cursive_core 0.3.7

Core components for the Cursive TUI
//! Handle colors and themes in the UI.
//! # Colors
//! Characters can be printed in the terminal with a specific color.
//! The [`Color`] enum represents the ways this can be set.
//! [`Color`]: enum.Color.html
//! # Palette
//! To achieve a customizable, yet unified look, Cursive uses a configurable
//! palette of colors to be used through the entire application.
//! The [`PaletteColor`] enum defines possible entries in this palette.
//! [`PaletteColor`]: enum.PaletteColor.html
//! These entries are:
//! * **`Background`**: used to color the application background
//!   (around views).
//!   Defaults to **blue**.
//! * **`Shadow`**: used to color shadow around views.
//!   Defaults to **black**.
//! * **`View`**: used to color the background for views.
//!   Defaults to **white**.
//! * **`Primary`**: used to print primary text.
//!   Defaults to **black**.
//! * **`Secondary`**: used to print secondary text.
//!   Defaults to **blue**.
//! * **`Tertiary`**: used to print tertiary text.
//!   Defaults to **white**.
//! * **`TitlePrimary`**: used to print primary titles.
//!   Defaults to **red**.
//! * **`TitleSecondary`**: used to print secondary titles.
//!   Defaults to **yellow**.
//! * **`Highlight`**: used to highlight selected items.
//!   Defaults to **red**.
//! * **`HighlightInactive`**: used to highlight selected but inactive items.
//!   Defaults to **blue**.
//! * **`HighlightText`**: used to print primary text when highlighted
//!   Defaults to **white**.
//! A [`Palette`] then maps each of these to an actual [`Color`].
//! [`Palette`]: struct.Palette.html
//! # Color Types
//! When drawing views, color can be picked in two way:
//! * An exact [`Color`] can be given directly
//! * A [`PaletteColor`] entry can be given, which will fetch whatever color
//!   is currently defined for this.
//! The [`ColorType`] enum abstract over these two choices.
//! [`ColorType`]: enum.ColorType.html
//! # Color Styles
//! To actually print anything, two colors must be picked: one for the
//! foreground, and one for the background.
//! As such, a [`ColorStyle`] is made of a pair of `ColorType`.
//! [`ColorStyle`]: struct.ColorStyle.html
//! Since some pairs are frequently used, `ColorStyle` defines some methods to
//! create these usual values:
//! * **`ColorStyle::background()`**: style used to print the application
//!   background.
//!     * Its *background* color is `Background`.
//!     * Its *foreground* color is unimportant as no characters are ever
//!       printed in the background.
//! * **`ColorStyle::shadow()`**: style used to print shadows behind views.
//!     * Its *background* color is `Shadow`.
//!     * Here again, the *foreground* color is unimportant.
//! * **`ColorStyle::primary()`**: style used to print primary text.
//!     * Its *background* color is `View`.
//!     * Its *foreground* color is `Primary`.
//! * **`ColorStyle::secondary()`**: style used to print secondary text.
//!     * Its *background* color is `View`.
//!     * Its *foreground* color is `Secondary`.
//! * **`ColorStyle::tertiary()`**: style used to print tertiary text.
//!     * Its *background* color is `View`.
//!     * Its *foreground* color is `Tertiary`.
//! * **`ColorStyle::title_primary()`**: style used to print titles.
//!     * Its *background* color is `View`.
//!     * Its *foreground* color is `TitlePrimary`.
//! * **`ColorStyle::title_secondary()`**: style used to print secondary
//!   titles.
//!     * Its *background* color is `View`.
//!     * Its *foreground* color is `TitleSecondary`.
//! * **`ColorStyle::highlight()`**: style used to print selected items.
//!     * Its *background* color is `Highlight`.
//!     * Its *foreground* color is `HighlightText`.
//! * **`ColorStyle::highlight_inactive()`**: style used to print selected,
//!   but inactive items.
//!     * Its *background* color is `HighlightInactive`.
//!     * Its *foreground* color is `HighlightText`.
//! Using one of these pairs when styling your application helps give it a
//! coherent look.
//! # Effects
//! On top of a color style, some effects can be applied on cells: `Reverse`,
//! for instance, swaps the foreground and background colors of a cell.
//! # Style
//! Finally, a style combine a [`ColorType`] and a set of [`Effect`]s, to
//! represent any way text should be printed on screen.
//! [`Effect`]: enum.Effect.html
//! # Themes
//! A [`Theme`] object defines the color palette an application will use, as
//! well as various options to style views.
//! There are several ways to set a theme for the application:
//! * Construct a [`Theme`] object by setting every field individually.
//! * Get the current theme with [`Cursive::current_theme`] method and
//!   changing the required fields (for example see [theme_manual example]).
//! * Using a toml file as a theme configuration (for example see
//!   [theme example]).
//! ## Configuring theme with toml
//! This requires the `toml` feature to be enabled.
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! cursive = { version = "*", features = ["toml"] }
//! ```
//! To use the theme in your application, load it with [`Cursive::load_toml`]
//! method (or use [`theme::load_theme_file`] to aquire the theme object).
//! ```rust,ignore
//! let mut siv = Cursive::new();
//! // Embed the theme with the binary.
//! siv.load_toml(include_str!("<path_to_theme_file>.toml")).unwrap();
//! ```
//! Here are the possible entries (all fields are optional):
//! ```toml
//! # Every field in a theme file is optional.
//! # First come some various options
//! shadow = false  # Don't draw shadows around stacked views
//! borders = "simple"  # Alternatives are "none" and "outset"
//! # Here we define the color palette.
//! [colors]
//!     background = "black"
//!     # If the value is an array, the first valid color will be used.
//!     # If the terminal doesn't support custom color,
//!     # non-base colors will be skipped.
//!     shadow     = ["#000000", "black"]
//!     view       = "#d3d7cf"
//!     # Array and simple values have the same effect.
//!     primary   = ["#111111"]
//!     secondary = "#EEEEEE"
//!     tertiary  = "#444444"
//!     # Hex values can use lower or uppercase.
//!     # (base color MUST be lowercase)
//!     title_primary   = "#ff5555"
//!     title_secondary = "#ffff55"
//!     # Lower precision values can use only 3 digits.
//!     highlight          = "#F00"
//!     highlight_inactive = "#5555FF"
//! ```
//! [`Color`]: ./enum.Color.html
//! [`PaletteColor`]: ./enum.PaletteColor.html
//! [`Palette`]: ./struct.Palette.html
//! [`ColorType`]: ./enum.ColorType.html
//! [`ColorStyle`]: ./struct.ColorStyle.html
//! [`Effect`]: ./enum.Effect.html
//! [`Theme`]: ./struct.Theme.html
//! [`Cursive::current_theme`]: ../struct.Cursive.html#method.current_theme
//! [theme_manual example]:
//! [theme example]:
//! [`Cursive::load_toml`]: ../struct.Cursive.html#method.load_toml
//! [`theme::load_theme_file`]: ./fn.load_theme_file.html
mod border_style;
mod color;
mod color_pair;
mod color_style;
mod effect;
mod palette;
mod style;

pub use self::border_style::BorderStyle;
pub use self::color::{BaseColor, Color};
pub use self::color_pair::ColorPair;
pub use self::color_style::{ColorStyle, ColorType};
pub use self::effect::Effect;
pub use self::palette::{NoSuchColor, Palette, PaletteColor, PaletteStyle};
pub use self::style::{Style, StyleType};
#[cfg(feature = "toml")]
use std::fs::File;
use std::io;
#[cfg(feature = "toml")]
use std::io::Read;
#[cfg(feature = "toml")]
use std::path::Path;

/// Represents the style a Cursive application will use.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Theme {
    /// Whether views in a StackView should have shadows.
    pub shadow: bool,

    /// How view borders should be drawn.
    pub borders: BorderStyle,

    /// What colors should be used through the application?
    pub palette: Palette,

/// Currently returns the retro theme.
impl Default for Theme {
    fn default() -> Self {

impl Theme {
    /// Returns a bi-color theme using the terminal default text and background colors.
    pub fn terminal_default() -> Self {
        Theme {
            shadow: false,
            borders: BorderStyle::Simple,
            palette: Palette::terminal_default(),

    /// Returns a retro theme, similar to GNU dialog applications.
    pub fn retro() -> Self {
        Theme {
            shadow: true,
            borders: BorderStyle::Simple,
            palette: Palette::retro(),

    #[cfg(feature = "toml")]
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "doc-cfg", doc(cfg(feature = "toml")))]
    fn load_toml(&mut self, table: &toml::value::Table) {
        if let Some(&toml::Value::Boolean(shadow)) = table.get("shadow") {
            self.shadow = shadow;

        if let Some(toml::Value::String(borders)) = table.get("borders") {
            self.borders = BorderStyle::from(borders);

        if let Some(toml::Value::Table(table)) = table.get("colors") {

        if let Some(toml::Value::Table(table)) = table.get("styles") {

/// Possible error returned when loading a theme.
pub enum Error {
    /// An error occured when reading the file.

    #[cfg(feature = "toml")]
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "doc-cfg", doc(cfg(feature = "toml")))]
    /// An error occured when parsing the toml content.

#[cfg(feature = "toml")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "doc-cfg", doc(cfg(feature = "toml")))]
impl From<io::Error> for Error {
    fn from(err: io::Error) -> Self {

#[cfg(feature = "toml")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "doc-cfg", doc(cfg(feature = "toml")))]
impl From<toml::de::Error> for Error {
    fn from(err: toml::de::Error) -> Self {

/// Loads a theme from file.
/// Must have the `toml` feature enabled.
#[cfg(feature = "toml")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "doc-cfg", doc(cfg(feature = "toml")))]
pub fn load_theme_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(filename: P) -> Result<Theme, Error> {
    let content = {
        let mut content = String::new();
        let mut file = File::open(filename)?;
        file.read_to_string(&mut content)?;


/// Loads a theme string and sets it as active.
/// Must have the `toml` feature enabled.
#[cfg(feature = "toml")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "doc-cfg", doc(cfg(feature = "toml")))]
pub fn load_toml(content: &str) -> Result<Theme, Error> {
    let table = toml::de::from_str(content)?;

    let mut theme = Theme::default();


/// Loads the default theme, and returns its representation.
pub fn load_default() -> Theme {