csrf 0.1.0

CSRF protection primitives
//! Module containing the core functionality for CSRF protection

use std::error::Error;
use std::{fmt, mem, str};

use crypto::aead::{AeadEncryptor, AeadDecryptor};
use crypto::aes::KeySize;
use crypto::aes_gcm::AesGcm;
use crypto::scrypt::{scrypt, ScryptParams};
use ring::rand::SystemRandom;
use rustc_serialize::base64::{self, ToBase64};
use time;
#[cfg(feature = "iron")]
use typemap;

/// The name of the cookie for the CSRF validation data and signature.
pub const CSRF_COOKIE_NAME: &'static str = "csrf";

/// The name of the form field for the CSRF token.
pub const CSRF_FORM_FIELD: &'static str = "csrf-token";

/// The name of the HTTP header for the CSRF token.
pub const CSRF_HEADER: &'static str = "X-CSRF-Token";

/// The name of the query parameter for the CSRF token.
pub const CSRF_QUERY_STRING: &'static str = "csrf-token";

/// An `enum` of all CSRF related errors.
pub enum CsrfError {

impl Error for CsrfError {
    fn description(&self) -> &str {
        match *self {
            CsrfError::InternalError => "CSRF library error",
            CsrfError::ValidationFailure => "CSRF validation failed",

impl fmt::Display for CsrfError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{}", self)

pub enum CsrfConfigError {
    // TODO add more of these

#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub struct CsrfToken {
    bytes: Vec<u8>,

impl CsrfToken {
    pub fn new(bytes: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
        // TODO make this returna  Result and check that bytes is long enough
        CsrfToken { bytes: bytes }

    /// Retrieve the CSRF token as a base64 encoded string.
    pub fn b64_string(&self) -> String {

    /// Retrieve the CSRF token as a URL safe base64 encoded string.
    pub fn b64_url_string(&self) -> String {

/// An encoded CSRF cookie.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct CsrfCookie {
    bytes: Vec<u8>,

impl CsrfCookie {
    pub fn new(bytes: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
        CsrfCookie { bytes: bytes }

    pub fn b64_string(&self) -> String {

/// Internal represenation of unencrypted data.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct UnencryptedCsrfToken {
    token: Vec<u8>,

impl UnencryptedCsrfToken {
    pub fn new(token: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
        UnencryptedCsrfToken { token: token }

    pub fn token(&self) -> &[u8] {

/// Internal represenation of unencrypted data.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct UnencryptedCsrfCookie {
    expires: i64,
    token: Vec<u8>,

impl UnencryptedCsrfCookie {
    pub fn new(expires: i64, token: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
        UnencryptedCsrfCookie {
            expires: expires,
            token: token,

pub trait CsrfProtection: Send + Sync {
    /// Use a key derivation function (KDF) to generate key material.
    /// # Panics
    /// This function may panic if the underlying crypto library fails catastrophically.
    fn from_password(password: &[u8]) -> Self;

    fn verify_token_pair(&self,
                         token: &UnencryptedCsrfToken,
                         cookie: &UnencryptedCsrfCookie)
                         -> bool;

    fn generate_cookie(&self, token: &[u8], ttl_seconds: i64) -> Result<CsrfCookie, CsrfError>;

    fn generate_token(&self, token: &[u8]) -> Result<CsrfToken, CsrfError>;

    fn parse_cookie(&self, cookie: &[u8]) -> Result<UnencryptedCsrfCookie, CsrfError>;

    fn parse_token(&self, token: &[u8]) -> Result<UnencryptedCsrfToken, CsrfError>;

    fn rng(&self) -> &SystemRandom;

    fn random_bytes(&self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), CsrfError> {
            .map_err(|_| {
                warn!("Failed to get random bytes");

    fn generate_token_pair(&self,
                           previous_token: Option<Vec<u8>>,
                           ttl_seconds: i64)
                           -> Result<(CsrfToken, CsrfCookie), CsrfError> {
        let mut token = vec![0; 64];
        match previous_token {
            Some(ref previous) if previous.len() == 64 => {
                for i in 0..64 {
                    token[i] = previous[i];
            _ => self.random_bytes(&mut token)?,

        match (self.generate_token(&token), self.generate_cookie(&token, ttl_seconds)) {
            (Ok(t), Ok(c)) => Ok((t, c)),
            _ => Err(CsrfError::ValidationFailure),

/// Uses AES-GCM to provide signed, encrypted CSRF tokens and cookies.
pub struct AesGcmCsrfProtection {
    rng: SystemRandom,
    aes_key: [u8; 32],

impl AesGcmCsrfProtection {
    pub fn from_key(aes_key: [u8; 32]) -> Self {
        AesGcmCsrfProtection {
            rng: SystemRandom::new(),
            aes_key: aes_key,

    fn aead<'a>(&self, nonce: &[u8; 12]) -> AesGcm<'a> {
        AesGcm::new(KeySize::KeySize256, &self.aes_key, nonce, &[])

impl CsrfProtection for AesGcmCsrfProtection {
    /// Using `scrypt` with params `n=12`, `r=8`, `p=1`, generate the key material used for the
    /// underlying crypto functions.
    /// # Panics
    /// This function may panic if the underlying crypto library fails catastrophically.
    fn from_password(password: &[u8]) -> Self {
        let params = if cfg!(test) {
            // scrypt is *slow*, so use these params for testing
            ScryptParams::new(1, 8, 1)
        } else {
            ScryptParams::new(12, 8, 1)

        let salt = b"rust-csrf-scrypt-salt";
        let mut aes_key = [0; 32];
        info!("Generating key material. This may take some time.");
        scrypt(password, salt, &params, &mut aes_key);
        info!("Key material generated.");


    fn rng(&self) -> &SystemRandom {

    fn verify_token_pair(&self,
                         token: &UnencryptedCsrfToken,
                         cookie: &UnencryptedCsrfCookie)
                         -> bool {
        let tokens_match = token.token == cookie.token;
        let not_expired = cookie.expires > time::precise_time_s() as i64;
        tokens_match && not_expired

    fn generate_cookie(&self, token: &[u8], ttl_seconds: i64) -> Result<CsrfCookie, CsrfError> {
        if cfg!(test) {
            assert!(token.len() == 64);

        let expires = time::precise_time_s() as i64 + ttl_seconds;
        let expires_bytes = unsafe { mem::transmute::<i64, [u8; 8]>(expires) };

        let mut nonce = [0; 12];
        self.random_bytes(&mut nonce)?;

        let mut padding = [0; 16];
        self.random_bytes(&mut padding)?;

        let mut plaintext = [0; 88];

        for i in 0..16 {
            plaintext[i] = padding[i];
        for i in 0..8 {
            plaintext[i + 16] = expires_bytes[i];
        for i in 0..64 {
            plaintext[i + 24] = token[i];

        let mut ciphertext = [0; 88];
        let mut tag = [0; 16];
        let mut aead = self.aead(&nonce);

        aead.encrypt(&plaintext, &mut ciphertext, &mut tag);

        let mut transport = [0; 116];

        for i in 0..88 {
            transport[i] = ciphertext[i];
        for i in 0..12 {
            transport[i + 88] = nonce[i];
        for i in 0..16 {
            transport[i + 100] = tag[i];


    fn generate_token(&self, token: &[u8]) -> Result<CsrfToken, CsrfError> {
        if cfg!(test) {
            assert!(token.len() == 64);

        let mut nonce = [0; 12];
        self.random_bytes(&mut nonce)?;

        let mut padding = [0; 16];
        self.random_bytes(&mut padding)?;

        let mut plaintext = [0; 80];

        for i in 0..16 {
            plaintext[i] = padding[i];
        for i in 0..64 {
            plaintext[i + 16] = token[i];

        let mut ciphertext = [0; 80];
        let mut tag = vec![0; 16];
        let mut aead = self.aead(&nonce);

        aead.encrypt(&plaintext, &mut ciphertext, &mut tag);

        let mut transport = [0; 108];

        for i in 0..80 {
            transport[i] = ciphertext[i];
        for i in 0..12 {
            transport[i + 80] = nonce[i];
        for i in 0..16 {
            transport[i + 92] = tag[i];


    fn parse_cookie(&self, cookie: &[u8]) -> Result<UnencryptedCsrfCookie, CsrfError> {
        if cookie.len() != 116 {
            return Err(CsrfError::ValidationFailure);

        let mut ciphertext = [0; 88];
        let mut plaintext = [0; 88];
        let mut nonce = [0; 12];
        let mut tag = [0; 16];

        for i in 0..88 {
            ciphertext[i] = cookie[i];
        for i in 0..12 {
            nonce[i] = cookie[i + 88];
        for i in 0..16 {
            tag[i] = cookie[i + 100];

        let mut aead = self.aead(&nonce);
        if !aead.decrypt(&ciphertext, &mut plaintext, &tag) {
            info!("Failed to decrypt CSRF cookie");
            return Err(CsrfError::ValidationFailure);

        let mut expires_bytes = [0; 8];
        let mut token = [0; 64];

        // skip 16 bytes of padding
        for i in 0..8 {
            expires_bytes[i] = plaintext[i + 16];
        for i in 0..64 {
            token[i] = plaintext[i + 24];

        let expires = unsafe { mem::transmute::<[u8; 8], i64>(expires_bytes) };

        Ok(UnencryptedCsrfCookie::new(expires, token.to_vec()))

    fn parse_token(&self, token: &[u8]) -> Result<UnencryptedCsrfToken, CsrfError> {
        if token.len() != 108 {
            return Err(CsrfError::ValidationFailure);

        let mut ciphertext = [0; 80];
        let mut plaintext = [0; 80];
        let mut nonce = [0; 12];
        let mut tag = [0; 16];

        for i in 0..80 {
            ciphertext[i] = token[i];
        for i in 0..12 {
            nonce[i] = token[i + 80];
        for i in 0..16 {
            tag[i] = token[i + 92];

        let mut aead = self.aead(&nonce);
        if !aead.decrypt(&ciphertext, &mut plaintext, &tag) {
            info!("Failed to decrypt CSRF token");
            return Err(CsrfError::ValidationFailure);

        let mut token = [0; 64];

        // skip 16 bytes of padding
        for i in 0..64 {
            token[i] = plaintext[i + 16];


    fn generate_token_pair(&self,
                           previous_token: Option<Vec<u8>>,
                           ttl_seconds: i64)
                           -> Result<(CsrfToken, CsrfCookie), CsrfError> {
        let mut token = vec![0; 64];
        match previous_token {
            Some(ref previous) if previous.len() == 64 => {
                for i in 0..64 {
                    token[i] = previous[i];
            _ => self.random_bytes(&mut token)?,

        match (self.generate_token(&token), self.generate_cookie(&token, ttl_seconds)) {
            (Ok(t), Ok(c)) => Ok((t, c)),
            _ => Err(CsrfError::ValidationFailure),

#[cfg(feature = "iron")]
impl typemap::Key for CsrfToken {
    type Value = CsrfToken;

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use rustc_serialize::base64::FromBase64;

    // TODO write test that ensures encrypted messages don't contain the plaintext

    fn verification_succeeds<P: CsrfProtection>(protect: P) {
        let (token, cookie) = protect.generate_token_pair(None, 300)
            .expect("couldn't generate token/cookie pair");
        let token = token.b64_string().from_base64().expect("token not base64");
        let token = protect.parse_token(&token).expect("token not parsed");
        let cookie = cookie.b64_string().from_base64().expect("cookie not base64");
        let cookie = protect.parse_cookie(&cookie).expect("cookie not parsed");
        assert!(protect.verify_token_pair(&token, &cookie),
                "could not verify token/cookie pair");

    fn modified_cookie_sig_fails<P: CsrfProtection>(protect: P) {
        let (_, mut cookie) = protect.generate_token_pair(None, 300)
            .expect("couldn't generate token/cookie pair");
        let cookie_len = cookie.bytes.len();
        cookie.bytes[cookie_len - 1] ^= 0x01;
        let cookie = cookie.b64_string().from_base64().expect("cookie not base64");

    fn modified_cookie_value_fails<P: CsrfProtection>(protect: P) {
        let (_, mut cookie) = protect.generate_token_pair(None, 300)
            .expect("couldn't generate token/cookie pair");
        cookie.bytes[0] ^= 0x01;
        let cookie = cookie.b64_string().from_base64().expect("cookie not base64");

    fn modified_token_sig_fails<P: CsrfProtection>(protect: P) {
        let (mut token, _) = protect.generate_token_pair(None, 300)
            .expect("couldn't generate token/token pair");
        let token_len = token.bytes.len();
        token.bytes[token_len - 1] ^= 0x01;
        let token = token.b64_string().from_base64().expect("token not base64");

    fn modified_token_value_fails<P: CsrfProtection>(protect: P) {
        let (mut token, _) = protect.generate_token_pair(None, 300)
            .expect("couldn't generate token/token pair");
        token.bytes[0] ^= 0x01;
        let token = token.b64_string().from_base64().expect("token not base64");

    fn aes_gcm_verification_succeeds() {
        let password = b"hunter2";
        let protect = AesGcmCsrfProtection::from_password(password);

    fn aes_gcm_modified_cookie_sig_fails() {
        let password = b"hunter2";
        let protect = AesGcmCsrfProtection::from_password(password);

    fn aes_gcm_modified_cookie_value_fails() {
        let password = b"hunter2";
        let protect = AesGcmCsrfProtection::from_password(password);

    fn aes_gcm_modified_token_sig_fails() {
        let password = b"hunter2";
        let protect = AesGcmCsrfProtection::from_password(password);

    fn aes_gcm_modified_token_value_fails() {
        let password = b"hunter2";
        let protect = AesGcmCsrfProtection::from_password(password);