cscart-rs 0.5.3

An sdk for the cs-cart e-commerce platform
Documentation GitHub Workflow Status


A rust based sdk for e-commerce platform CS cart multivendor (

NOTE: This is not yet stable and is a work in progress!

Getting started

use cscart_rs::Client;
use serde_json::Value;

async fn get_categories() -> Result<Value , Box<dyn Error>> {
    let client = Client::new()
    let categories = client
    println!("{:?}" , &categories);

Creating a category

use cscart_rs::Client;
use serde_json::Value;

async fn create_category() -> Result<Value , Box<dyn Error>> {
    let client = Client::new()
      Requests and Response types are in progress for each entity...
      In the meantime check the CScart docs to know the request and response payloads
    // Payload from the docs ( 
    let new_category = json!({
        "category" : "My new category",
        "company_id" : 1
    let category = client
    println!("{:?}" , &category);


All entities from the CScart documentation are supported (

Entities that have been tested are tracked below (work in progress, so still may be some bugs untested services...)

Entity Tested
cart Yes
call requests Yes
categories Yes
discussions No
languages No
langvars No
orders Yes
pages No
payment methods Yes
products Yes
product features No
product variations No
product variation group No
product options No
product option combination No
product option exception No
settings In progress
shipments In progress
shipping methods In progress
statuses In progress
stores No
taxes In progress
users Yes
user groups In progress
vendors Yes