cursive-aligned-view 0.1.4

A view wrapper for gyscos/cursive views which aligns child views
<h1 align="center">Welcome to cursive-aligned-view 👋</h1>
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  <i>A view wrapper for
  <a href="">gyscos/cursive</a>
  views which aligns child views</i>


This project provides an `AlignedView` for [gyscos/cursive]( views which makes it possible to align the child view (center, left, right, top, bottom). The `AlignedView` uses the `required_size` reported by the child view and fills the rest of the available space with the views background color.

## How does it look like? `demo` [![terminalizer]]

  <summary>Expand to view</summary>
  <img src="assets/demo.gif" alt="aligned-view demo">

## Usage

Simply add to your `Cargo.toml`

cursive-aligned-view = "^0"

### Aligning a child view

The easiest way to align a view is via the `Alignable` trait:

use cursive_aligned_view::Alignable;

let aligned = child_view.align_center();

This is the preferred way as it is *chainable* and consistent with cursive's `Boxable` and `Identifiable` traits.

As an alternative you can use the `AlignedView` constructors directly:

use cursive_aligned_view::AlignedView;

let aligned = AlignedView::with_center(child_view);

Look into the [documentation]( for a detailed explanation on the API.

### Supported Alignments

| Alignment     | Construction method   |
| top left      | `align_top_left`      |
| top center    | `align_top_center`    |
| top right     | `align_top_right`     |
| center left   | `align_center_left`   |
| center        | `align_center`        |
| center right  | `align_center_right`  |
| bottom left   | `align_bottom_left`   |
| bottom center | `align_bottom_center` |
| bottom right  | `align_bottom_right`  |

## Troubleshooting

If you find any bugs/unexpected behaviour or you have a proposition for future changes open an issue describing the current behaviour and what you expected.

## Development [![cargo test]] [![shellshot]]

### Running the tests

> :bangbang: **CAUTION** :bangbang: This crate uses Tmux for end2end testing and will **kill your Tmux server** during testing!

#### Preparing integration tests

In order to run the integration tests, you first need to install a recent version of `>=npm-10` and `>=tmux-2.6`!

After `npm` and `tmux` are installed, install required dependencies:

$ ./scripts/

This will use `npm` to install `jest` and `shellshot` in the `tests` folder.

#### Running all test suites

Just run

$ cargo test

to execute all available tests.

#### endpoints

[]( endpoints are generated inside the `./target/shields` folder. They are used in this README.

## Authors

**Fin Christensen**

> [:octocat: `@fin-ger`]  
> [:elephant: ``]  
> [:bird: `@fin_ger_github`]  


**Johannes Wünsche**

> [:octocat: `@jwuensche`]  
> [:elephant: ``]  
> [:bird: `@Fredowald`]  

## Show your support

Give a :star: if this project helped you!