pub trait WorldInit: Debug + WorldInventory {
    fn collection() -> Collection<Self> { ... }
fn cucumber<I: AsRef<Path>>(
    ) -> Cucumber<Self, Basic, I, Basic<Self>, Summarize<Normalize<Self, Basic>>> { ... }
fn run<'async_trait, I: AsRef<Path>>(
        input: I
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = ()> + 'async_trait>>
        I: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
, { ... }
fn filter_run<'async_trait, I, F>(
        input: I,
        filter: F
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = ()> + 'async_trait>>
        I: AsRef<Path>,
        F: Fn(&Feature, Option<&Rule>, &Scenario) -> bool + 'static,
        I: 'async_trait,
        F: 'async_trait,
        Self: 'async_trait
, { ... } }
Expand description

World extension with auto-wiring capabilities.

Provided methods

Returns runner for tests with auto-wired steps marked by given, when and then attributes.

Returns default Cucumber with all auto-wired Steps.

Runs Cucumber.

Features sourced by Parser are fed into Runner where the later produces events handled by Writer.


If encountered errors while parsing Features or at least one Step panicked.

Runs Cucumber with Scenarios filter.

Features sourced by Parser are fed into Runner where the later produces events handled by Writer.


If encountered errors while parsing Features or at least one Step panicked.
