cvar 0.1.0

Configuration variables.

Configuration Variables

Configure programs through variables and actions.


When an application does a particular job and exits, configuration can be loaded at startup and stored in a dedicated configuration object.

When an application is long-lived this may not suffice, it may want to have:

  • Its configuration changed one setting at the time.

  • Complex hierarchical organization of the configuration.

  • An interface where the state of the configuration can be queried and updated.

  • Executable actions instead of just variables.

  • Addon support which needs its own configuration mounted under a prefix.

  • Support dynamic configuration created at runtime.


Configuration is the interface where a user meets and interacts with the program state. Users interact through text while programs have their preferred data types.

The goal of a configuration manager is to facilitate this interaction. This library's scope is more narrow in providing just the means to identify configurable elements and interact with them through text.

A configurable element is called a node. Every node has some metadata such as a name and a description. There are three types of nodes: properties, lists and actions.

  • A property stores a variable state. It has a default value and an optional change callback.

  • A list defines a hierarchy. It contains child nodes. Names in a hierarchy are separated by a dot, eg:

  • An action is node that can be invoked with an argument string. It can execute arbitrary code in its context.

The nodes are ephemeral, this means that they don't store their metadata next to and interspersed with the program state. This avoids requiring long-lived borrows and has other performance benefits.

While generic implementations are provided, each node type is a trait and can have custom implementations.

This library aims to be lightweight, avoid unnecessary memory allocations and unavoidable debug strings. The ephemeral nature of the metadata allows obfuscation.

For technical documentation see the docs below.

Future work

Implement autocomplete for identifiers and suggestions for property values and actions.

Implement helpers for enums and enum flags support.


This crate can be found on

Documentation can be found online.

In your Cargo.toml:

cvar = "0.1"


MIT, see LICENSE.txt