cuicui_layout 0.8.0

A layout algorithm for bevy and made to be understood by humans

Bevy tracking Latest version MIT/Apache 2.0 Documentation

Cuicui Layout

A dumb layout algorithm you can rely on, built for and with bevy.

For some reasons, the Cyberpunk main menu has become the 7GUI of bevy, so here is the Cyberpunk main menu using cuicui_layout_bevy_ui.


use bevy::prelude::*;
use cuicui_layout_bevy_ui::UiDsl as Dsl;
use cuicui_layout::{LayoutRootCamera, dsl, dsl_functions::{px, pct}};

fn setup(mut cmds: Commands, serv: Res<AssetServer>) {

cmds.spawn((Camera2dBundle::default(), LayoutRootCamera));
let menu_buttons = [
    "NEW GAME",
    "LOAD GAME",
    "QUIT GAME",
let title_card = serv.load::<Image, _>("logo.png");
let bg = serv.load("background.png");
let board = serv.load("board.png");
let button = serv.load("button.png");

dsl! {
    &mut cmds,
    row(screen_root, "root", main_margin 100., distrib_start, align_start, image &bg) {
        column("menu", width px(310), height pct(100), main_margin 40., image &board) {
            spawn(image &title_card, "Title card", width pct(100));
            spawn_ui(title_card, "Title card 2", width pct(50));
            code(let cmds) {
                for n in &menu_buttons {
                    let name = format!("{n} button");
                    dsl!(cmds, spawn_ui(*n, named name, image &button, height px(33)););


Running examples

Use the cargo run --bin command to list possible examples, and run them.

We do this because it allows us to have different dependencies between examples.


This crate is in expansion, use at your own risk, it is extremely likely that a lot of things are going to break a lot.

Using cuicui_layout

First, chose which crate you want to use:

  • Interested in a ready-made UI library on top of bevy_ui? cuicui_layout_bevy_ui is for you.
  • Want more flexibility? Using cuicui_layout on top of bevy_sprite will let you integrate your UI with a lot of 3rd party crates that only work with sprites. cuicui_layout_bevy_sprite is for you.
  • Using a custom renderer or want your UI to be part of the 3D environment? Build on top of cuicui_layout itself then.

Secondly, add your chosen integration crate to your Cargo.toml:

cuicui_layout_bevy_ui = "0.8.0"
cuicui_layout = "0.8.0"

Then, use cuicui_layout in your crate with the dsl! macro:

use bevy::prelude::*;
use cuicui_layout::{dsl, LayoutRootCamera, dsl_functions::*};
use cuicui_layout_bevy_ui::UiDsl as Dsl;

fn main() {
    // Do not forget to add cuicui_layout_bevy_{ui,sprite}::Plugin
    App::new().add_plugins((DefaultPlugins, cuicui_layout_bevy_ui::Plugin))
        .add_systems(Startup, setup)
fn setup(mut commands: Commands) {
    // Use LayoutRootCamera to mark a camera as the screen boundaries.
    commands.spawn((Camera2dBundle::default(), LayoutRootCamera));
    dsl! { &mut commands,
        // Use screen_root to follow the screen's boundaries
        row(screen_root) {
            row(margin 9., border(5, Color::CYAN), bg Color::NAVY) {
                spawn_ui("Hello world!");

That's it! You are now using cuicui_layout, congratulations!

Make sure to check the LayoutDsl docs to learn the current capabilities of cuicui_layout.

cuicui_layout crates

This repository contains several crates:

  • cuicui_dsl (dsl): The dsl! macro and DslBundle.
  • cuicui_layout (layout): The base algorithm and components, does not make any assumption about how it is used, beside the requirement that layout nodes be bevy Entitiy and uses bevy_hierarchy. Exports a LayoutDsl to use with the dsl! macro.
  • cuicui_layout_bevy_ui (ui): Integration with bevy_ui, including extension to UiDsl for UiImage, Text, background images and background colors.
  • cuicui_layout_bevy_sprite (sprite): bevy_sprite integration, supports Mesh2dHandle, Sprite and Text2d. This isn't as good as the bevy_ui-based integration when it comes to content-driven sizes, but otherwise should work very much like the bevy_ui integration.

Cargo features

  • cuicui_layout/debug (off by default): An overlay showing layout outlines & the rule type used by nodes. See for a detailed feature list.
  • cuicui_layout_bevy_sprite/sprite_text (on by default): implement content-sized layout nodes for Text2dBundle.
  • cuicui_layout/reflect (on by default): Derive bevy_reflect traits for cuicui_layout types & register them.

Why cuicui layout

  • Friendly algo with less things to keep in your head and good defaults.
  • Uses and takes full advantage of the bevy ECS.
  • Only controls LayoutRect, not Transform, you need to add a system that sets Transform based on LayoutRect.
  • Fully flexible and extensible, can be used with bevy_ui, bevy_sprite, your own stuff.
  • Fantatstically easy to extend, like really.
  • Helpful and fully detailed error messages when things are incoherent or broken. As opposed to FlexBox, which goes "this is fine πŸ”₯🐢πŸ”₯" and leaves you to guess why things do not turn out as expected.
  • cuicui_layout's algo runs in O(n) where n is how many nodes you have.
  • An extensive debugging overlay.

Why not Flexbox

You are writing text to get 2d visual results on screen. The translation from text to screen should be trivial, easy to do in your head. Otherwise you need visual feedback to get what you want. Bevy, even with hot reloading or bevy-inspector-egui will always have extremely slow visual feedback.

Flexbox has too many parameters and depends on implicit properties of UI elements, it is not possible to emulate it in your head.

cuicui's layout, in contrast to Flexbox is easy to fit in your head. In fact, I will forecefully push cuicui's layout algorithm in your head in two short bullet points.

  • A node can be a Node::Container and distribute its children along a Direction either by evenly spacing them (Distribution::FillMain) or putting them directly one after another (Distribution::Start).
  • A Container's size can be expressed as a static value, a fraction of the size of what contains it, or a multiple of what it contains.
  • The content of a Container can be Alignment to the start, end or center of its parent (by default it's centered).

That's it. There are some edge cases, but cuicui will yell at you tell you nicely when you hit them and tell you how to handle them properly.

Flexbox FAQ

Q: Where is padding? A: padding is equivalent to margin in cuicui_layout. margin and border doesn't make conceptual sense.

Q: Why not call it padding then? A: Look at the dictionary definition of "margin" and "padding".

Q: How do I center a node? A: nodes are centered by default, make sure the parent's container size has the expected size.

Q: What is the equivalent of flex_direction? A: use row and column

Q: What are the equivalents of column-reverse and row-reverse? A: None. Use Alignment::End and swap your elements! Note that the *-reverse flows in flexbox are very useful for internationalization. However, when making a game, it is not enough to just swap the elements! Artistic control is paramount and internationalization needs to be taken as a whole in the context of the UI.

Q: What is the equivalent of flex_wrap? A: None, do you really need it?

Q: What is the equivalent of align_item, align_self, align_content, justify_content? A: After 5 years of working with CSS, I still have no clue which one does what, and whether they really do anything, so I wont' adventure an asnwer.

Q: What is the equivalent of flex_grow, flex_shrink, flex_basis, gap? A: Do you even know what they do?

Q: Why can't child container overflow their parents? A: It's likely you didn't expect this, so we report it as an error.

Q: How do I make a grid? A: cuicui_layout is currently not capable of managing a grid of nodes. This might be added in the future.

Why not add <Flexbox feature> to cuicui_layout?

Each flexbox feature is useful taken in isolation, but when combined, they make for a very difficult to grasp whole. It's the combinatorial explosion of interactions between features that makes Flexbox impossible to emulate in your head. In fact, I'm not so sure anything short of a Flexbox implementation can predict what the final output of your CSS will look like.

With this settled, it is natural that I aim to make cuicui_layout as featureless as possible. Ideally, there is exactly one way to do anything, even if it requires a bit of head scratching to get there. Code with less feature is paradoxically smarter. A narrow set of functionalities allow easier inference on the user's expectations, enabling better error messages and suggestions.

Of course, as a library, cuicui_layout must at least have some features. Here is what I look in a new feature:

  • The feature is inherent to layouting, ie: this isn't the job of a 3rd party integration plugin.
  • The feature can only interact in meaningful and predictible ways with other existing features.
  • The feature introduces only meaningful abstractions/concepts that are fully orthogonal with other features.
  • The feature is not too complex to implement

Here is an example: margin. At first, I didn't even want margins. After all, I can nest a container within another one with padding empty nodes. Right? Well no.

Say you have the following layout:

dsl! {
  row(rules(pct(100), pct(100))) {
    row(margins 10, rules(pct(100), pct(100))) {

We can't use padding nodes here. Because the inner row depends on the size of the parent. Adding nodes would make the inner row always overflow the outer row, because it's size will still be 100% that of its parent, in addition to the two 10 pixel empty padding nodes.

The solution to this is to have a distinction between "outer" and "inner" sizes:

  • outer size is the size as seen by the parent
  • inner size is the size seen by the children
  • inner size = outer size - margin * 2.

The margin now allows specifying the inner row as 100% the "size" of the outer row. In fact it's specifying the size relative to the outer row's size minus the given margin.

Now why limit margin to pixel specification, eschewing percent-based rules?

Paradoxically, it's for usability: It is not clear what the percent is a percentage of. Is it the inner size? The parent's size? children size? The full size after the application of the margin?

We don't know, different people will have different expectations. This avoids any confusion. In any case, this is a situation where empty nodes can be used, since you'll be able to compute the relative size of each node yourself.

Version matrix

bevy latest supporting version
0.11 0.8.0
0.10 0.3.0


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Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.