cstr-enum 1.0.0

A crate for defining C-style string enums.

cstr-enum GitHub tag (latest SemVer)

A crate for defining C-style string enums.

C APIs sometimes require string constants. One could define a bunch of &CStr constants using the constr_cstr crate, but this becomes unergonomic with a large number of constants. It also does not allow the type checking Rust's enums provide.

This crate provides two traits for converting between to and from &CStr: AsCStr and FromCStr. It also provides derive macros for implementing these traits on enums. The implementations provided by the derive macros perform no allocations, using only static [u8] buffers.

Example usage

use cstr_enum::*;
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::os::raw::c_char;

#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, FromCStr, AsCStr)]
enum Constants {
  Cat = 1337, // user discriminants supported

assert_eq!(Constants::Apple.as_cstr().to_bytes_with_nul(), b"Apple\0");

let returned_from_c_api = CStr::from_bytes_with_nul(b"Cat\0").unwrap();
assert_eq!(Constants::from_cstr(returned_from_c_api), Ok(Constants::Cat));

let returned_from_c_api = CStr::from_bytes_with_nul(b"unknown\0").unwrap();
  Err("unexpected string while parsing for Constants variant")


Licensed under MIT.