curl 0.4.18

Rust bindings to libcurl for making HTTP requests
name = "curl"
version = "0.4.18"
authors = ["Alex Crichton <>"]
license = "MIT"
repository = ""
homepage = ""
documentation = ""
description = "Rust bindings to libcurl for making HTTP requests"
categories = ["api-bindings", "web-programming::http-client"]
autotests = true

travis-ci = { repository = "alexcrichton/curl-rust" }
appveyor = { repository = "alexcrichton/curl-rust" }

libc = "0.2.42"
curl-sys = { path = "curl-sys", version = "0.4.9" }
socket2 = "0.3.7"

# Unix platforms use OpenSSL for now to provide SSL functionality
[target."cfg(all(unix, not(target_os = \"macos\")))".dependencies]
openssl-sys = "0.9.33"
openssl-probe = "0.1.2"

winapi = "0.2.7"

schannel = "0.1.13"
kernel32-sys = "0.2.2"

mio = "0.6"
mio-extras = "2.0.3"

members = ["systest"]

http2 = ['curl-sys/http2']

name = "atexit"
harness = false