cstr-argument 0.1.2

A trait for converting function arguments to null terminated strings
A trait for converting function arguments to null terminated strings

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## Usage

Add this to your `Cargo.toml`:

cstr-argument = "0.0.2"

and this to your crate root:

extern crate cstr_argument;

## Example

use std::os::raw::c_char;
use cstr_argument::CStrArgument;

extern "C" {
  fn foo(s: *const c_char);

fn bar<S: CStrArgument>(s: S) {
  let s = s.into_cstr();
  unsafe {

fn baz() {
  bar("hello "); // Argument will be converted to a CString requiring an allocation
  bar("world\0"); // Argument will be converted to a CStr without allocation
  bar("!".to_owned()); // Argument will be converted to a CString possibly requiring an allocation