cv-convert 0.9.1

Type conversions among famous Rust computer vision libraries


Type conversions among famous Rust computer vision libraries. It supports the following crates:

Import to Your Crate

Add cv-convert to Cargo.toml to import most conversions by default.

version = "0.9"

You can manually choose supported libraries to avoid bloating.

version = "0.9"
default-features = false
features = ["opencv", "nalgebra"]

The minimum supported rustc is 1.51 You may use older versions of the crate (>=0.6) in order to use rustc versions that do not support const-generics.

Supported Cargo Features

opencv crate features

  • opencv-clang-runtime: Enable clang-runtime in opencv crate. Useful if you get libclang shared library is not loaded on this thread! panic.
  • opencv-contrib: opencv-contrib has been dropped by the main opencv crate in favour of runtime module set detection. If you need the older version, 0.5.0 was the version that last supported opencv-0.51.0.
  • opencv-4, opencv-34, opencv-32, opencv-buildtime-bindgen: These features have been dropped in opencv-0.53.0 in favour of runtime generation and detection. cv-convert-0.6 was the last version that supported opencv-0.52.0, which had these features.

image crate feature

  • image

nalgebra crate feature

  • nalgebra
  • With the arrival of nalgebra 0.26, const-generic are used in this crate and are incompatible with previous versions of nalgebra. If you are pulling in previous versions of nalgebra, please use 0.6 or older.

tch crate feature

  • tch


The crate provides FromCv, TryFromCv, IntoCv, TryIntoCv traits, which are similar to standard library's From and Into.

use cv_convert::{FromCv, IntoCv, TryFromCv, TryIntoCv};
use nalgebra as na;
use opencv as cv;

// FromCv
let cv_point = cv::core::Point2d::new(1.0, 3.0);
let na_points = na::Point2::<f64>::from_cv(&cv_point);

// IntoCv
let cv_point = cv::core::Point2d::new(1.0, 3.0);
let na_points: na::Point2<f64> = cv_point.into_cv();

// TryFromCv
let na_mat = na::DMatrix::from_vec(2, 3, vec![1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0]);
let cv_mat = cv::core::Mat::try_from_cv(&na_mat)?;

// TryIntoCv
let na_mat = na::DMatrix::from_vec(2, 3, vec![1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0]);
let cv_mat: cv::core::Mat = na_mat.try_into_cv()?;


MIT license. See LICENSE file.