curtain 0.2.0

A CRUD app for postgres
##Converting markdown to html

##Sanitizing html input from users

*Window seperator will be based on the extension table
*Many to Many relation is based on the direct table
*All many to many has separate Windows, containing each others window instances
*Linker tables has no windows

##Indirect tables to indirect tables
How far down to the rabbit hole
* Most common table relation has 1 extension table and 1 many relation
* Do we include indirect relation from indirect relation

* extension tables will be inlined with the main table.
has many will be inlined when there is only 1 in a table.
* multiple has many table will be listed as tabs with 1 default maybe opened. can be listed ordered by name alphabetically
server request round trips.
defaults will have to do a server round trip since it wouldnt know which record is opened.
* The record of the parent table will be used as filter for the records.
extension tables will be fecthed togehter with the main record since it is sure that there is only 1 extension record.
* If a table is a has many, does it make since to display its own windows, such case is, order_line, category

##Determine which table might contain which record

select tableoid, (select relname from pg_class where oid = system.record.tableoid) as class, * from system.record
where name like 'A%'

## heroku deployment
git clone
cd heroku-rust-cargo-hello
heroku create --buildpack
heroku login
git push heroku master

## Specify a buildpack for a rust project
$> heroku create --buildpack
created app calm-plains-3817
$> heroku git:remote -a calm-plains-3817
$> git remote show
$>git remote show heroku
* remote heroku
  Fetch URL:
  Push  URL:
$heroku apps:rename iron-curtain --app calm-plains-3817
Renaming calm-plains-3817 to iron-curtain... done |
Git remote heroku updated

git remote show heroku
* remote heroku
  Fetch URL:
  Push  URL:

## Run the project with loggin
reset && cargo build --release && reset && RUST_LOG=iron_curtain=debug cargo run --release
