curl-sys 0.4.39+curl-7.74.0

Native bindings to the libcurl library
repository = "alexcrichton/curl-rust"

repository = "alexcrichton/curl-rust"
version = "1.0"

version = "0.3.3"
version = "0.2.2"

optional = true
version = "0.1.3"

default-features = false
features = ["libc"]
version = "1.0.18"

default-features = false
features = ["client_apis", "error_strings", "tls13", "aesgcm", "chachapoly", "x25519", "ecdh", "ecdsa", "verifier"]
optional = true
version = "1.1.0-cratesio"

default = ["ssl"]
force-system-lib-on-osx = []
http2 = ["libnghttp2-sys"]
protocol-ftp = []
spnego = []
ssl = ["openssl-sys"]
static-curl = []
static-ssl = ["openssl-sys/vendored"]
zlib-ng-compat = ["libz-sys/zlib-ng", "static-curl"]

name = "curl_sys"
path = ""

authors = ["Alex Crichton <>"]
build = ""
categories = ["external-ffi-bindings"]
description = "Native bindings to the libcurl library"
documentation = ""
license = "MIT"
links = "curl"
name = "curl-sys"
repository = ""
version = "0.4.39+curl-7.74.0"
[target."cfg(all(unix, not(target_os = \"macos\")))".dependencies.openssl-sys]
optional = true
version = "0.9"
[target."cfg(target_env = \"msvc\")".build-dependencies.vcpkg]
version = "0.2"
features = ["winsock2", "ws2def"]
version = "0.3"