Struct cursive::prelude::BoxView [] [src]

pub struct BoxView<T: View> {
    // some fields omitted

Wrapper around another view, with a controlled size.

Each axis can independently be set to:

  • Keep a fixed size
  • Use all available size
  • Use at most a given size
  • Use at least a given size
  • Let the wrapped view decide.


// Creates a 20x4 BoxView with a TextView content.
let view = BoxView::with_fixed_size((20,4), TextView::new("Hello!"));


impl<T: View> BoxView<T>

Creates a new BoxView with the given width and height requirements.

None values will use the wrapped view's preferences.

Sets self to be squishable.

A squishable BoxView will take a smaller size than it should when the available space is too small. In that case, it will allow the child view to contract, if it can.

More specifically, if the available space is less than the size we would normally ask for, return the child size.

Wraps view in a new BoxView with the given size.

Wraps view in a new BoxView with fixed width.

Wraps view in a new BoxView with fixed height.

Wraps view in a BoxView which will take all available space.

Wraps view in a BoxView which will take all available width.

Wraps view in a BoxView which will take all available height.

Wraps view in a BoxView which will never be bigger than size.

Wraps view in a BoxView which will enforce a maximum width.

The resulting width will never be more than max_width.

Wraps view in a BoxView which will enforce a maximum height.

The resulting height will never be more than max_height.

Wraps view in a BoxView which will never be smaller than size.

Wraps view in a BoxView which will enforce a minimum width.

The resulting width will never be less than min_width.

Wraps view in a BoxView which will enforce a minimum height.

The resulting height will never be less than min_height.

Trait Implementations

impl<T: View> ViewWrapper for BoxView<T>

Get an immutable reference to the wrapped view.

Get a mutable reference to the wrapped view.

Wraps the get_min_size method.

Wraps the draw method.

Wraps the on_event method.

Wraps the layout method.

Wraps the take_focus method.

Wraps the find method.

Wraps the needs_relayout method.