ctaphid 0.1.0

Rust implementation of the CTAPHID protocol
# Copyright (C) 2021 Robin Krahl <robin.krahl@ireas.org>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0

image: archlinux
  - gnupg
  - hidapi
  - reuse
  - rustup
  - https://git.sr.ht/~ireas/ctaphid-rs
  - setup: |
      rustup set profile minimal
      rustup default stable
      rustup component add rustfmt
      rustup component add clippy
  - version: |
      rustc -V
  - verify: |
      cd ctaphid-rs
      curl -s "https://pgp.ireas.org/0x6D533958F070C57C.txt" | gpg --import
      [ "$BUILD_SUBMITTER" == "git.sr.ht" ] && git verify-commit HEAD
  - reuse: |
      cd ctaphid-rs
      reuse lint
  - build: |
      cd ctaphid-rs
      cargo build --release
  - test: |
      cd ctaphid-rs
      cargo test
  - clippy: |
      cd ctaphid-rs
      cargo clippy --all-features -- -D warnings
  - format: |
      cd ctaphid-rs
      cargo fmt -- --check
  - action: email
    condition: failure
    to: robin.krahl@ireas.org