ([ethanfrey]
- Cw20 base iterators [\#64] ([ethanfrey]
- workshop subkey PR [\#62] ([whalelephant]
- Add cw20 functionality to the staking contract [\#60] ([ethanfrey]
- Add basic staking derivatives as CW20 token contracts [\#58] ([ethanfrey]

## [workshop-pre-cw20-staking] (2020-08-26)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Define Spec of NFTs [\#43]
- Release and Publish v0.1.1 [\#40]
- Add @cosmjs/cli helpers for each contract [\#38]

**Merged pull requests:**

- Bump all CosmWasm dependencies to 0.10.1 [\#56] ([ethanfrey]
- Add new query to return all allowances on subkeys [\#54] ([ethanfrey]
- Add CanSend query to the cw1 spec [\#53] ([ethanfrey]
- Add Expration to cw0 [\#51] ([ethanfrey]
- Nft 721 spec [\#50] ([ethanfrey]
- Add Subkeys helper [\#49] ([ethanfrey]
- Add helpers to cw20-base [\#46] ([ethanfrey]

## [v0.1.1] (2020-08-13)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Implement cw2-migrate for all contracts [\#35]

## [v0.1.0] (2020-08-13)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Use more unique names for store/queries \(not "Config" / "Meta"\) [\#37]
- Convert all existing code to apache license [\#36]
- Upgrade contracts to 0.10 [\#31]
- Avoid linking contract into contract [\#30]
- Fix DoS attack on cw20-escrow [\#19]
- Implement allowances on cw20-base contract [\#15]
- Implement mintable for cw20-base contract [\#13]
- Build cw20-escrow contract [\#6]
- Set up CI [\#4]
- Define CW20-base [\#3]
- Define CW20 spec [\#2]
- Add CLA bot [\#1]

**Merged pull requests:**

- Add migration info to contracts [\#45] ([ethanfrey]
- Add optimization config to all contracts in Cargo.toml [\#42] ([ethanfrey]
- Agpl to apache [\#41] ([ethanfrey]
- Unique singleton names [\#39] ([ethanfrey]
- Cw2 migrate spec [\#34] ([ethanfrey]
- Update to 0.10.0 final [\#33] ([maurolacy]
- Enable contracts to import contracts [\#32] ([ethanfrey]
- Add deployment job to CI [\#29] ([webmaster128]
- Subkeys 2 [\#28] ([maurolacy]
- Update to 0.10 [\#25] ([maurolacy]
- Implement subkeys as a cw1 contract [\#24] ([ethanfrey]
- Rename multisig to whitelist [\#23] ([ethanfrey]
- Add Cw1 for proxy contracts [\#22] ([ethanfrey]
- Cw20 allowances [\#21] ([ethanfrey]
- Fix escrow DoS Attack [\#20] ([ethanfrey]
- Cw20 base mintable [\#18] ([ethanfrey]
- Cw20 escrow [\#16] ([ethanfrey]
- Cleanup contract [\#14] ([ethanfrey]
- Create basic Cw20 contract \(reference\) [\#12] ([ethanfrey]
- Define all Message and Query types [\#11] ([ethanfrey]
- Set up basic CI script [\#10] ([ethanfrey]

\* _This Changelog was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](

\* _This Changelog was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](