ctest2 0.4.5

Automated tests of FFI bindings.
//! # ctest2 - an FFI binding validator
//! This library is intended to be used as a build dependency in a separate
//! project from the main repo to generate tests which can be used to validate
//! FFI bindings in Rust against the headers from which they come from.
//! For example usage, see the [main `README.md`][project] for how to set it
//! up.
//! [project]: https://github.com/JohnTitor/ctest2


use garando_syntax as syntax;

use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::env;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::io::BufWriter;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::rc::Rc;

use syntax::abi::Abi;
use syntax::ast;
use syntax::ast::Attribute;
use syntax::ast::Name;
use syntax::attr::{self, ReprAttr};
use syntax::codemap::FilePathMapping;
use syntax::config::StripUnconfigured;
use syntax::errors::Handler as SpanHandler;
use syntax::ext::base::{Determinacy, ExtCtxt, MacroKind, Resolver, SyntaxExtension};
use syntax::ext::expand::{Expansion, ExpansionConfig, Invocation, InvocationKind};
use syntax::ext::hygiene::Mark;
use syntax::ext::tt::macro_rules;
use syntax::feature_gate::Features;
use syntax::fold::{self, Folder};
use syntax::parse::{self, ParseSess};
use syntax::ptr::P;
use syntax::util::small_vector::SmallVector;
use syntax::visit::{self, Visitor};

macro_rules! t {
    ($e:expr) => {
        match $e {
            Ok(e) => e,
            Err(e) => panic!("{} failed with {}", stringify!($e), e),

/// Programming language
pub enum Lang {
    /// The C programming language.
    /// The C++ programming language.

/// A kind of item to which the C volatile qualifier could apply.
#[allow(clippy::manual_non_exhaustive)] // FIXME: Use `#[non_exhaustive]` in the future.
pub enum VolatileItemKind {
    /// A struct field (struct_name, field_name)
    StructField(String, String),
    /// An extern static
    /// N-th function argument
    FunctionArg(String, usize),
    /// Function return type

/// A builder used to generate a test suite.
/// This builder has a number of configuration options which modify how the
/// generated tests are emitted, and it is also the main entry point for parsing
/// an FFI header crate for definitions.
pub struct TestGenerator {
    headers: Vec<String>,
    includes: Vec<PathBuf>,
    lang: Lang,
    flags: Vec<String>,
    target: Option<String>,
    out_dir: Option<PathBuf>,
    defines: Vec<(String, Option<String>)>,
    cfg: Vec<(String, Option<String>)>,
    verbose_skip: bool,
    volatile_item: Box<dyn Fn(VolatileItemKind) -> bool>,
    array_arg: Box<dyn Fn(&str, usize) -> bool>,
    skip_fn: Box<dyn Fn(&str) -> bool>,
    skip_fn_ptrcheck: Box<dyn Fn(&str) -> bool>,
    skip_static: Box<dyn Fn(&str) -> bool>,
    skip_field: Box<dyn Fn(&str, &str) -> bool>,
    skip_field_type: Box<dyn Fn(&str, &str) -> bool>,
    skip_const: Box<dyn Fn(&str) -> bool>,
    skip_signededness: Box<dyn Fn(&str) -> bool>,
    skip_type: Box<dyn Fn(&str) -> bool>,
    skip_struct: Box<dyn Fn(&str) -> bool>,
    skip_roundtrip: Box<dyn Fn(&str) -> bool>,
    field_name: Box<dyn Fn(&str, &str) -> String>,
    type_name: Box<dyn Fn(&str, bool, bool) -> String>,
    fn_cname: Box<dyn Fn(&str, Option<&str>) -> String>,
    const_cname: Box<dyn Fn(&str) -> String>,
    rust_version: rustc_version::Version,

struct TyFinder {
    structs: HashSet<String>,
    unions: HashSet<String>,
    aliases: HashMap<String, P<ast::Ty>>,

struct Generator<'a> {
    target: &'a str,
    rust: Box<dyn Write>,
    c: Box<dyn Write>,
    sh: &'a SpanHandler,
    structs: HashSet<String>,
    unions: HashSet<String>,
    aliases: HashMap<String, P<ast::Ty>>,
    files: HashSet<String>,
    abi: Abi,
    tests: Vec<String>,
    sess: &'a ParseSess,
    opts: &'a TestGenerator,

impl TestGenerator {
    /// Creates a new blank test generator.
    /// This won't actually be that useful until functions like `header` are
    /// called, but the main "finalization method" is the `generate` method.
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            headers: Vec::new(),
            includes: Vec::new(),
            lang: Lang::C,
            flags: Vec::new(),
            target: None,
            out_dir: None,
            defines: Vec::new(),
            cfg: Vec::new(),
            verbose_skip: false,
            volatile_item: Box::new(|_| false),
            array_arg: Box::new(|_, _| false),
            skip_fn: Box::new(|_| false),
            skip_fn_ptrcheck: Box::new(|_| false),
            skip_static: Box::new(|_| false),
            skip_const: Box::new(|_| false),
            skip_signededness: Box::new(|_| false),
            skip_type: Box::new(|_| false),
            skip_struct: Box::new(|_| false),
            skip_roundtrip: Box::new(|_| false),
            field_name: Box::new(|_, f| f.to_string()),
            skip_field: Box::new(|_, _| false),
            skip_field_type: Box::new(|_, _| false),
            fn_cname: Box::new(|a, _| a.to_string()),
            type_name: Box::new(|f, is_struct, is_union| {
                if is_struct {
                    format!("struct {}", f)
                } else if is_union {
                    format!("union {}", f)
                } else {
            const_cname: Box::new(std::string::ToString::to_string),
            rust_version: rustc_version::version().unwrap(),

    /// Add a header to be included as part of the generated C file.
    /// The generate C test will be compiled by a C compiler, and this can be
    /// used to ensure that all the necessary header files are included to test
    /// all FFI definitions.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```no_run
    /// use std::env;
    /// use std::path::PathBuf;
    /// use ctest2::TestGenerator;
    /// let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
    /// cfg.header("foo.h")
    ///    .header("bar.h");
    /// ```
    pub fn header(&mut self, header: &str) -> &mut Self {

    /// Target Rust version: `major`.`minor`.`patch`
    /// # Examples
    /// ```no_run
    /// use ctest2::TestGenerator;
    /// let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
    /// cfg.rust_version(1, 0, 1);
    /// ```
    pub fn rust_version(&mut self, major: u64, minor: u64, patch: u64) -> &mut Self {
        self.rust_version = rustc_version::Version::new(major, minor, patch);

    /// Add a path to the C compiler header lookup path.
    /// This is useful for if the C library is installed to a nonstandard
    /// location to ensure that compiling the C file succeeds.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```no_run
    /// use std::env;
    /// use std::path::PathBuf;
    /// use ctest2::TestGenerator;
    /// let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
    /// let out_dir = PathBuf::from(env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap());
    /// cfg.include(out_dir.join("include"));
    /// ```
    pub fn include<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, p: P) -> &mut Self {

    /// Sets the programming language.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```no_run
    /// use std::env;
    /// use std::path::PathBuf;
    /// use ctest2::{TestGenerator, Lang};
    /// let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
    /// cfg.language(Lang::CXX);
    /// ```
    pub fn language(&mut self, lang: Lang) -> &mut Self {
        self.lang = lang;

    /// Add a flag to the C compiler invocation.
    /// This can be useful for tweaking the warning settings of the underlying
    /// compiler.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```no_run
    /// use std::env;
    /// use std::path::PathBuf;
    /// use ctest2::TestGenerator;
    /// let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
    /// // if msvc
    /// cfg.flag("/wd4820");
    /// // if gnu
    /// cfg.flag("-Wno-type-limits");
    /// ```
    pub fn flag(&mut self, flag: &str) -> &mut Self {

    /// Configures the output directory of the generated Rust and C code.
    /// Note that for Cargo builds this defaults to `$OUT_DIR` and it's not
    /// necessary to call.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```no_run
    /// use ctest2::TestGenerator;
    /// let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
    /// cfg.out_dir("path/to/output");
    /// ```
    pub fn out_dir<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, p: P) -> &mut Self {
        self.out_dir = Some(p.as_ref().to_owned());

    /// Configures the target to compile C code for.
    /// Note that for Cargo builds this defaults to `$TARGET` and it's not
    /// necessary to call.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```no_run
    /// use ctest2::TestGenerator;
    /// let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
    /// cfg.target("x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu");
    /// ```
    pub fn target(&mut self, target: &str) -> &mut Self {
        self.target = Some(target.to_string());

    /// Set a `-D` flag for the C compiler being called.
    /// This can be used to define various variables to configure how header
    /// files are included or what APIs are exposed from header files.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```no_run
    /// use ctest2::TestGenerator;
    /// let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
    /// cfg.define("_GNU_SOURCE", None)
    ///    .define("_WIN32_WINNT", Some("0x8000"));
    /// ```
    pub fn define(&mut self, k: &str, v: Option<&str>) -> &mut Self {
            .push((k.to_string(), v.map(std::string::ToString::to_string)));

    /// Set a `--cfg` option with which to expand the Rust FFI crate.
    /// By default the Rust code is run through expansion to determine what C
    /// APIs are exposed (to allow differences across platforms).
    /// The `k` argument is the `#[cfg]` value to define, while `v` is the
    /// optional value of `v`:
    /// * `k == "foo"` and `v == None` makes `#[cfg(foo)]` expand. That is,
    /// `cfg!(foo)` expands to `true`.
    /// * `k == "bar"` and `v == Some("baz")` makes `#[cfg(bar = "baz")]`
    /// expand. That is, `cfg!(bar = "baz")` expands to `true`.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```no_run
    /// use ctest2::TestGenerator;
    /// let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
    /// cfg.cfg("foo", None) // cfg!(foo)
    ///    .cfg("bar", Some("baz")); // cfg!(bar = "baz")
    /// ```
    pub fn cfg(&mut self, k: &str, v: Option<&str>) -> &mut Self {
            .push((k.to_string(), v.map(std::string::ToString::to_string)));

    /// Skipped item names are printed to `stderr` if `v` is `true`.
    pub fn verbose_skip(&mut self, v: bool) -> &mut Self {
        self.verbose_skip = v;

    /// Configures how a Rust type name is translated to a C type name.
    /// The closure is given a Rust type name as well as a boolean indicating
    /// whether it's a struct or not.
    /// The default behavior is that `struct foo` in Rust is translated to
    /// `struct foo` in C, and `type foo` in Rust is translated to `foo` in C.
    /// Some header files, however, have the convention that `struct foo_t` in
    /// Rust should be `foo_t` in C, for example.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```no_run
    /// use ctest2::TestGenerator;
    /// let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
    /// cfg.type_name(|ty, is_struct, is_union| {
    ///     if is_struct {
    ///         format!("{}_t", ty)
    ///     } else {
    ///         ty.to_string()
    ///     }
    /// });
    /// ```
    pub fn type_name<F>(&mut self, f: F) -> &mut Self
        F: Fn(&str, bool, bool) -> String + 'static,
        self.type_name = Box::new(f);

    /// Configures how a Rust struct field is translated to a C struct field.
    /// The closure is given a Rust struct name as well as a field within that
    /// struct. The name of the corresponding field in C is then returned.
    /// By default the field name in C just matches the field name in Rust, but
    /// this is useful for fields which otherwise are named after keywords in
    /// Rust (such as a field name of `type`).
    /// # Examples
    /// ```no_run
    /// use ctest2::TestGenerator;
    /// let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
    /// cfg.field_name(|_s, field| {
    ///     field.replace("foo", "bar")
    /// });
    /// ```
    pub fn field_name<F>(&mut self, f: F) -> &mut Self
        F: Fn(&str, &str) -> String + 'static,
        self.field_name = Box::new(f);

    /// Is volatile?
    /// The closure given takes a `VolatileKind` denoting a particular item that
    /// could be volatile, and returns whether this is the case.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```no_run
    /// use ctest2::{TestGenerator, VolatileItemKind::StructField};
    /// let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
    /// cfg.volatile_item(|i| {
    ///     match i {
    ///         StructField(ref s, ref f)
    ///             if s == "foo_struct" && f == "foo_field"
    ///              => true,
    ///         _ => false,
    /// }});
    /// ```
    pub fn volatile_item<F>(&mut self, f: F) -> &mut Self
        F: Fn(VolatileItemKind) -> bool + 'static,
        self.volatile_item = Box::new(f);

    /// Is argument of function an array?
    /// The closure denotes whether particular argument of a function is an array.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```no_run
    /// use ctest2::{TestGenerator};
    /// let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
    /// cfg.array_arg(|i, n| {
    ///     match (i, n) {
    ///         ("foo", 0) => true,
    ///         _ => false,
    /// }});
    /// ```
    pub fn array_arg<F>(&mut self, f: F) -> &mut Self
        F: Fn(&str, usize) -> bool + 'static,
        self.array_arg = Box::new(f);

    /// Configures how Rust `const`s names are translated to C.
    /// The closure is given a Rust `const` name. The name of the corresponding
    /// `const` in C is then returned.
    /// By default the `const` name in C just matches the `const` name in Rust.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```no_run
    /// use ctest2::TestGenerator;
    /// let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
    /// cfg.const_cname(|c| {
    ///     c.replace("FOO", "foo")
    /// });
    /// ```
    pub fn const_cname<F>(&mut self, f: F) -> &mut Self
        F: Fn(&str) -> String + 'static,
        self.const_cname = Box::new(f);

    /// Configures whether all tests for a field are skipped or not.
    /// The closure is given a Rust struct name as well as a field within that
    /// struct. A flag indicating whether the field should be tested for type,
    /// size, offset, and alignment should be skipped or not.
    /// By default all field properties are tested.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```no_run
    /// use ctest2::TestGenerator;
    /// let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
    /// cfg.skip_field(|s, field| {
    ///     s == "foo_t" || (s == "bar_t" && field == "bar")
    /// });
    /// ```
    pub fn skip_field<F>(&mut self, f: F) -> &mut Self
        F: Fn(&str, &str) -> bool + 'static,
        self.skip_field = Box::new(f);

    /// Configures whether tests for the type of a field is skipped or not.
    /// The closure is given a Rust struct name as well as a field within that
    /// struct. A flag indicating whether the field's type should be tested is
    /// returned.
    /// By default all field properties are tested.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```no_run
    /// use ctest2::TestGenerator;
    /// let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
    /// cfg.skip_field_type(|s, field| {
    ///     s == "foo_t" || (s == "bar_t" && field == "bar")
    /// });
    /// ```
    pub fn skip_field_type<F>(&mut self, f: F) -> &mut Self
        F: Fn(&str, &str) -> bool + 'static,
        self.skip_field_type = Box::new(f);

    /// Configures whether a types signededness is tested or not.
    /// The closure is given the name of a Rust type, and returns whether the
    /// type should be tested as having the right sign (positive or negative).
    /// By default all signededness checks are performed.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```no_run
    /// use ctest2::TestGenerator;
    /// let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
    /// cfg.skip_signededness(|s| {
    ///     s.starts_with("foo_")
    /// });
    /// ```
    pub fn skip_signededness<F>(&mut self, f: F) -> &mut Self
        F: Fn(&str) -> bool + 'static,
        self.skip_signededness = Box::new(f);

    /// Configures whether tests for a function definition are generated.
    /// The closure is given the name of a Rust FFI function and returns whether
    /// test will be generated.
    /// By default, a function's signature is checked along with its address in
    /// memory.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```no_run
    /// use ctest2::TestGenerator;
    /// let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
    /// cfg.skip_fn(|s| {
    ///     s.starts_with("foo_")
    /// });
    /// ```
    pub fn skip_fn<F>(&mut self, f: F) -> &mut Self
        F: Fn(&str) -> bool + 'static,
        self.skip_fn = Box::new(f);

    /// Configures whether tests for a static definition are generated.
    /// The closure is given the name of a Rust extern static definition and
    /// returns whether test will be generated.
    /// By default, a static's type is checked along with its address in
    /// memory.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```no_run
    /// use ctest2::TestGenerator;
    /// let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
    /// cfg.skip_static(|s| {
    ///     s.starts_with("foo_")
    /// });
    /// ```
    pub fn skip_static<F>(&mut self, f: F) -> &mut Self
        F: Fn(&str) -> bool + 'static,
        self.skip_static = Box::new(f);

    /// Configures whether tests for a function pointer's value are generated.
    /// The closure is given the name of a Rust FFI function and returns whether
    /// the test will be generated.
    /// By default generated tests will ensure that the function pointer in C
    /// corresponds to the same function pointer in Rust. This can often
    /// uncover subtle symbol naming issues where a header file is referenced
    /// through the C identifier `foo` but the underlying symbol is mapped to
    /// something like `__foo_compat`.
    pub fn skip_fn_ptrcheck<F>(&mut self, f: F) -> &mut Self
        F: Fn(&str) -> bool + 'static,
        self.skip_fn_ptrcheck = Box::new(f);

    /// Configures whether the tests for a constant's value are generated.
    /// The closure is given the name of a Rust constant and returns whether the
    /// test will be generated.
    /// By default all constant values are verified.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```no_run
    /// use ctest2::TestGenerator;
    /// let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
    /// cfg.skip_const(|s| {
    ///     s.starts_with("FOO_")
    /// });
    /// ```
    pub fn skip_const<F>(&mut self, f: F) -> &mut Self
        F: Fn(&str) -> bool + 'static,
        self.skip_const = Box::new(f);

    /// Configures whether the tests for a typedef are emitted.
    /// The closure is passed the name of a Rust typedef and returns whether the
    /// tests are generated.
    /// By default existence of a typedef is checked.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```no_run
    /// use ctest2::TestGenerator;
    /// let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
    /// cfg.skip_type(|s| {
    ///     s.starts_with("foo_")
    /// });
    /// ```
    pub fn skip_type<F>(&mut self, f: F) -> &mut Self
        F: Fn(&str) -> bool + 'static,
        self.skip_type = Box::new(f);

    /// Configures whether the tests for a struct are emitted.
    /// The closure is passed the name of a Rust struct and returns whether the
    /// tests are generated.
    /// By default structs undergo tests such as size, alignment, existence,
    /// field offset, etc.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```no_run
    /// use ctest2::TestGenerator;
    /// let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
    /// cfg.skip_struct(|s| {
    ///     s.starts_with("foo_")
    /// });
    /// ```
    pub fn skip_struct<F>(&mut self, f: F) -> &mut Self
        F: Fn(&str) -> bool + 'static,
        self.skip_struct = Box::new(f);

    /// Configures whether the ABI roundtrip tests for a type are emitted.
    /// The closure is passed the name of a Rust type and returns whether the
    /// tests are generated.
    /// By default all types undergo ABI roundtrip tests. Arrays cannot undergo
    /// an ABI roundtrip because they cannot be returned by C functions, and
    /// have to be manually skipped here.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```no_run
    /// use ctest2::TestGenerator;
    /// let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
    /// cfg.skip_roundtrip(|s| {
    ///     s.starts_with("foo_")
    /// });
    /// ```
    pub fn skip_roundtrip<F>(&mut self, f: F) -> &mut Self
        F: Fn(&str) -> bool + 'static,
        self.skip_roundtrip = Box::new(f);

    /// Configures the name of a function in the generate C code.
    /// The closure is passed the Rust name of a function as well as any
    /// optional `#[link_name]` specified.
    /// By default the name of the generated C reference is the same as the Rust
    /// function. This is useful, however, if different naming conventions are
    /// used in Rust than are present in C (which is discouraged, however).
    /// # Examples
    /// ```no_run
    /// use ctest2::TestGenerator;
    /// let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
    /// cfg.fn_cname(|rust, link_name| link_name.unwrap_or(rust).to_string());
    /// ```
    pub fn fn_cname<F>(&mut self, f: F) -> &mut Self
        F: Fn(&str, Option<&str>) -> String + 'static,
        self.fn_cname = Box::new(f);

    /// Generate all tests.
    /// This function is first given the path to the `*-sys` crate which is
    /// being tested along with an output file from where to generate the Rust
    /// side of the tests.
    /// This function does not consume the builder, but it is expected that all
    /// configuration has happened prior to calling this function.
    /// This will also generate the corresponding C side of the tests and
    /// compile it.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```no_run
    /// use ctest2::TestGenerator;
    /// let mut cfg = TestGenerator::new();
    /// cfg.generate("../path/to/libfoo-sys/lib.rs", "all.rs");
    /// ```
    pub fn generate<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, krate: P, out_file: &str) {
        self._generate(krate.as_ref(), out_file)

    fn _generate(&mut self, krate: &Path, out_file: &str) {
        let out = self.generate_files(krate, out_file);

        let target = self
            .unwrap_or_else(|| env::var("TARGET").unwrap());

        // Compile our C shim to be linked into tests
        let mut cfg = cc::Build::new();
        if let Lang::CXX = self.lang {
        let ext = match self.lang {
            Lang::C => "c",
            Lang::CXX => "cpp",
        if target.contains("msvc") {
                // ignored warnings
               .flag("/wd4820")  // warning about adding padding?
               .flag("/wd4100")  // unused parameters
               .flag("/wd4996")  // deprecated functions
               .flag("/wd4296")  // '<' being always false
               .flag("/wd4255")  // converting () to (void)
               .flag("/wd4668")  // using an undefined thing in preprocessor?
               .flag("/wd4366")  // taking ref to packed struct field might be unaligned
               .flag("/wd4189")  // local variable initialized but not referenced
               .flag("/wd4710")  // function not inlined
               .flag("/wd5045")  // compiler will insert Spectre mitigation
               .flag("/wd4514")  // unreferenced inline function removed
               .flag("/wd4711")  // function selected for automatic inline
        } else {
                // allow taking address of packed struct members:
                .flag("-Wno-deprecated-declarations"); // allow deprecated items

        for flag in &self.flags {

        for &(ref a, ref b) in &self.defines {
            cfg.define(a, b.as_ref().map(|s| &s[..]));
        for p in &self.includes {

        let stem = out.file_stem().unwrap().to_str().unwrap();
            .compile(&format!("lib{}.a", stem));

    #[doc(hidden)] // TODO: needs docs
    pub fn generate_files<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, krate: P, out_file: &str) -> PathBuf {
        self._generate_files(krate.as_ref(), out_file)

    fn _generate_files(&mut self, krate: &Path, out_file: &str) -> PathBuf {
        // Prep the test generator
        let out_dir = self
            .unwrap_or_else(|| PathBuf::from(env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap()));
        let out_file = out_dir.join(out_file);
        let ext = match self.lang {
            Lang::C => "c",
            Lang::CXX => "cpp",
        let c_file = out_file.with_extension(ext);
        let rust_out = BufWriter::new(t!(File::create(&out_file)));
        let c_out = BufWriter::new(t!(File::create(&c_file)));
        let mut sess = ParseSess::new(FilePathMapping::empty());
        let target = self
            .unwrap_or_else(|| env::var("TARGET").unwrap());
        for (k, v) in default_cfg(&target).into_iter().chain(self.cfg.clone()) {
            let s = |s: &str| ast::Name::intern(s);
            sess.config.insert((s(&k), v.as_ref().map(|n| s(n))));

        // Parse the libc crate
        let krate = parse::parse_crate_from_file(krate, &sess).ok().unwrap();

        // Remove things like functions, impls, traits, etc, that we're not
        // looking at
        let krate = StripUnchecked.fold_crate(krate);

        // expand macros
        let features = Features::new();
        let mut ecfg = ExpansionConfig {
            features: Some(&features),
        ecfg.recursion_limit = 128;
        // let exts = vec![
        //     (Interner::intern("macro_rules"), SyntaxExtension::MacroRulesTT),
        // ];
        let mut resolver = MyResolver {
            parse_sess: &sess,
            map: HashMap::new(),
            id: 1_000_000_000,
        let mut ecx = ExtCtxt::new(&sess, ecfg, &mut resolver);
        let krate = ecx.monotonic_expander().expand_crate(krate);

        // Strip the crate down to just what's configured for our target
        let krate = StripUnconfigured {
            should_test: false,
            sess: &sess,
            features: None,

        // Probe the crate to find all structs, unions and type aliases (used to convert type names
        // to names in C).
        let mut types = TyFinder {
            structs: HashSet::new(),
            unions: HashSet::new(),
            aliases: HashMap::new(),
        visit::walk_crate(&mut types, &krate);

        let mut gen = Generator {
            target: &target,
            rust: Box::new(rust_out),
            c: Box::new(c_out),
            sh: &sess.span_diagnostic,
            structs: types.structs,
            unions: types.unions,
            aliases: types.aliases,
            abi: Abi::C,
            tests: Vec::new(),
            files: HashSet::new(),
            sess: &sess,
            opts: self,
        t!(writeln!(gen.c, "#include <stdio.h>"));
        t!(writeln!(gen.c, "#include <stdint.h>"));
        t!(writeln!(gen.c, "#include <stddef.h>"));
        for header in &self.headers {
            t!(writeln!(gen.c, "#include <{}>", header));
        eprintln!("rust version: {}", self.rust_version);
            if self.rust_version < rustc_version::Version::new(1, 30, 0) {
            static FAILED: AtomicBool = std::sync::atomic::ATOMIC_BOOL_INIT;
            static NTESTS: AtomicUsize = std::sync::atomic::ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT;
            } else {
            static FAILED: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);
            static NTESTS: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);

            use std::mem;
            use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicUsize, Ordering};

            fn main() {
                eprintln!("RUNNING ALL TESTS");
                if FAILED.load(Ordering::SeqCst) {
                    panic!("some tests failed");
                } else {
                    eprintln!("PASSED {} tests", NTESTS.load(Ordering::SeqCst));

            trait Pretty {
                fn pretty(&self) -> String;

            impl<'a> Pretty for &'a str {
                fn pretty(&self) -> String { format!("{:?}", self) }
            impl<T> Pretty for *const T {
                fn pretty(&self) -> String { format!("{:?}", self) }
            impl<T> Pretty for *mut T {
                fn pretty(&self) -> String { format!("{:?}", self) }
            macro_rules! p {
                ($($i:ident)*) => ($(
                    impl Pretty for $i {
                        fn pretty(&self) -> String {
                            format!("{} ({:#x})", self, self)
            p! { i8 i16 i32 i64 u8 u16 u32 u64 usize isize }

            fn same<T: Eq + Pretty>(rust: T, c: T, attr: &str) {
                if rust != c {
                    eprintln!("bad {}: rust: {} != c {}", attr, rust.pretty(),
                    FAILED.store(true, Ordering::SeqCst);
                } else {
                    NTESTS.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);

            macro_rules! offset_of {
                ($ty:ident, $field:ident) => ({
                    let value = std::mem::MaybeUninit::<$ty>::uninit();
                    let base_pointer = value.as_ptr();
                    let offset_pointer = std::ptr::addr_of!((*base_pointer).$field);
                    (offset_pointer as u64) - (base_pointer as u64)


        // Walk the crate, emitting test cases for everything found
        visit::walk_crate(&mut gen, &krate);


fn default_cfg(target: &str) -> Vec<(String, Option<String>)> {
    let mut ret = Vec::new();
    let (arch, width, endian) = if target.starts_with("x86_64") {
        if target.ends_with("x32") {
            ("x86_64", "32", "little")
        } else {
            ("x86_64", "64", "little")
    } else if target.starts_with("i386") || target.starts_with("i586") || target.starts_with("i686")
        ("x86", "32", "little")
    } else if target.starts_with("arm") {
        ("arm", "32", "little")
    } else if target.starts_with("aarch64") {
        ("aarch64", "64", "little")
    } else if target.starts_with("mipsel") {
        ("mips", "32", "little")
    } else if target.starts_with("mips64el") {
        ("mips64", "64", "little")
    } else if target.starts_with("mips64") {
        ("mips64", "64", "big")
    } else if target.starts_with("mips") {
        ("mips", "32", "big")
    } else if target.starts_with("powerpc64le") {
        ("powerpc64", "64", "little")
    } else if target.starts_with("powerpc64") {
        ("powerpc64", "64", "big")
    } else if target.starts_with("powerpc") {
        ("powerpc", "32", "big")
    } else if target.starts_with("s390x") {
        ("s390x", "64", "big")
    } else if target.starts_with("sparc64") {
        ("sparc64", "64", "big")
    } else if target.starts_with("asmjs") {
        ("asmjs", "32", "little")
    } else if target.starts_with("wasm32") {
        ("wasm32", "32", "little")
    } else if target.starts_with("riscv64gc") {
        ("riscv64", "64", "little")
    } else {
        panic!("unknown arch/pointer width: {}", target)
    let (os, family, env) = if target.contains("unknown-linux-gnu") {
        ("linux", "unix", "gnu")
    } else if target.contains("unknown-linux-musl") {
        ("linux", "unix", "musl")
    } else if target.contains("unknown-linux-uclibc") {
        ("linux", "unix", "uclibc")
    } else if target.contains("apple-darwin") {
        ("macos", "unix", "")
    } else if target.contains("apple-ios") {
        ("ios", "unix", "")
    } else if target.contains("windows-msvc") {
        ("windows", "windows", "msvc")
    } else if target.contains("windows-gnu") {
        ("windows", "windows", "gnu")
    } else if target.contains("android") {
        ("android", "unix", "")
    } else if target.contains("unknown-freebsd") {
        ("freebsd", "unix", "")
    } else if target.contains("netbsd") {
        ("netbsd", "unix", "")
    } else if target.contains("openbsd") {
        ("openbsd", "unix", "")
    } else if target.contains("dragonfly") {
        ("dragonfly", "unix", "")
    } else if target.contains("solaris") {
        ("solaris", "unix", "")
    } else if target.contains("illumos") {
        ("illumos", "unix", "")
    } else if target.contains("emscripten") {
        ("emscripten", "unix", "")
    } else if target.contains("wasi") {
        ("unknown", "", "wasi")
    } else if target.contains("redox") {
        ("redox", "unix", "")
    } else if target.contains("vxworks") {
        ("vxworks", "unix", "")
    } else if target.contains("haiku") {
        ("haiku", "unix", "")
    } else if target.contains("nto-qnx") {
        let before_env = "nto-qnx";
        let version = target
            .map(|i| &target[i + before_env.len()..])
        let env = match version {
            "7.1.0" => "nto71",
            _ => panic!("Uknown version"),
        ("nto", "unix", env)
    } else {
        panic!("unknown os/family: {}", target)

    ret.push((family.to_string(), None));
    ret.push(("target_os".to_string(), Some(os.to_string())));
    ret.push(("target_family".to_string(), Some(family.to_string())));
    ret.push(("target_arch".to_string(), Some(arch.to_string())));
    ret.push(("target_pointer_width".to_string(), Some(width.to_string())));
    ret.push(("target_endian".to_string(), Some(endian.to_string())));
    ret.push(("target_env".to_string(), Some(env.to_string())));


fn linkage(lang: &Lang) -> &'static str {
    match lang {
        Lang::CXX => "extern \"C\"",
        Lang::C => "",

impl<'a> Generator<'a> {
    fn rust2c_test(&self, ty: &str) -> bool {
        let rustc_types = [
            "usize", "u8", "u16", "u32", "u64", "isize", "i8", "i16", "i32", "i64",
        ty.starts_with("c_") || rustc_types.contains(&ty)

    fn rustmut2c(&self, mutbl: ast::Mutability) -> String {
        match mutbl {
            ast::Mutability::Immutable => "const ".to_string(),
            ast::Mutability::Mutable => "".to_string(),

    fn rustmut2str(&self, mutbl: ast::Mutability) -> String {
        match mutbl {
            ast::Mutability::Immutable => "".to_string(),
            ast::Mutability::Mutable => "mut ".to_string(),

    fn rust2c(&self, ty: &str) -> String {
        match ty {
            "c_longdouble" | "c_long_double" => format!("long double"),
            t if t.starts_with("c_") => match &ty[2..].replace("long", " long")[..] {
                s if s.starts_with('u') => format!("unsigned {}", &s[1..]),
                "short" => "short".to_string(),
                s if s.starts_with('s') => format!("signed {}", &s[1..]),
                s => s.to_string(),

            "usize" => "size_t".to_string(),
            "isize" => "ssize_t".to_string(),
            "u8" => "uint8_t".to_string(),
            "u16" => "uint16_t".to_string(),
            "u32" => "uint32_t".to_string(),
            "u64" => "uint64_t".to_string(),
            "i8" => "int8_t".to_string(),
            "i16" => "int16_t".to_string(),
            "i32" => "int32_t".to_string(),
            "i64" => "int64_t".to_string(),
            "( )" => "void".to_string(),
            s => (self.opts.type_name)(s, self.structs.contains(s), self.unions.contains(s)),

    fn rust2cfield(&self, struct_: &str, field: &str) -> String {
        (self.opts.field_name)(struct_, field)

    fn test_type(&mut self, name: &str, ty: &ast::Ty) {
        if (self.opts.skip_type)(name) {
            if self.opts.verbose_skip {
                eprintln!("skipping type \"{}\"", name);
        let c = self.rust_ty_to_c_ty(name);
        self.test_size_align(name, &c);
        self.test_sign(name, &c, ty);

    fn test_struct(&mut self, ty: &str, s: &ast::VariantData) {
        if (self.opts.skip_struct)(ty) {
            if self.opts.verbose_skip {
                eprintln!("skipping struct \"{}\"", ty);

        let cty = self.rust_ty_to_c_ty(ty);
        self.test_size_align(ty, &cty);

        self.tests.push(format!("field_offset_size_{}", ty));
            fn field_offset_size_{ty}() {{
            ty = ty
        for field in s.fields() {
            match field.vis {
                ast::Visibility::Public => {}
                _ => continue,
            let name = match field.ident {
                Some(name) => name,
                None => panic!("no tuple structs in FFI"),
            let name = name.to_string();

            if (self.opts.skip_field)(ty, &name) {
                if self.opts.verbose_skip {
                    eprintln!("skipping field \"{}\" of struct \"{}\"", name, ty);


            let cfield = self.rust2cfield(ty, &name);

                {linkage} uint64_t __test_offset_{ty}_{rust_field}(void) {{
                    return offsetof({cstructty}, {c_field});
                {linkage} uint64_t __test_fsize_{ty}_{rust_field}(void) {{
                    {cstructty}* foo = NULL;
                    return sizeof(foo->{c_field});
                ty = ty,
                cstructty = cty,
                rust_field = name,
                c_field = cfield,
                linkage = linkage(&self.opts.lang)

                extern {{
                    fn __test_offset_{ty}_{field}() -> u64;
                    fn __test_fsize_{ty}_{field}() -> u64;
                unsafe {{
                    let uninit_ty = std::mem::MaybeUninit::<{ty}>::uninit();
                    let uninit_ty = uninit_ty.as_ptr();
                    let ty_ptr = std::ptr::addr_of!((*uninit_ty).{field});
                    let val = ty_ptr.read_unaligned();
                    same(offset_of!({ty}, {field}),
                         "field offset {field} of {ty}");
                    same(mem::size_of_val(&val) as u64,
                         "field size {field} of {ty}");
                ty = ty,
                field = name

            if (self.opts.skip_field_type)(ty, &name.to_string()) {
                if self.opts.verbose_skip {
                    eprintln!("skipping field type \"{}\" of struct \"{}\"", name, ty);


            let sig = format!("__test_field_type_{}_{}({}* b)", ty, name, cty);
            let mut sig = self.csig_returning_ptr(&field.ty, &sig);
            if (self.opts.volatile_item)(VolatileItemKind::StructField(
            )) {
                sig = format!("volatile {}", sig);
                {linkage} {sig} {{
                    return &b->{c_field};
                sig = sig,
                c_field = cfield,
                linkage = linkage(&self.opts.lang)
                extern {{
                    fn __test_field_type_{ty}_{field}(a: *mut {ty})
                                                      -> *mut u8;
                unsafe {{
                    let mut uninit_ty = std::mem::MaybeUninit::<{ty}>::uninit();
                    let uninit_ty = uninit_ty.as_mut_ptr();
                    let ty_ptr_mut = std::ptr::addr_of_mut!(*uninit_ty);
                    let field_ptr = std::ptr::addr_of!((*uninit_ty).{field});
                    same(field_ptr as *mut _,
                         "field type {field} of {ty}");
                ty = ty,
                field = name

    fn test_size_align(&mut self, rust: &str, c: &str) {
            {linkage} uint64_t __test_size_{ty}(void) {{ return sizeof({cty}); }}
            {linkage} uint64_t __test_align_{ty}(void) {{
                typedef struct {{
                  unsigned char c;
                  {cty} v;
                }} type;
                type t;
                size_t t_addr = (size_t)(unsigned char*)(&t);
                size_t v_addr = (size_t)(unsigned char*)(&t.v);
                return t_addr >= v_addr? t_addr - v_addr : v_addr - t_addr;
            ty = rust,
            cty = c,
            linkage = linkage(&self.opts.lang)
            fn size_align_{ty}() {{
                extern {{
                    fn __test_size_{ty}() -> u64;
                    fn __test_align_{ty}() -> u64;
                unsafe {{
                    same(mem::size_of::<{ty}>() as u64,
                         __test_size_{ty}(), "{ty} size");
                    same(mem::align_of::<{ty}>() as u64,
                         __test_align_{ty}(), "{ty} align");
            ty = rust
        self.tests.push(format!("size_align_{}", rust));

    fn has_sign(&self, ty: &ast::Ty) -> bool {
        match ty.node {
            ast::TyKind::Path(_, ref path) => {
                let last = path.segments.last().unwrap().identifier.to_string();
                if let Some(aliased) = self.aliases.get(&last) {
                    return self.has_sign(aliased);
                match self.rust2c(&last).as_str() {
                    "char" | "short" | "int" | "long" | "long long" | "int8_t" | "int16_t"
                    | "int32_t" | "int64_t" | "uint8_t" | "uint16_t" | "uint32_t" | "uint64_t"
                    | "size_t" | "ssize_t" => true,
                    s => s.starts_with("signed ") || s.starts_with("unsigned "),
            _ => false,

    fn test_sign(&mut self, rust: &str, c: &str, ty: &ast::Ty) {
        if (self.opts.skip_signededness)(rust) {
            if self.opts.verbose_skip {
                eprintln!("skipping sign \"{}\"", rust);

        if !self.has_sign(ty) {
            {linkage} uint32_t __test_signed_{ty}(void) {{
                return ((({cty}) -1) < 0);
            ty = rust,
            cty = c,
            linkage = linkage(&self.opts.lang)
            fn sign_{ty}() {{
                extern {{
                    fn __test_signed_{ty}() -> u32;
                unsafe {{
                    same(((!(0 as {ty})) < (0 as {ty})) as u32,
                         __test_signed_{ty}(), "{ty} signed");
            ty = rust
        self.tests.push(format!("sign_{}", rust));

    fn rust_ty_to_c_ty(&self, mut rust_ty: &str) -> String {
        if rust_ty == "&str" {
            return "char*".to_string();
        let mut cty = self.rust2c(&rust_ty.replace("*mut ", "").replace("*const ", ""));
        while rust_ty.starts_with('*') {
            if rust_ty.starts_with("*const") {
                cty = format!("const {}*", cty);
                rust_ty = &rust_ty[7..];
            } else {
                cty = format!("{}*", cty);
                rust_ty = &rust_ty[5..];

    fn test_const(&mut self, name: &str, rust_ty: &str) {
        if (self.opts.skip_const)(name) {
            if self.opts.verbose_skip {
                eprintln!("skipping const \"{}\"", name);


        let c_name = (self.opts.const_cname)(name);

        let cty = self.rust_ty_to_c_ty(rust_ty);
            static const {cty} __test_const_{name}_val = {c_name};
            {linkage} const {cty}* __test_const_{name}(void) {{
                return &__test_const_{name}_val;
            name = name,
            c_name = c_name,
            cty = cty,
            linkage = linkage(&self.opts.lang)

        if rust_ty == "&str" {
                fn const_{name}() {{
                    extern {{
                        fn __test_const_{name}() -> *const *const u8;
                    let val = {name};
                    unsafe {{
                        let ptr = *__test_const_{name}();
                        let c = ::std::ffi::CStr::from_ptr(ptr as *const _);
                        let c = c.to_str().expect("const {name} not utf8");
                        same(val, c, "{name} string");
                name = name
        } else {
                fn const_{name}() {{
                    extern {{
                        fn __test_const_{name}() -> *const {ty};
                    let val = {name};
                    unsafe {{
                        let ptr1 = &val as *const _ as *const u8;
                        let ptr2 = __test_const_{name}() as *const u8;
                        for i in 0..mem::size_of::<{ty}>() {{
                            let i = i as isize;
                            same(*ptr1.offset(i), *ptr2.offset(i),
                                 &format!("{name} value at byte {{}}", i));
                ty = rust_ty,
                name = name
        self.tests.push(format!("const_{}", name));

    fn test_extern_fn(
        &mut self,
        name: &str,
        c_name: &Option<String>,
        args: &[String],
        ret: &str,
        variadic: bool,
        abi: Abi,
    ) {
        if (self.opts.skip_fn)(name) {
            if self.opts.verbose_skip {
                eprintln!("skipping fn \"{}\"", name);
        let c_name = (self.opts.fn_cname)(name, c_name.as_ref().map(|s| &**s));
        let args = if args.is_empty() && !variadic {
        } else {
                .map(|(idx, a)| {
                    let mut arg = self.rust_ty_to_c_ty(a);
                    if (self.opts.volatile_item)(VolatileItemKind::FunctionArg(
                    )) {
                        arg = format!("volatile {}", arg);
                    if (self.opts.array_arg)(name, idx) {
                        if let Some(last_ptr) = arg.rfind('*') {
                            arg = arg[..last_ptr].to_string();
                        } else {
                            panic!("C FFI decl `{}` contains array argument", name);
                .map(|s| {
                    if let Some(i) = s.rfind(']') {
                        let c = s.chars().filter(|&c| c == '*').count();
                        if c == 0 {
                            return s;
                        let postfix_idx = s.find('[').unwrap();
                        let postfix = &s[postfix_idx..=i];
                        let prefix = &s[..postfix_idx];
                        let pointers = &s[i + 1..];
                        let has_const = pointers.contains("const");
                        let pointers = pointers.replace("const *", "* const");
                        let prefix = prefix.replacen("const", "", if has_const { 1 } else { 0 });
                        return format!("{} ({}) {}", prefix, pointers, postfix);
                .join(", ")
                + if variadic { ", ..." } else { "" }
        let mut c_ret = self.rust_ty_to_c_ty(ret);
        if (self.opts.volatile_item)(VolatileItemKind::FunctionRet(name.to_string())) {
            c_ret = format!("volatile {}", c_ret);
        let abi = self.abi2str(abi);
            {linkage} {ret} ({abi}*__test_fn_{name}(void))({args}) {{
                return {c_name};
            name = name,
            c_name = c_name,
            args = args,
            ret = c_ret,
            abi = abi,
            linkage = linkage(&self.opts.lang)
            fn fn_{name}() {{
                extern {{
                    fn __test_fn_{name}() -> *mut u32;
                unsafe {{
                    if !{skip} {{
                        same({name} as usize,
                             __test_fn_{name}() as usize,
                             "{name} function pointer");
            name = name,
            skip = (self.opts.skip_fn_ptrcheck)(name)
        if self.opts.verbose_skip && (self.opts.skip_fn_ptrcheck)(name) {
            eprintln!("skipping fn ptr check \"{}\"", name);

        self.tests.push(format!("fn_{}", name));

    fn test_extern_static(
        &mut self,
        name: &str,
        c_name: Option<String>,
        rust_ty: &str,
        c_ty: &str,
        mutbl: bool,
    ) {
        if (self.opts.skip_static)(name) {
            if self.opts.verbose_skip {
                eprintln!("skipping static \"{}\"", name);

        let c_name = c_name.unwrap_or_else(|| name.to_string());

        if rust_ty.contains("extern fn") {
            let sig = c_ty.replacen("(*)", &format!("(* __test_static_{}(void))", name), 1);
            {sig} {{
                return {c_name};
                sig = sig,
                c_name = c_name
            fn static_{name}() {{
                extern {{
                    fn __test_static_{name}() -> {ty};
                unsafe {{
                    same(*(&{name} as *const _ as *const {ty}) as usize,
                         __test_static_{name}() as usize,
                         "{name} static");
                name = name,
                ty = rust_ty
        } else if rust_ty.starts_with('[') && rust_ty.ends_with(']') {
            let c_ptr_ty = c_ty.split(' ').next().unwrap();
            let mut lens = Vec::new();
            for i in c_ty.split(' ').skip(1) {
            let array_test_name = format!(
                "{mutbl} {elem} (*__test_static_{name}(void)){lens}",
                mutbl = if mutbl { "" } else { "const" },
                elem = c_ptr_ty,
                name = name,
                lens = lens.join("")
            {array_test_name} {{
                return &{c_name};
                array_test_name = array_test_name,
                c_name = c_name
            fn static_{name}() {{
                extern {{
                    fn __test_static_{name}() -> *{mutbl} {ty};
                unsafe {{
                    same(&{name} as *const _ as usize,
                         __test_static_{name}() as usize,
                         "{name} static");
                name = name,
                mutbl = if mutbl { "mut" } else { "const" },
                ty = rust_ty
        } else {
            let c_ty = if (self.opts.volatile_item)(VolatileItemKind::Static(name.to_owned())) {
                format!("volatile {}", c_ty)
            } else {

            {mutbl}{ty}* __test_static_{name}(void) {{
                return &{c_name};
                mutbl = if mutbl || c_ty.contains("const") {
                } else {
                    "const "
                ty = c_ty,
                name = name,
                c_name = c_name
            fn static_{name}() {{
                extern {{
                    fn __test_static_{name}() -> *{mutbl} {ty};
                unsafe {{
                    same(&{name} as *const _ as usize,
                         __test_static_{name}() as usize,
                         "{name} static");
                name = name,
                mutbl = if mutbl { "mut" } else { "const" },
                ty = rust_ty
        self.tests.push(format!("static_{}", name));

    fn test_roundtrip(&mut self, rust: &str, ast: Option<&ast::VariantData>) {
        if (self.opts.skip_struct)(rust) {
            if self.opts.verbose_skip {
                eprintln!("skipping roundtrip (skip_struct) \"{}\"", rust);
        if (self.opts.skip_type)(rust) {
            if self.opts.verbose_skip {
                eprintln!("skipping roundtrip (skip_type) \"{}\"", rust);
        if (self.opts.skip_roundtrip)(rust) {
            if self.opts.verbose_skip {
                eprintln!("skipping roundtrip (skip_roundtrip)\"{}\"", rust);

        let c = self.rust_ty_to_c_ty(rust);

        // Generate a function that returns a vector for a type
        // that contains 1 if the byte is padding, and 0 if the byte is not
        // padding:
                #[allow(non_snake_case, unused_mut, unused_variables, deprecated)]
                fn roundtrip_padding_{ty}() -> Vec<u8> {{
                  // stores (offset, size) for each field
                  let mut v = Vec::<(usize, usize)>::new();
                  let foo = std::mem::MaybeUninit::<{ty}>::uninit();
                  let foo = foo.as_ptr();
            ty = rust

        if let Some(ast) = ast {
            for field in ast.fields() {
                // If a field is private, we can't access it, so
                // we treat that as padding..
                match field.vis {
                    ast::Visibility::Public => {}
                    _ => continue,

                let name = match field.ident {
                    Some(name) => name,
                    None => panic!("no tuple structs in FFI"),
                let name = name.to_string();

                    unsafe {{
                        let ty_ptr = std::ptr::addr_of!((*foo).{field});
                        let val = ty_ptr.read_unaligned();
                        let size = mem::size_of_val(&val);
                        let off = offset_of!({ty}, {field}) as usize;
                        v.push((off, size));
                    ty = rust,
                    field = name
                  // This vector contains `1` if the byte is padding
                  // and `0` if the byte is not padding.
                  let mut pad = Vec::<u8>::new();
                  // Initialize all bytes as:
                  //  - padding if we have fields, this means that only
                  //  the fields will be checked
                  //  - no-padding if we have a type alias: if this
                  //  causes problems the type alias should be skipped
                  pad.resize(mem::size_of::<{ty}>(), {def});
                  for (off, size) in &v {{
                      for i in 0..*size {{
                          pad[off + i] = 0;
            ty = rust,
            def = if ast.is_some() { 1 } else { 0 }

        // Rust writes 1,2,3... to each byte of the type, passes
        // the type to C by value exercising the call ABI.
        // C verifies the bytes, writes the pattern 255,254,253...
        // to it, and returns it by value.
        // Rust reads it, and verifies it. The value `0` is never written
        // to a byte (42 is used instead). Uninitialized memory is often
        // all zeros, so for a single byte the test could return
        // success even though it should have failed.
            #ifdef _MSC_VER
            // Disable signed/unsigned conversion warnings on MSVC.
            // These trigger even if the conversion is explicit.
            #  pragma warning(disable:4365)
            {linkage} {cty} __test_roundtrip_{ty}(
                 int32_t rust_size, {cty} value, int* error, unsigned char* pad
            ) {{
                volatile unsigned char* p = (volatile unsigned char*)&value;
                int size = (int)sizeof({cty});
                if (size != rust_size) {{
                        "size of {cty} is %d in C and %d in Rust\n",
                        (int)size, (int)rust_size
                    *error = 1;
                    return value;
                int i = 0;
                for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {{
                      if (pad[i]) {{ continue; }}
                      // fprintf(stdout, "C testing byte %d of %d of \"{ty}\"\n", i, size);
                      unsigned char c = (unsigned char)(i % 256);
                      c = c == 0? 42 : c;
                      if (p[i] != c) {{
                          *error = 1;
                              "rust[%d] = %d != %d (C): Rust \"{ty}\" -> C\n",
                              i, (int)p[i], (int)c
                      unsigned char d
                         = (unsigned char)(255) - (unsigned char)(i % 256);
                      d = d == 0? 42: d;
                      p[i] = d;
                return value;
            #ifdef _MSC_VER
            #  pragma warning(default:4365)
            ty = rust,
            cty = c,
            linkage = linkage(&self.opts.lang),
            #[allow(non_snake_case, deprecated)]
            fn roundtrip_{ty}() {{
                use libc::c_int;
                type U = {ty};
                extern {{
                    fn __test_roundtrip_{ty}(
                        size: i32, x: U, e: *mut c_int, pad: *const u8
                    ) -> U;
                let pad = roundtrip_padding_{ty}();
                unsafe {{
                  use std::mem::{{MaybeUninit, size_of}};
                  let mut error: c_int = 0;
                  let mut y = MaybeUninit::<U>::uninit();
                  let mut x = MaybeUninit::<U>::uninit();
                  let x_ptr = x.as_mut_ptr().cast::<u8>();
                  let y_ptr = y.as_mut_ptr().cast::<u8>();
                  let sz = size_of::<U>();
                  for i in 0..sz {{
                      let c: u8 = (i % 256) as u8;
                      let c = if c == 0 {{ 42 }} else {{ c }};
                      let d: u8 = 255_u8 - (i % 256) as u8;
                      let d = if d == 0 {{ 42 }} else {{ d }};
                  let r: U = __test_roundtrip_{ty}(sz as i32, x.assume_init(), &mut error, pad.as_ptr());
                  if error == 1 {{
                      FAILED.store(true, Ordering::SeqCst);
                  for i in 0..size_of::<U>() {{
                      if pad[i] == 1 {{ continue; }}
                      // eprintln!("Rust testing byte {{}} of {{}} of {ty}", i, size_of::<U>());
                      let rust = (*y_ptr.add(i)) as usize;
                      let c = (&r as *const _ as *const u8)
                                 .add(i).read_volatile() as usize;
                      if rust != c {{
                            "rust [{{}}] = {{}} != {{}} (C): C \"{ty}\" -> Rust",
                             i, rust, c
                        FAILED.store(true, Ordering::SeqCst);
            ty = rust
        self.tests.push(format!("roundtrip_{}", rust));

    fn assert_no_generics(&self, _i: ast::Ident, generics: &ast::Generics) {

    fn ty2name(&self, ty: &ast::Ty, rust: bool) -> String {
        match ty.node {
            ast::TyKind::Path(_, ref path) => {
                let last = path.segments.last().unwrap();
                if last.identifier.to_string() == "Option" {
                    match last.parameters.as_ref().map(|p| &**p) {
                        Some(&ast::PathParameters::AngleBracketed(ref p)) => {
                            self.ty2name(&p.types[0], rust)
                        _ => panic!(),
                } else if rust {
                } else {
            ast::TyKind::Ptr(ref t) => {
                if rust {
                        "*{} {}",
                        match t.mutbl {
                            ast::Mutability::Immutable => "const",
                            ast::Mutability::Mutable => "mut",
                        self.ty2name(&t.ty, rust)
                } else {
                    let modifier = match t.mutbl {
                        ast::Mutability::Immutable => "const ",
                        ast::Mutability::Mutable => "",
                    match t.ty.node {
                        ast::TyKind::BareFn(..) => self.ty2name(&t.ty, rust),
                        ast::TyKind::Ptr(..) => {
                            format!("{} {}*", self.ty2name(&t.ty, rust), modifier)
                        ast::TyKind::Array(ref t, ref e) => {
                            let len = self.expr2str(e);
                            let ty = self.ty2name(t, rust);
                            format!("{} {} [{}]", modifier, ty, len)
                        _ => format!("{}{}*", modifier, self.ty2name(&t.ty, rust)),
            ast::TyKind::BareFn(ref t) => {
                if rust {
                    let args = t
                        .map(|a| self.ty2name(&a.ty, rust))
                        .join(", ");
                    let ret = match t.decl.output {
                        ast::FunctionRetTy::Default(..) => "()".to_string(),
                        ast::FunctionRetTy::Ty(ref t) => self.ty2name(t, rust),
                    format!("extern fn({}) -> {}", args, ret)
                } else {
                    let (ret, mut args, variadic) = self.decl2rust(&t.decl);
                    if args.is_empty() {

                    if ret.contains("(*)") {
                        ret.replace("(*)", &format!("(*(*)({}))", args.join(", ")))
                    } else {
                        format!("{}(*)({})", ret, args.join(", "))
            ast::TyKind::Array(ref t, ref e) => {
                if rust {
                    format!("[{}; {}]", self.ty2name(t, rust), self.expr2str(e))
                } else {
                    let len = self.expr2str(e);
                    let ty = self.ty2name(t, rust);
                    format!("{} [{}]", ty, len)
            ast::TyKind::Rptr(l, ast::MutTy { ref ty, mutbl }) => {
                let path = match ty.node {
                    ast::TyKind::Path(_, ref p) => p,
                    ast::TyKind::Array(ref t, _) => {
                        return format!("{}{}*", self.rustmut2c(mutbl), self.ty2name(t, rust));
                    _ => panic!("unknown ty {:?}", ty),
                if path.segments.len() != 1 {
                    panic!("unknown ty {:?}", ty)
                match &*path.segments[0].identifier.name.as_str() {
                    "str" => {
                        if mutbl != ast::Mutability::Immutable {
                            panic!("unknown ty {:?}", ty)
                        if rust {
                        } else {
                    c if self.rust2c_test(c) => {
                        if rust {
                            match l {
                                Some(l) => format!(
                                    "&{} {} {}",
                                    self.ty2name(ty, rust)
                                None => format!(
                                    "&{:?} {}",
                                    self.ty2name(ty, rust)
                        } else {
                            format!("{}{}*", self.rustmut2c(mutbl), self.rust2c(c))
                    v => panic!("ref of unknown ty {:?} {:?} {:?} => {:?}", l, mutbl, ty, v),
            ast::TyKind::Tup(ref v) if v.is_empty() => {
                if rust {
                } else {
            _ => panic!("unknown ty {:?}", ty),

    fn csig_returning_ptr(&self, ty: &ast::Ty, sig: &str) -> String {
        match ty.node {
            ast::TyKind::Path(_, ref path)
                if path.segments.last().unwrap().identifier.to_string() == "Option" =>
                let last = path.segments.last().unwrap();
                match last.parameters.as_ref().map(|s| &**s) {
                    Some(&ast::PathParameters::AngleBracketed(ref p)) => {
                        self.csig_returning_ptr(&p.types[0], sig)
                    _ => panic!(),
            ast::TyKind::BareFn(ref t) => {
                let (ret, mut args, variadic) = self.decl2rust(&t.decl);
                let abi = self.abi2str(t.abi);
                if variadic {
                } else if args.is_empty() {
                format!("{}({}**{})({})", ret, abi, sig, args.join(", "))
            ast::TyKind::Array(ref t, ref e) => match t.node {
                ast::TyKind::Array(ref t2, ref e2) => format!(
                    self.ty2name(t2, false),
                _ => format!("{}(*{})[{}]", self.ty2name(t, false), sig, self.expr2str(e)),
            _ => format!("{}* {}", self.ty2name(ty, false), sig),

    fn expr2str(&self, e: &ast::Expr) -> String {
        match e.node {
            ast::ExprKind::Lit(ref l) => match l.node {
                ast::LitKind::Int(a, _) => a.to_string(),
                _ => panic!("unknown literal: {:?}", l),
            ast::ExprKind::Path(_, ref path) => {
            ast::ExprKind::Cast(ref e, _) => self.expr2str(e),
            ast::ExprKind::Binary(ref op, ref e1, ref e2) => {
                let e1 = self.expr2str(e1);
                let e2 = self.expr2str(e2);
                match op.node {
                    ast::BinOpKind::Add => format!("{} + {}", e1, e2),
                    ast::BinOpKind::Sub => format!("{} - {}", e1, e2),
                    _ => panic!("unknown op: {:?}", op),
            _ => panic!("unknown expr: {:?}", e),

    fn abi2str(&self, abi: Abi) -> &'static str {
        match abi {
            Abi::C => "",
            Abi::Stdcall => "__stdcall ",
            Abi::System if self.target.contains("i686-pc-windows") => "__stdcall ",
            Abi::System => "",
            a => panic!("unknown ABI: {}", a),

    fn decl2rust(&self, decl: &ast::FnDecl) -> (String, Vec<String>, bool) {
        let args = decl
            .map(|arg| self.ty2name(&arg.ty, false))
        let ret = match decl.output {
            ast::FunctionRetTy::Default(..) => "void".to_string(),
            ast::FunctionRetTy::Ty(ref t) => match t.node {
                ast::TyKind::Never => "void".to_string(),
                ast::TyKind::Tup(ref t) if t.is_empty() => "void".to_string(),
                _ => self.ty2name(t, false),
        (ret, args, decl.variadic)

    fn emit_run_all(&mut self) {
        const N: usize = 1000;
        let mut n = 0;
        let mut tests = self.tests.clone();
        while tests.len() > N {
            let name = format!("run_group{}", n);
            n += 1;
                fn {}() {{
            for test in tests.drain(..1000) {
                t!(writeln!(self.rust, "{}();", test));
            t!(writeln!(self.rust, "}}"));
            fn run_all() {{
        for test in &tests {
            t!(writeln!(self.rust, "{}();", test));

impl<'a, 'v> Visitor<'v> for Generator<'a> {
    fn visit_item(&mut self, i: &'v ast::Item) {
        let prev_abi = self.abi;
        let public = i.vis == ast::Visibility::Public;
        match i.node {
            ast::ItemKind::Ty(ref ty, ref generics) if public => {
                self.assert_no_generics(i.ident, generics);
                self.test_type(&i.ident.to_string(), ty);
                self.test_roundtrip(&i.ident.to_string(), None);

            ast::ItemKind::Struct(ref s, ref generics)
            | ast::ItemKind::Union(ref s, ref generics)
                if public =>
                self.assert_no_generics(i.ident, generics);
                let is_c = i.attrs.iter().any(|a| {
                    attr::find_repr_attrs(self.sh, a)
                        .any(|a| *a == ReprAttr::ReprExtern || *a == ReprAttr::ReprTransparent)
                if !is_c && !(self.opts.skip_struct)(&i.ident.to_string()) {
                    panic!("{} is not marked #[repr(C)]", i.ident);
                self.test_struct(&i.ident.to_string(), s);
                self.test_roundtrip(&i.ident.to_string(), Some(s));

            ast::ItemKind::Const(ref ty, _) if public => {
                let ty = self.ty2name(ty, true);
                self.test_const(&i.ident.to_string(), &ty);

            ast::ItemKind::ForeignMod(ref fm) => {
                self.abi = fm.abi;

            _ => {}
        let file = self.sess.codemap().span_to_filename(i.span);
        if self.files.insert(file.clone()) {
            println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", file);
        visit::walk_item(self, i);
        self.abi = prev_abi;

    fn visit_foreign_item(&mut self, i: &'v ast::ForeignItem) {
        match i.node {
            ast::ForeignItemKind::Fn(ref decl, ref generics) => {
                self.assert_no_generics(i.ident, generics);
                for arg in &decl.inputs {
                    if let ast::TyKind::Array(_, _) = arg.ty.node {
                            "Foreign Function decl `{}` uses array in C FFI",

                let (ret, args, variadic) = self.decl2rust(decl);
                let c_name = attr::first_attr_value_str_by_name(&i.attrs, "link_name")
                    .map(|i| i.to_string());
                let abi = self.abi;
                self.test_extern_fn(&i.ident.to_string(), &c_name, &args, &ret, variadic, abi);
            ast::ForeignItemKind::Static(ref ty, mutbl) => {
                let rust_ty = self.ty2name(&ty, true);
                let c_ty = self.ty2name(&ty, false);
                let c_name = attr::first_attr_value_str_by_name(&i.attrs, "link_name")
                    .map(|i| i.to_string());
                self.test_extern_static(&i.ident.to_string(), c_name, &rust_ty, &c_ty, mutbl);
        visit::walk_foreign_item(self, i)

    fn visit_mac(&mut self, _mac: &'v ast::Mac) {}

impl<'v> Visitor<'v> for TyFinder {
    fn visit_item(&mut self, i: &'v ast::Item) {
        match i.node {
            ast::ItemKind::Struct(..) | ast::ItemKind::Enum(..) => {
            ast::ItemKind::Union(..) => {
            ast::ItemKind::Ty(ref ty, ..) => {
                self.aliases.insert(i.ident.to_string(), ty.clone());

            _ => {}
        visit::walk_item(self, i)
    fn visit_mac(&mut self, _mac: &'v ast::Mac) {}

struct MyResolver<'a> {
    parse_sess: &'a ParseSess,
    id: usize,
    map: HashMap<Name, Rc<SyntaxExtension>>,

impl<'a> Resolver for MyResolver<'a> {
    fn next_node_id(&mut self) -> ast::NodeId {
        self.id += 1;

    fn get_module_scope(&mut self, _id: ast::NodeId) -> Mark {

    fn eliminate_crate_var(&mut self, item: P<ast::Item>) -> P<ast::Item> {

    fn is_whitelisted_legacy_custom_derive(&self, _name: Name) -> bool {

    fn visit_expansion(&mut self, _invoc: Mark, expansion: &Expansion, _derives: &[Mark]) {
        if let Expansion::Items(ref items) = expansion {
            let features = RefCell::new(Features::new());
            for item in items.iter() {
                MyVisitor {
                    parse_sess: self.parse_sess,
                    features: &features,
                    map: &mut self.map,

    fn add_builtin(&mut self, _ident: ast::Ident, _ext: Rc<SyntaxExtension>) {}

    fn resolve_imports(&mut self) {}

    fn find_legacy_attr_invoc(&mut self, attrs: &mut Vec<Attribute>) -> Option<Attribute> {
        attrs.retain(|a| !a.check_name("derive"));

    fn resolve_invoc(
        &mut self,
        invoc: &mut Invocation,
        _scope: Mark,
        _force: bool,
    ) -> Result<Option<Rc<SyntaxExtension>>, Determinacy> {
        if let InvocationKind::Bang { ref mac, .. } = invoc.kind {
            if mac.node.path.segments.len() != 1 {
                return Ok(None);
            let seg = &mac.node.path.segments[0];
            if seg.parameters.is_some() {
                return Ok(None);
            return Ok(self.map.get(&seg.identifier.name).cloned());

    fn resolve_macro(
        &mut self,
        _scope: Mark,
        _path: &ast::Path,
        _kind: MacroKind,
        _force: bool,
    ) -> Result<Rc<SyntaxExtension>, Determinacy> {

    fn check_unused_macros(&self) {}

struct StripUnchecked;

impl Folder for StripUnchecked {
    fn fold_item(&mut self, item: P<ast::Item>) -> SmallVector<P<ast::Item>> {
        match item.node {
            | ast::ItemKind::ForeignMod(..)
            | ast::ItemKind::Ty(..)
            | ast::ItemKind::Enum(..)
            | ast::ItemKind::Struct(..)
            | ast::ItemKind::Union(..)
            | ast::ItemKind::Mac(..)
            | ast::ItemKind::MacroDef(..)
            | ast::ItemKind::Use(..)
            | ast::ItemKind::ExternCrate(..)
            | ast::ItemKind::Const(..) => fold::noop_fold_item(item, self),

            | ast::ItemKind::Fn(..)
            | ast::ItemKind::GlobalAsm(..)
            | ast::ItemKind::Trait(..)
            | ast::ItemKind::DefaultImpl(..)
            | ast::ItemKind::Impl(..) => SmallVector::default(),

    fn fold_mac(&mut self, mac: ast::Mac) -> ast::Mac {
        fold::noop_fold_mac(mac, self)

struct MyVisitor<'b> {
    parse_sess: &'b ParseSess,
    features: &'b RefCell<Features>,
    map: &'b mut HashMap<Name, Rc<SyntaxExtension>>,

impl<'a, 'b> Visitor<'a> for MyVisitor<'b> {
    fn visit_item(&mut self, item: &'a ast::Item) {
        if let ast::ItemKind::MacroDef(..) = item.node {
                Rc::new(macro_rules::compile(self.parse_sess, self.features, item)),
        visit::walk_item(self, item);

    fn visit_mac(&mut self, _: &'a ast::Mac) {
        /* ignore macros */

impl Default for TestGenerator {
    fn default() -> Self {