currencyapi_parse 0.1.1

Quick & dirty currencyapi parsing
# currencyapi\_parse

A library to parse currencyapi `latest` response.

This library doesn't parse the response JSON, it just takes advantage of the regularity in the API.
It has some sanity-checks for the regularity so it should be fine at least for casual use.

# Usage

Use the [`Scanner`] to iterate over currency [`Entry`]s.

## Example

# fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// sample response from /latest USD & EUR:<apikey>&currencies=USD%2CEUR
let response = r#"{"meta":{"last_updated_at":"2022-08-23T23:59:59Z"},"data":{"EUR":{"code":"EUR","value":1.003367},"USD":{"code":"USD","value":1}}}"#;

let currencies = currencyapi_parse::Scanner::try_from(response)?;
for entry in currencies {
  println!("{} = {:.2}",
    response[entry].parse::<f64>()? // `Entry`s can conveniently index the response they come from.
# Ok(()) }