curve25519-dalek 0.13.2

A low-level cryptographic library for point, group, field, and scalar operations on a curve isomorphic to the twisted Edwards curve defined by -x²+y² = 1 - 121665/121666 x²y² over GF(2²⁵⁵ - 19).
name = "curve25519-dalek"
version = "0.13.2"
authors = ["Isis Lovecruft <>",
           "Henry de Valence <>"]
readme = ""
license = "BSD-3-Clause"
repository = ""
homepage = ""
documentation = ""
categories = ["cryptography", "no-std"]
keywords = ["cryptography", "curve25519", "elliptic", "curve", "ECC"]
description = "A low-level cryptographic library for point, group, field, and scalar operations on a curve isomorphic to the twisted Edwards curve defined by -x²+y² = 1 - 121665/121666 x²y² over GF(2²⁵⁵ - 19)."
exclude = [

rustdoc-args = ["--html-in-header", ".cargo/registry/src/"]

travis-ci = { repository = "isislovecruft/curve25519-dalek", branch = "master"}

version = "1.0"
optional = true

version = "0.3.4"

optional = true
version = "0.3"

version = "0.6"

version = "^0.3"
default-features = false

# same version that digest depends on
version = "^0.8"

version = "0.6"

version = "0.6"

nightly = ["radix_51", "subtle/nightly"]
default = ["std"]
std = ["rand", "subtle/std"]
alloc = []
# This isn't used at the moment, but keep it around for future yolocrypto features.
yolocrypto = []
bench = []
# Radix-51 arithmetic using u128
radix_51 = []