curv-test 0.1.0

Curv contains an extremely simple interface to onboard new elliptic curves. Use this library for general purpose elliptic curve cryptography
    Cryptography utilities

    Copyright 2018 by Kzen Networks

    This file is part of Cryptography utilities library

    Cryptography utilities is free software: you can redistribute
    it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
    version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    @license GPL-3.0+ <>

use super::errors::ParseBigIntError;

/// Reuse common traits from [num_integer] crate
pub use num_integer::{Integer, Roots};
/// Reuse common traits from [num_traits] crate
pub use num_traits::{One, Zero};

    since = "0.6.0",
    note = "BigInt now implements zeroize::Zeroize trait, you should use it instead"
pub trait ZeroizeBN {
    fn zeroize_bn(&mut self);

/// Converts BigInt to/from various forms of representation.
pub trait Converter: Sized {
    /// Returns bytes representation of the number.
    /// ## Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use curv::arithmetic::{BigInt, Converter};
    /// assert_eq!(BigInt::from(31).to_bytes(), &[31]);
    /// assert_eq!(BigInt::from(1_000_000).to_bytes(), &[15, 66, 64]);
    /// ```
    fn to_bytes(&self) -> Vec<u8>;
    /// Constructs BigInt from its byte representation
    /// ```
    /// # use curv::arithmetic::{BigInt, Converter};
    /// assert_eq!(BigInt::from_bytes(&[15, 66, 64]), BigInt::from(1_000_000))
    /// ```
    fn from_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> Self;

    /// Returns bytes representation of the number in an array with length chosen by the user
    /// if the array is larger than the bytes it pads it with zeros in the most significant bytes
    /// If the array is too small for the integer it returns None.
    /// ## Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use curv::arithmetic::{BigInt, Converter};
    /// assert_eq!(BigInt::from(31).to_bytes_array(), Some([31]));
    /// assert_eq!(BigInt::from(31).to_bytes_array(), Some([0, 31]));
    /// assert_eq!(BigInt::from(1_000_000).to_bytes_array(), Some([15, 66, 64]));
    /// assert_eq!(BigInt::from(1_000_000).to_bytes_array::<2>(), None);
    /// assert_eq!(BigInt::from(1_000_000).to_bytes_array(), Some([0, 15, 66, 64]));
    /// ```
    fn to_bytes_array<const N: usize>(&self) -> Option<[u8; N]> {
        let bytes = self.to_bytes();
        if bytes.len() > N {
            return None;
        let mut array = [0u8; N];
        array[N - bytes.len()..].copy_from_slice(&bytes);

    /// Converts BigInt to hex representation.
    /// If the number is negative, it will be serialized by absolute value, and minus character
    /// will be prepended to resulting string.
    /// ## Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use curv::arithmetic::{BigInt, Converter};
    /// assert_eq!(BigInt::from(31).to_hex(), "1f");
    /// assert_eq!(BigInt::from(1_000_000).to_hex(), "f4240");
    /// ```
    fn to_hex(&self) -> String {
    /// Parses given hex string.
    /// Follows the same format as was described in [to_hex](Self::to_hex).
    /// ## Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use curv::arithmetic::{BigInt, Converter};
    /// assert_eq!(BigInt::from_hex("1f").unwrap(), BigInt::from(31));
    /// assert_eq!(BigInt::from_hex("-1f").unwrap(), BigInt::from(-31));
    /// assert_eq!(BigInt::from_hex("f4240").unwrap(), BigInt::from(1_000_000));
    /// assert_eq!(BigInt::from_hex("-f4240").unwrap(), BigInt::from(-1_000_000));
    /// ```
    fn from_hex(n: &str) -> Result<Self, ParseBigIntError> {
        Self::from_str_radix(n, 16)

    /// Converts BigInt to radix representation.
    /// If the number is negative, it will be serialized by absolute value, and minus character
    /// will be prepended to resulting string.
    /// ## Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use curv::arithmetic::{BigInt, Converter};
    /// assert_eq!(BigInt::from(31).to_str_radix(16), "1f");
    /// assert_eq!(BigInt::from(1_000_000).to_str_radix(16), "f4240");
    /// ```
    fn to_str_radix(&self, radix: u8) -> String;
    /// Parses given radix string.
    /// Radix must be in `[2; 36]` range. Otherwise, function will **panic**.
    /// ## Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use curv::arithmetic::{BigInt, Converter};
    /// assert_eq!(BigInt::from_str_radix("1f", 16).unwrap(), BigInt::from(31));
    /// assert_eq!(BigInt::from_str_radix("f4240", 16).unwrap(), BigInt::from(1_000_000));
    /// ```
    fn from_str_radix(s: &str, radix: u8) -> Result<Self, ParseBigIntError>;

/// Provides basic arithmetic operators for BigInt
/// Note that BigInt also implements std::ops::{Add, Mull, ...} traits, so you can
/// use them instead.
pub trait BasicOps {
    fn pow(&self, exponent: u32) -> Self;
    fn mul(&self, other: &Self) -> Self;
    fn sub(&self, other: &Self) -> Self;
    fn add(&self, other: &Self) -> Self;
    fn abs(&self) -> Self;

/// Modular arithmetic for BigInt
pub trait Modulo: Sized {
    /// Calculates base^(exponent) (mod m)
    /// Exponent must not be negative. Function will panic otherwise.
    fn mod_pow(base: &Self, exponent: &Self, m: &Self) -> Self;
    /// Calculates a * b (mod m)
    fn mod_mul(a: &Self, b: &Self, modulus: &Self) -> Self;
    /// Calculates a - b (mod m)
    fn mod_sub(a: &Self, b: &Self, modulus: &Self) -> Self;
    /// Calculates a + b (mod m)
    fn mod_add(a: &Self, b: &Self, modulus: &Self) -> Self;
    /// Calculates a^-1 (mod m). Returns None if `a` and `m` are not coprimes.
    fn mod_inv(a: &Self, m: &Self) -> Option<Self>;
    /// Calculates a mod m
    fn modulus(&self, modulus: &Self) -> Self;

/// Generating random BigInt
pub trait Samplable {
    /// Generates random number within `[0; upper)` range
    /// ## Panics
    /// Panics if `upper <= 0`
    fn sample_below(upper: &Self) -> Self;
    /// Generates random number within `[lower; upper)` range
    /// ## Panics
    /// Panics if `upper <= lower`
    fn sample_range(lower: &Self, upper: &Self) -> Self;
    /// Generates random number within `(lower; upper)` range
    /// ## Panics
    /// Panics if `upper <= lower`
    fn strict_sample_range(lower: &Self, upper: &Self) -> Self;
    /// Generates number within `[0; 2^bit_size)` range
    fn sample(bit_size: usize) -> Self;
    /// Generates number within `[2^(bit_size-1); 2^bit_size)` range
    fn strict_sample(bit_size: usize) -> Self;

/// Set of predicates allowing to examine BigInt
pub trait NumberTests {
    /// Returns `true` if `n` is zero
    /// Alternatively, [BasicOps::sign] method can be used to check sign of the number.
    fn is_zero(n: &Self) -> bool;
    /// Returns `true` if `n` is negative
    /// Alternatively, [BasicOps::sign] method can be used to check sign of the number.
    fn is_negative(n: &Self) -> bool;

/// Extended GCD algorithm
pub trait EGCD
    Self: Sized,
    /// For given a, b calculates gcd(a,b), p, q such as `gcd(a,b) = a*p + b*q`
    /// ## Example
    /// ```
    /// # use curv::arithmetic::*;
    /// let (a, b) = (BigInt::from(10), BigInt::from(15));
    /// let (s, p, q) = BigInt::egcd(&a, &b);
    /// assert_eq!(&s, &BigInt::from(5));
    /// assert_eq!(s, a*p + b*q);
    /// ```
    fn egcd(a: &Self, b: &Self) -> (Self, Self, Self);

/// Bits manipulation in BigInt
pub trait BitManipulation {
    /// Sets/unsets bit in the number
    /// ## Example
    /// ```
    /// # use curv::arithmetic::*;
    /// let mut n = BigInt::from(0b100);
    /// n.set_bit(3, true);
    /// assert_eq!(n, BigInt::from(0b1100));
    /// n.set_bit(0, true);
    /// assert_eq!(n, BigInt::from(0b1101));
    /// n.set_bit(2, false);
    /// assert_eq!(n, BigInt::from(0b1001));
    /// ```
    fn set_bit(&mut self, bit: usize, bit_val: bool);
    /// Tests if bit is set
    /// ```
    /// # use curv::arithmetic::*;
    /// let n = BigInt::from(0b101);
    /// assert_eq!(n.test_bit(3), false);
    /// assert_eq!(n.test_bit(2), true);
    /// assert_eq!(n.test_bit(1), false);
    /// assert_eq!(n.test_bit(0), true);
    /// ```
    fn test_bit(&self, bit: usize) -> bool;
    /// Length of the number in bits
    /// ```
    /// # use curv::arithmetic::*;
    /// assert_eq!(BigInt::from(0b1011).bit_length(), 4);
    /// ```
    fn bit_length(&self) -> usize;

    since = "0.6.0",
    note = "Use corresponding From<T> and TryFrom<T> traits implemented on BigInt"
pub trait ConvertFrom<T> {
    fn _from(_: &T) -> Self;

/// Utilities for searching / testing prime numbers
pub trait Primes {
    /// Finds next prime number using probabilistic algorithms
    fn next_prime(&self) -> Self;
    /// Probabilistically determine whether number is prime
    /// If number is prime, `is_probable_prime` always returns true. If number is composite,
    /// `is_probable_prime` probably return false. The probability of returning true for a randomly
    /// chosen non-prime is at most 4^(-reps).
    fn is_probable_prime(&self, n: u32) -> bool;