curie 0.0.5

CURIE or Compact URIs as used in JSON-LD, RDF, SPARQL, XML and other applications. This manages mapping prefixes to URIs or IRIs as well as expanding CURIEs to the complete URI form.


Build Status

CURIEs, defined by the W3C, are a compact way of representing a URI. A CURIE consists of an optional prefix and a reference, separated by a colon.

They are commonly used in JSON-LD, RDF, SPARQL, XML namespaces and other applications.

Dual licensed under the MIT and Apache 2 licenses.


The API is fully documented with examples:


This crate works with Cargo and is on Add it to your Cargo.toml like so:

curie = "0.0.5"

Status of Implementation

Things are under active development. This project is not quite usable yet as some of the basic functionality is being written.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.