cursive_table_view 0.4.0

A basic table view implementation for cursive.
//! A basic table view implementation for [cursive](
    trivial_casts, trivial_numeric_casts,
    unused_import_braces, unused_qualifications

// Crate Dependencies ---------------------------------------------------------
extern crate cursive;

// STD Dependencies -----------------------------------------------------------
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::cell::Cell;
use std::cmp::{self, Ordering};
use std::collections::HashMap;

// External Dependencies ------------------------------------------------------
use cursive::With;
use cursive::vec::Vec2;
use cursive::align::HAlign;
use cursive::theme::ColorStyle;
use cursive::{Cursive, Printer};
use cursive::direction::Direction;
use cursive::view::{ScrollBase, View};
use cursive::event::{Callback, Event, EventResult, Key};

/// A trait for displaying and sorting items inside a
/// [`TableView`](struct.TableView.html).
pub trait TableViewItem<H>: Clone + Sized
    where H: Eq + Hash + Copy + Clone + 'static {

    /// Method returning a string representation of the item for the
    /// specified column from type `H`.
    fn to_column(&self, column: H) -> String;

    /// Method comparing two items via their specified column from type `H`.
    fn cmp(&self, other: &Self, column: H) -> Ordering where Self: Sized;


/// View to select an item among a list, supporting multiple columns for sorting.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # extern crate cursive;
/// # extern crate cursive_table_view;
/// # use std::cmp::Ordering;
/// # use cursive_table_view::{TableView, TableViewItem};
/// # use cursive::align::HAlign;
/// # fn main() {
/// // Provide a type for the table's columns
/// #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
/// enum BasicColumn {
///     Name,
///     Count,
///     Rate
/// }
/// // Define the item type
/// #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
/// struct Foo {
///     name: String,
///     count: usize,
///     rate: usize
/// }
/// impl TableViewItem<BasicColumn> for Foo {
///     fn to_column(&self, column: BasicColumn) -> String {
///         match column {
///             BasicColumn::Name =>,
///             BasicColumn::Count => format!("{}", self.count),
///             BasicColumn::Rate => format!("{}", self.rate)
///         }
///     }
///     fn cmp(&self, other: &Self, column: BasicColumn) -> Ordering where Self: Sized {
///         match column {
///             BasicColumn::Name =>,
///             BasicColumn::Count => self.count.cmp(&other.count),
///             BasicColumn::Rate => self.rate.cmp(&other.rate)
///         }
///     }
/// }
/// // Configure the actual table
/// let table = TableView::<Foo, BasicColumn>::new()
///                      .column(BasicColumn::Name, "Name", |c| c.width(20))
///                      .column(BasicColumn::Count, "Count", |c| c.align(HAlign::Center))
///                      .column(BasicColumn::Rate, "Rate", |c| {
///                          c.ordering(Ordering::Greater).align(HAlign::Right).width(20)
///                      })
///                      .default_column(BasicColumn::Name);
/// # }
/// ```
pub struct TableView<T: TableViewItem<H>, H: Eq + Hash + Copy + Clone + 'static> {
    enabled: bool,
    scrollbase: ScrollBase,
    last_size: Vec2,

    column_select: bool,
    columns: Vec<TableColumn<H>>,
    column_indicies: HashMap<H, usize>,

    focus: Rc<Cell<usize>>,
    items: Vec<T>,
    rows_to_items: Vec<usize>,

    on_sort: Option<Rc<Fn(&mut Cursive, H, Ordering)>>,
    // TODO Pass drawing offsets into the handlers so a popup menu
    // can be created easily?
    on_submit: Option<Rc<Fn(&mut Cursive, usize, usize)>>,
    on_select: Option<Rc<Fn(&mut Cursive, usize, usize)>>

impl<T: TableViewItem<H>, H: Eq + Hash + Copy + Clone + 'static> TableView<T, H> {

    /// Creates a new empty `TableView` without any columns.
    /// A TableView should be accompanied by a enum of type `H` representing
    /// the table columns.
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            enabled: true,
            scrollbase: ScrollBase::new(),
            last_size: Vec2::new(0, 0),

            column_select: false,
            columns: Vec::new(),
            column_indicies: HashMap::new(),

            focus: Rc::new(Cell::new(0)),
            items: Vec::new(),
            rows_to_items: Vec::new(),

            on_sort: None,
            on_submit: None,
            on_select: None

    /// Adds a column for the specified table colum from type `H` along with
    /// a title for its visual display.
    /// The provided callback can be used to further configure the
    /// created [`TableColumn`](struct.TableColumn.html).
    pub fn column<S: Into<String>, C: FnOnce(TableColumn<H>) -> TableColumn<H>>(
        mut self,
        column: H,
        title: S,
        callback: C

    ) -> Self {
        self.column_indicies.insert(column, self.columns.len());
        self.columns.push(callback(TableColumn::new(column, title.into())));

        // Make the first colum the default one
        if self.columns.len() == 1 {

        } else {

    /// Sets the initially active column of the table.
    pub fn default_column(mut self, column: H) -> Self {
        if self.column_indicies.contains_key(&column) {
            for c in &mut self.columns {
                c.selected = c.column == column;
                if c.selected {
                    c.order = c.default_order;

                } else {
                    c.order = Ordering::Equal;

    /// Sorts the table using the specified table `column` and the passed
    /// `order`.
    pub fn sort_by(&mut self, column: H, order: Ordering) {

        if self.column_indicies.contains_key(&column) {
            for c in &mut self.columns {
                c.selected = c.column == column;
                if c.selected {
                    c.order = order;

                } else {
                    c.order = Ordering::Equal;

        self.sort_items(column, order);


    /// Sorts the table using the currently active column and its
    /// ordering.
    pub fn sort(&mut self) {
        if let Some((column, order)) = self.order() {
            self.sort_items(column, order);

    /// Returns the currently active column that is used for sorting
    /// along with its ordering.
    /// Might return `None` if there are currently no items in the table
    /// and it has not been sorted yet.
    pub fn order(&self) -> Option<(H, Ordering)> {
        for c in &self.columns {
            if c.order != Ordering::Equal {
                return Some((c.column, c.order));

    /// Disables this view.
    /// A disabled view cannot be selected.
    pub fn disable(&mut self) {
        self.enabled = false;

    /// Re-enables this view.
    pub fn enable(&mut self) {
        self.enabled = true;

    /// Enable or disable this view.
    pub fn set_enabled(&mut self, enabled: bool) {
        self.enabled = enabled;

    /// Returns `true` if this view is enabled.
    pub fn is_enabled(&self) -> bool {

    /// Sets a callback to be used when a selected column is sorted by
    /// pressing `<Enter>`.
    /// # Example
    /// ```norun
    /// table.set_on_sort(|siv: &mut Cursive, column: BasicColumn, order: Ordering| {
    /// });
    /// ```
    pub fn set_on_sort<F>(&mut self, cb: F)
        where F: Fn(&mut Cursive, H, Ordering) + 'static
        self.on_sort = Some(Rc::new(move |s, h, o| cb(s, h, o)));

    /// Sets a callback to be used when a selected column is sorted by
    /// pressing `<Enter>`.
    /// Chainable variant.
    /// # Example
    /// ```norun
    /// table.on_sort(|siv: &mut Cursive, column: BasicColumn, order: Ordering| {
    /// });
    /// ```
    pub fn on_sort<F>(self, cb: F) -> Self
        where F: Fn(&mut Cursive, H, Ordering) + 'static
        self.with(|t| t.set_on_sort(cb))

    /// Sets a callback to be used when `<Enter>` is pressed while an item
    /// is selected.
    /// Both the currently selected row and the index of the corresponding item
    /// within the underlying storage vector will be given to the callback.
    /// # Example
    /// ```norun
    /// table.set_on_submit(|siv: &mut Cursive, row: usize, index: usize| {
    /// });
    /// ```
    pub fn set_on_submit<F>(&mut self, cb: F)
        where F: Fn(&mut Cursive, usize, usize) + 'static
        self.on_submit = Some(Rc::new(move |s, row, index| cb(s, row, index)));

    /// Sets a callback to be used when `<Enter>` is pressed while an item
    /// is selected.
    /// Both the currently selected row and the index of the corresponding item
    /// within the underlying storage vector will be given to the callback.
    /// Chainable variant.
    /// # Example
    /// ```norun
    /// table.on_submit(|siv: &mut Cursive, row: usize, index: usize| {
    /// });
    /// ```
    pub fn on_submit<F>(self, cb: F) -> Self
        where F: Fn(&mut Cursive, usize, usize) + 'static
        self.with(|t| t.set_on_submit(cb))

    /// Sets a callback to be used when an item is selected.
    /// Both the currently selected row and the index of the corresponding item
    /// within the underlying storage vector will be given to the callback.
    /// # Example
    /// ```norun
    /// table.set_on_select(|siv: &mut Cursive, row: usize, index: usize| {
    /// });
    /// ```
    pub fn set_on_select<F>(&mut self, cb: F)
        where F: Fn(&mut Cursive, usize, usize) + 'static
        self.on_select = Some(Rc::new(move |s, row, index| cb(s, row, index)));

    /// Sets a callback to be used when an item is selected.
    /// Both the currently selected row and the index of the corresponding item
    /// within the underlying storage vector will be given to the callback.
    /// Chainable variant.
    /// # Example
    /// ```norun
    /// table.on_select(|siv: &mut Cursive, row: usize, index: usize| {
    /// });
    /// ```
    pub fn on_select<F>(self, cb: F) -> Self
        where F: Fn(&mut Cursive, usize, usize) + 'static
        self.with(|t| t.set_on_select(cb))

    /// Removes all items from this view.
    pub fn clear(&mut self) {

    /// Returns the number of items in this table.
    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {

    /// Returns `true` if this table has no item.
    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {

    /// Returns the index of the currently selected table row.
    pub fn row(&self) -> Option<usize> {
        if self.items.is_empty() {

        } else {

    /// Selects the row at the specified index.
    pub fn set_selected_row(&mut self, row_index: usize) {

    /// Selects the row at the specified index.
    /// Chainable variant.
    pub fn selected_row(self, row_index: usize) -> Self {
        self.with(|t| t.set_selected_row(row_index))

    /// Sets the contained items of the table.
    /// The currently active sort order is preserved and will be applied to all
    /// items.
    pub fn set_items(&mut self, items: Vec<T>) {

        self.items = items;
        self.rows_to_items = Vec::with_capacity(self.items.len());

        for i in 0..self.items.len() {

        if let Some((column, order)) = self.order() {
            self.sort_by(column, order);



    /// Sets the contained items of the table.
    /// The order of the items will be preserved even when the table is sorted.
    /// Chainable variant.
    pub fn items(self, items: Vec<T>) -> Self {
        self.with(|t| t.set_items(items))

    /// Returns a immmutable reference to the item at the specified index
    /// within the underlying storage vector.
    pub fn borrow_item(&mut self, index: usize) -> Option<&T> {

    /// Returns a mutable reference to the item at the specified index within
    /// the underlying storage vector.
    pub fn borrow_item_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> Option<&mut T> {

    /// Returns a immmutable reference to the items contained within the table.
    pub fn borrow_items(&mut self) -> &Vec<T> {

    /// Returns a mutable reference to the items contained within the table.
    /// Can be used to modify the items in place.
    pub fn borrow_items_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<T> {
        &mut self.items

    /// Returns the index of the currently selected item within the underlying
    /// storage vector.
    pub fn item(&self) -> Option<usize> {
        if self.items.is_empty() {

        } else {

    /// Selects the item at the specified index within the underlying storage
    /// vector.
    pub fn set_selected_item(&mut self, item_index: usize) {
        // TODO optimize the performance for very large item lists
        if item_index < self.items.len() {
            for (row, item) in self.rows_to_items.iter().enumerate() {
                if *item == item_index {

    /// Selects the item at the specified index within the underlying storage
    /// vector.
    /// Chainable variant.
    pub fn selected_item(self, item_index: usize) -> Self {
        self.with(|t| t.set_selected_item(item_index))

    /// Inserts a new item into the table.
    /// The currently active sort order is preserved and will be applied to the
    /// newly inserted item.
    pub fn insert_item(&mut self, item: T) {



        if let Some((column, order)) = self.order() {
            self.sort_by(column, order);


    /// Removes the item at the specified index within the underlying storage
    /// vector and returns it.
    pub fn remove_item(&mut self, item_index: usize) -> Option<T> {
        if item_index < self.items.len() {

            // Move the selection if the currently selected item gets removed
            if let Some(selected_index) = self.item() {
                if selected_index == item_index {

            // Remove the sorted reference to the item
            self.rows_to_items.retain(|i| *i != item_index);

            // Adjust remaining references
            for ref_index in &mut self.rows_to_items {
                if *ref_index > item_index {
                    *ref_index -= 1;

            // Update scroll height to prevent out of index drawing

            // Remove actual item from the underlying storage

        } else {

    /// Removes all items from the underlying storage and returns them.
    pub fn take_items(&mut self) -> Vec<T> {
        self.scrollbase.set_heights(self.last_size.y.saturating_sub(2), 0);


impl<T: TableViewItem<H>, H: Eq + Hash + Copy + Clone + 'static> TableView<T, H> {

    fn draw_columns<C: Fn(&Printer, &TableColumn<H>)>(
        printer: &Printer,
        sep: &str,
        callback: C
    ) {

        let mut column_offset = 0;
        let column_count = self.columns.len();
        for (index, column) in self.columns.iter().enumerate() {

            let printer = &printer.sub_printer(
                (column_offset, 0),

            callback(printer, column);

            if index < column_count - 1 {
                printer.print((column.width + 1, 0), sep);

            column_offset += column.width + 3;



    fn sort_items(&mut self, column: H, order: Ordering) {
        if !self.is_empty() {

            let old_item = self.item().unwrap();

            let mut rows_to_items = self.rows_to_items.clone();
            rows_to_items.sort_by(|a, b| {
                if order == Ordering::Less {
                    self.items[*a].cmp(&self.items[*b], column)

                } else {
                    self.items[*b].cmp(&self.items[*a], column)
            self.rows_to_items = rows_to_items;



    fn draw_item(&self, printer: &Printer, i: usize) {
        self.draw_columns(printer, "┆ ", |printer, column| {
            let value = self.items[

            column.draw_row(printer, value.as_str());

    fn focus(&self) -> usize {

    fn focus_up(&mut self, n: usize) {
        let focus = self.focus();
        let n = cmp::min(focus, n);
        self.focus.set(focus - n);

    fn focus_down(&mut self, n: usize) {
        let focus = cmp::min(self.focus() + n, self.items.len() - 1);

    fn active_column(&self) -> usize {
        self.columns.iter().position(|c| c.selected).unwrap_or(0)

    fn column_cancel(&mut self) {
        self.column_select = false;
        for column in &mut self.columns {
            column.selected = column.order != Ordering::Equal;

    fn column_next(&mut self) -> bool {
        let column = self.active_column();
        if column < self.columns.len() - 1 {
            self.columns[column].selected = false;
            self.columns[column + 1].selected = true;

        } else {

    fn column_prev(&mut self) -> bool {
        let column = self.active_column();
        if column > 0 {
            self.columns[column].selected = false;
            self.columns[column - 1].selected = true;

        } else {

    fn column_select(&mut self) {

        let next = self.active_column();
        let column = self.columns[next].column;
        let current = self.columns.iter().position(|c| {
            c.order != Ordering::Equal


        let order = if current != next {

        } else if self.columns[current].order == Ordering::Less {

        } else {

        self.sort_by(column, order);



impl<T: TableViewItem<H> + 'static, H: Eq + Hash + Copy + Clone + 'static> View for TableView<T, H> {

    fn draw(&self, printer: &Printer) {

        self.draw_columns(printer, "â•· ", |printer, column| {

            let color = if column.order != Ordering::Equal || column.selected {
                if self.column_select && column.selected && self.enabled && printer.focused {

                } else {
                    ColorStyle:: HighlightInactive

            } else {

            printer.with_color(color, |printer| {


        self.draw_columns(&printer.sub_printer((0, 1), printer.size, true), "┴─", |printer, column| {
            printer.print_hline((0, 0), column.width + 1, "─");

        let printer = &printer.sub_printer((0, 2), printer.size, true);
        self.scrollbase.draw(printer, |printer, i| {

            let color = if i == self.focus() {
                if !self.column_select && self.enabled && printer.focused {

                } else {

            } else {

            printer.with_color(color, |printer| {
                self.draw_item(printer, i);



    fn layout(&mut self, size: Vec2) {

        if size == self.last_size {

        let item_count = self.items.len();
        let column_count = self.columns.len();

        // Split up all columns into sized / unsized groups
        let (mut sized, mut usized): (
            Vec<&mut TableColumn<H>>,
            Vec<&mut TableColumn<H>>

        ) = self.columns.iter_mut().partition(|c| c.requested_width.is_some());

        // Subtract one for the seperators between our columns (that's column_count - 1)
        let mut available_width = size.x.saturating_sub(
            column_count.saturating_sub(1) * 3

        // Reduce the with in case we are displaying a scrollbar
        if size.y.saturating_sub(1) < item_count {
            available_width = available_width.saturating_sub(2);

        // Calculate widths for all requested columns
        let mut remaining_width = available_width;
        for mut column in &mut sized {
            column.width = match *column.requested_width.as_ref().unwrap() {
                TableColumnWidth::Percent(width) => cmp::min(
                    (size.x as f32 / 100.0 * width as f32).ceil() as usize,
                TableColumnWidth::Absolute(width) => width
            remaining_width = remaining_width.saturating_sub(column.width);

        // Spread the remaining with across the unsized columns
        let remaining_columns = usized.len();
        for mut column in &mut usized {
            column.width = (
                remaining_width as f32 / remaining_columns as f32

            ).floor() as usize;

        self.scrollbase.set_heights(size.y.saturating_sub(2), item_count);
        self.last_size = size;


    fn take_focus(&mut self, _: Direction) -> bool {
        self.enabled && !self.items.is_empty()

    fn on_event(&mut self, event: Event) -> EventResult {

        if !self.enabled {
            return EventResult::Ignored;

        let last_focus = self.focus();
        match event {
            Event::Key(Key::Right) => {
                if self.column_select {
                    if !self.column_next() {
                        return EventResult::Ignored;

                } else {
                    self.column_select = true;
            Event::Key(Key::Left) => {
                if self.column_select {
                    if !self.column_prev() {
                        return EventResult::Ignored;

                } else {
                    self.column_select = true;
            Event::Key(Key::Up) if self.focus() > 0 || self.column_select => {
                if self.column_select {

                } else {
            Event::Key(Key::Down) if self.focus() + 1 < self.items.len() || self.column_select => {
                if self.column_select {

                } else {
            Event::Key(Key::PageUp) => {
            Event::Key(Key::PageDown) => {
            Event::Key(Key::Home) => {
            Event::Key(Key::End) => {
                self.focus.set(self.items.len() - 1);
            Event::Key(Key::Enter) => {
                if self.column_select {


                    if self.on_sort.is_some() {

                        let c = &self.columns[self.active_column()];
                        let column = c.column;
                        let order = c.order;

                        let cb = self.on_sort.clone().unwrap();
                        return EventResult::Consumed(Some(Callback::from_fn(move |s| {
                            cb(s, column, order)


                } else if !self.is_empty() && self.on_submit.is_some() {
                    let cb = self.on_submit.clone().unwrap();
                    let row = self.row().unwrap();
                    let index = self.item().unwrap();
                    return EventResult::Consumed(Some(Callback::from_fn(move |s| {
                        cb(s, row, index)
            _ => return EventResult::Ignored

        let focus = self.focus();

        if self.column_select {

        } else if !self.is_empty() && last_focus != focus {
            let row = self.row().unwrap();
            let index = self.item().unwrap();
            EventResult::Consumed(self.on_select.clone().map(|cb| {
                Callback::from_fn(move |s| cb(s, row, index))

        } else {



/// A type used for the construction of columns in a
/// [`TableView`](struct.TableView.html).
pub struct TableColumn<H: Copy + Clone + 'static> {
    column: H,
    title: String,
    selected: bool,
    alignment: HAlign,
    order: Ordering,
    width: usize,
    default_order: Ordering,
    requested_width: Option<TableColumnWidth>,

enum TableColumnWidth {

impl<H: Copy + Clone + 'static> TableColumn<H> {

    /// Sets the default ordering of the column.
    pub fn ordering(mut self, order: Ordering) -> Self {
        self.default_order = order;

    /// Sets the horizontal text alignment of the column.
    pub fn align(mut self, alignment: HAlign) -> Self {
        self.alignment = alignment;

    /// Sets how many characters of width this column will try to occupy.
    pub fn width(mut self, width: usize) -> Self {
        self.requested_width = Some(TableColumnWidth::Absolute(width));

    /// Sets what percentage of the width of the entire table this column will
    /// try to occupy.
    pub fn width_percent(mut self, width: usize) -> Self {
        self.requested_width = Some(TableColumnWidth::Percent(width));

    fn new(column: H, title: String) -> Self {
        Self {
            column: column,
            title: title,
            selected: false,
            alignment: HAlign::Left,
            order: Ordering::Equal,
            width: 0,
            default_order: Ordering::Less,
            requested_width: None

    fn draw_header(&self, printer: &Printer) {

        let order = match self.order {
            Ordering::Less => "^",
            Ordering::Greater => "v",
            Ordering::Equal => " "

        let header = match self.alignment {
            HAlign::Left => format!("{:<width$} [{}]", self.title, order, width=self.width.saturating_sub(4)),
            HAlign::Right => format!("{:>width$} [{}]", self.title, order, width=self.width.saturating_sub(4)),
            HAlign::Center => format!("{:^width$} [{}]", self.title, order, width=self.width.saturating_sub(4))

        printer.print((0, 0), header.as_str());


    fn draw_row(&self, printer: &Printer, value: &str) {

        let value = match self.alignment {
            HAlign::Left => format!("{:<width$} ", value, width=self.width),
            HAlign::Right => format!("{:>width$} ", value, width=self.width),
            HAlign::Center => format!("{:^width$} ", value, width=self.width)

        printer.print((0, 0), value.as_str());

