Module cryptoxide::kdf::argon2

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Argon2 - Argon2 is a Key Derivation Function algorithm, winner of the Password Hashing Competition

This is defined in RFC9106 (HTML)

The algorithm is defined by the following inputs and output:

Function Argon2
      password (P):       Bytes (0..2^32-1)    Password (or message) to be hashed
      salt (S):           Bytes (8..2^32-1)    Salt (16 bytes recommended for password hashing)
      parallelism (p):    Number (1..2^24-1)   Degree of parallelism (i.e. number of threads)
      tagLength (T):      Number (4..2^32-1)   Desired number of returned bytes
      memorySizeKB (m):   Number (8p..2^32-1)  Amount of memory (in kilo bytes) to use
      iterations (t):     Number (1..2^32-1)   Number of iterations to perform
      version (v):        Number (0x13)        The current version is 0x13 (19 decimal)
      key (K):            Bytes (0..2^32-1)    Optional key (Errata: PDF says 0..32 bytes, RFC says 0..232 bytes)
      associatedData (X): Bytes (0..2^32-1)    Optional arbitrary extra data
      hashType (y):       Number (0=Argon2d, 1=Argon2i, 2=Argon2id)
      tag:                Bytes (tagLength)   The resulting generated bytes, tagLength bytes long


use cryptoxide::kdf::argon2;

let output: [u8; 40] = argon2::argon2::<40>(&argon2::Params::argon2d(), b"my-password", b"saltsaltsaltsalt", b"", b"");


The size of the salt is not verified, so this implementation can use invalid salt that are out of the realm of expected value for this parameter. this is left to the user, but the recommendation is to follow the expectation of salt length.

The memory-kb parameter is automatically enforced to be at minimum, 8 times the level of the parameter, so if a user chose an invalid memory-kb, the implementation will automatically and silently override the parameter value.

When comparing the ARGON2 tag, always use a constant time equality function. Using non constant time equality could expose your software to timing attack.

This implementation doesn’t provide support for the ARGON2 serialized string. This is left to the user since the URL-like textual format might not be appropriate in some settings and depending on context the user might want a different format for the parameters (e.g. database text columns, etc).


Initial H value for Argon2
Parameters for argon2


Possible type of parameters errors when setting values to the various parameters


Generate the ARGON2 output from the parameters, password, salt, key and AAD
Generate the ARGON2 output into a mutable output slice, from the parameters, password, salt, key and AAD